Monday 15 December 2014

Scarlett's blog 15.12.14

I am sooooo ill!!!! 

I woke Mummy up a few times last night crying as my head is totally pounding, it feels like a teddy bear brass band has decided to move into my hurts!!!

Of course I am too ill to do anything today apart from lay in bed and feel sorry for myself. 

Mummy tried shoving my school uniform on but I got all dizzy so I told her in no uncertain terms I was going back to sleep and to turn off the lights. 

My other list of demands this morning have included:

• Toast with a little butter
• A head massage 
• One biscuit lightly covered in chocolate 
• My favourite book 'The bear hunt' to be read to me 5 times
• 'Let it go' sung to me by an angel 

Mummy did not sing 'Let it go' like an angel so I have told her to be quiet and to run me a bath. 

I am making my debut on stage tomorrow morning for my first official performance as an actress (email me for a signed photograph.) 

I am playing an angel in my school nativity. The role of Mary was going to be given to me but a little girl from my class started crying, so I let her have it. (That is totally what happened. That's my story and I am sticking to it.) 

Well, I best rest again now as I want to ensure I am ready for tomorrow, there might be a talent spotter in the audience who wants to send me to star in a Hollywood movie. In fact I'm sure there will be, I'm a star!! 

Twinkle twinkle 


(No selfies today, as I am totally washed out.) 

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