Monday, 30 December 2013
"I've stopped crying now..."

Sunday, 29 December 2013
Get off the road!

Saturday, 28 December 2013
Eat your Christmas tree, it's good for you!
I have been doing a lot of Googling in between this boring part between Christmas and New year.
Well it's not boring, but this time is always a bit blah while we wait for the new year to start so we can inevitably break our new year resolutions by the end of the first week of January. (Yes I have used the collective of we, you know you do too.)
So in my blah-ness I have been trying to keep one of my old resolutions....learning something new everyday.
I have Googled:
Things to pounder and the page it took me to asked...If a cow sneezes does milk come out of it's nose?
Shortest horror story.....called knock.The last man on earth sat in a room. There was a knock on the door.
By Fredric Brown.
That freaked me out a bit.
Old wives pregnancy tales (no I am not trying!) They were just the usual how to tell if you're having a boy/girl....pregnant women should stay away from polished furniture (false) I stayed away from polish and anything to do with cleaning while pregnant actully I still stay away from cleaning products, safety first.
Christmas facts.....
If you run out of food or fancy being a bit healthier, look no further than your Christmas Tree. Parts of it can be eaten and the needles are a source of vitamin C.
And lastly I learnt I won't be visiting the Czech Republic without a partner....At christmas the czech's enjoy a dinner of fish soup. The number of people must be even or the person without a partner will die next year.
How superstitious are you? I'm not testing that one out.
Actually just re-googled to find my source and on
www.myczechrepublic.com it says...the first person to get up from the dinner table after dinner will die. Everyone must get up together.
I don't know if thats better or worse?
Back to Google.
Friday, 27 December 2013
Christmas splits
I don't know where my Christmas cheer was this year, I just wasn't really feeling it. The most Christmasy I was, was probably today singing Christmas songs at work.
I was one of the mad people dashing around the shops on Christmas eve. I was surprised to see so many women out, I thought I would be surrounded by panicked looking men, turns out us girls weren't as organised this year. Ha who am I kidding?! I always leave my shopping until Christmas eve. I did make a record breaking time of completing my shopping and got all of my presents in an hour and a half though!
Annoyingly with presents people expect them to be wrapped. I can't stand wrapping, so I persuaded a couple of people to wrap up Scarletts prezzies, I'm not that mean to her. My friends and family had to unwrap their presents from plastic bags they were bought in.
On Christmas day once we had opened stockings and a couple of big presents we thought it would be nice to go for a walk....
Scarlett was carried for most of it but then she ran off onto a wooden part of the beach, I ran to grab her and slipped, did the splits, fell on my butt, legs in the air and caught Scarlett with my arm, taking her down with me. Well, she was less than impressed and after a brief cry, refused to talk to me the whole way home. Oops. She was glad to get away from me and go to her Dad's!
Maybe that is why I wasn't feeling it because children make Christmas and without them, it's just another day with an extra large lunch. Or maybe I wasn't feeling it because I had too much lunch and was feeling a bit sick!
Well thank goodness it's over for another year (bah humbug.) Can't complain too much, I did get some wicked things in the Boxing day sales. Roll on next year!
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Christmas testing 1, 2, 3.
Christmas is a time for testing how well you really know your friends and family and their test to see how well they know you.
It's a time to rack your brain to see if you can remember anything they have said they have liked, and for you to hope your little hints got through.
It's a time to support local businesses, like the gorgeous little wine shop I fell into and almost had to get a bank loan to get back out of it.
It's a time for panic, it creeps up then you realise it's Christmas eve and you haven't bought any presents. (Did all my shopping in an hour and a half, ahhh yeah!)
It's a time for love.....I love that little fluffy thing and that walking unicorn, therefore I will buy it and Scarlett will (have to) love it.
It's a time for reflection....I shouldn't have eaten all of that chocolate and cake this year.
It's a time for giving, like giving up 6 hours of your life to wrap presents, which is what I have to do now at 10.30pm on Christmas Eve....ha no they are all going in gift bags with tissue paper stuffed in.
Happy Christmas! Don't stress tomorrow, Keep calm....drink wine! X
Monday, 23 December 2013
Last day of holiday :( but :)

Malta day 5 Going to Gozo!

Sunday, 22 December 2013
What to do when your child farts at a stranger?...Malta day 4!

Malta day 3!

Malta day 2!

Why is this the 3rd time i have written this?! Malta day 1

Don't blog, child about!
Scarlett has just deleted part one of my holiday blog by smashing her hand down on the keyboard...... have to re-type it all now, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Miley Cyrus, our childrens idol?
Reading an article this morning on the Daily Mail about Miley's new song, where she glorifys taking ecstasy. Think it riled me a bit....?
Someone really needs to shut this silly little girl up.
She thinks she's so cool and outrageous but all she is, is a sad, lonely, barely grown pup and I'm not shocked by her, I'm saddened.
Should she take responsibility for her actions or are we all to blame for standing by and watching her being exploited?
She's like a child who has done something naughty and we keep appluading her for her silly behaviour.
Who allows her to be able to influence our children and glorify drugs like they are sweets?
She should be taught if you have nothing nice to say (or sing) then say nothing.
The people who should be looking out for her should be dragging her to the morgue to see how much fun the youngsters laying on slabs are having after partying with 'Molly.'
Such a shame that in order to shed her teenage skin she may well be shortening her life span and that of others.
Only time will tell if she will be another stone too early in the ground.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Pringles response to my email!
Thursday, 12 December 2013
How to annoy every mother Gisele

Dear Mr Pringle
Advent is over
I have just consumed all of the chocolates in my advent calendar. To be fair I have done quite well, it's the twelth so I've lasted 11 days longer than usual :/
A mothers constant competition
Sleep, wake, shower, wake child get child washed and dressed, put a load of washing on, was up dishes, make child look immaculate, meke self look immaculate, drop child off at school, carry on the rest of day bring perfect.....thats not me.
Wake, shower, sort through clothes on the floor I haven't worn but are clean, rely heavily on Grandma to sort child out so I can slap on some make up and run out of the door with still wet hair.
Mothering is a competition I don't always win, in fact most days, I'm just glad we're still alive at the end!
Recently, Scarlett has tested my mothering skills with things I didn't think I would have to worry about until shes a teenager. She is going through a pulling down trousers at inappropriate times stage.
If she was a boy, I would be like 'Oh, it's just boys being boys' but now I'm screaming 'I don't want her to be a teenage mother!!'
Reading this book 'The child, The family and the outside world by D. W. Winnicott has reminded me Scarlett is just a little girl growing up and we are both learning together. Of course it's not easy but nothing worth doing ever is, I'm glad I've got my little angel (little exhibitionist) to stumble down with road with.
Oh seriously?! While writing this I just walked in dog poo......
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Ballet dancer's lost dreams
And point and lift and pirouette and thats all I know (ok I Googled the last one) but I was a ballet dancer once....sort of.
Well every 6 year old girl was weren't they? I had the pink knitted cardi, purple leotard and pink ballet shoes. I couldn't wait to learn to use the shoes where you went on your tippy toes.
I danced for a few years then one girl made a comment about wanting to dance next to my best friend because i always did and I got in a strop and quit.
Dreams of the tippy toe shoes gone in a flash, I could have been there tonight dancing in the pretty dresses.
Ok I wasn't that good but the Russian ballet performing The Nutcracker tonight were phenomenal.
So flawless, their feet barely made a sound when they landed. Some of the girls looked like they hadn't met a decent dinner plate in a while and made me feel guilty for eating a bag of chocolate while watching but hey they like dancing, I like eating chocolate.
Usually anything where in the end its 'all a dream' really winds me up, but this was so magical I was totally transported. I believed it, it was real, in front of my eyes, The Nutcracker came alive.
I forgot all of my worries, I was transfixed and didn't want it to end but obviously like all good things inevitably it is now just a memory.
Scarlett absolutely loved it 'I like the pretty boys!' And now as expected she wants to become a ballet dancer. Best look into how much thats going to cost me then! Oh and the picture is of her being as sophisticated as usual.
So from dreams and memories to reality....The only way is Essexmas is on....
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
When you feel like your clothes are eating you...
Maybe it's time to put down that chocolate bar. I feel like I'm going to have a hulk moment and burst out of my clothes at any minute.
Damn whoever invented sweet sugary bars of fattyness.
Ok all this talk of food is making me hungry, thaink I may greggs it at lunch, what?! I am going to the gym tonight.
Right proper catch up later, I running (well walking) late.....
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Lost my baby
Tomorrow is the beginning of scarletts real life...the applications for schools open and I will be the sad mother on there first thing.
Not because I'm dying to get rid of her but because if I don't do it tomorrow, I will most likely forget until it's too late and she's sent to a school 20 miles away.
These last few months are the last of the baby years. When did that tiny little bundle turn into my amazing, H drawing (she randomly did it today- child prodigy) bossy boots I have today?
Don't get me wrong those first few days, weeks, months and even years were a struggle and I am glad I will never be doing it again - but it flew. I barely remember her being a baby. Ok thats a lie, I remember the puke, the screaming (me) the crying (me and her) my ears are still ringing but how was that all nearly 4 years ago?
She's a total character now, a real little person with her own thoughts and feelings to express, which believe me she does. I'm still scared every day that something is going to happen to her, I still check shes breathing in the night sometimes, not ten times a night like I used to, or when she was in her pushchair (I hardly ever put the rain cover over as I was scared she would suffocate.) Before I know it she will be an independant woman, which is what scares me the most.
So I have to enjoy every single moment and count my blessings every day, that she is here, healthy and happy even if she does boss me around like earlier....
"You have to tidy up because I made a mess. I'm going for a bath."
Thats my girl
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Not so clever now am i?!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Sad Sum Tum
Monday, 30 September 2013
Silly Bridget
Never get bored of a bit of Bridget Jones. I swear ITV 2 has a contract to play the films at least 30 times a year but if one of the films is on, I'm watching my heroine.
Though I am thoroughly annoyed at the papers for giving away part of the new book, I won't spoil it for everyone else but she seems to have joined the yummy mummy club...everyone knows that right?
That is not the big bombshell before you moan at me...ohh got to go it's at the part where she tells Daniel Cleaver to stuff his job.
Scottish Power's customer service (Cough)
My response to Scottish Powers 2 letters they sent me and 15 minutes on the phone without speaking to a human being. To whom it may or may not concern, How diabolical is your customer service when I phone and in 15 minutes I didn’t get to speak to anyone. I called at 5.15pm and stayed on the phone for exactly 15 minutes. I know you will have the excuse that I called at a busy time, but that is when I finish work and when I wanted to call. If you know that is a busy time then I suggest you hire more staff, as you know people are begging for jobs and I’m sure they would jump at the chance to work for a company such as yours. So as no one bothered to pick up the phone I now have to waste more of my time emailing you. i couldn’t stay on the phone any longer as you are aware I am already in debt with yourselves and don’t intend to be in debt with my phone company. Thank you for adding to my troubles. I have a full time job and a child and like pretty much everyone else in this country I am struggling, so I don’t appreciate being sent an amended bill dated 24th September 2013 then a threatening final demand dated 25th September 2013, which both arrived on the same day. I am not psychic (if I was then I probably wouldn’t be in debt.) How was I to know what the amended amount on my bill was? I suggest you check your system and amend your computer generated letters to give people a chance to respond before demanding I “pay straight away to avoid collection charges being added...” on the same day. Please could you explain my bill to me as there is an account adjustment and it states my account balance on the 30th August 2013 is £120.16 for charges for last period then, on charges this period the account balance total is £192.71. The bill period is from 14th June 2013 to the 31st August 2013. How have I incurred a charge of £72.55 on one day (31st August 2013) when I was not even living at the property at that time? I will not be wasting any more of my time trying to call so I suggest you call me on 01903 ****** after 6pm or email me back to this address. Please note that I have made the effort in trying to contact you and any more threatening letters will be looked at as harassment and dealt with accordingly. I will be waiting for your ever swift response.
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Dilemma day.
I was totally freaking out earlier, I had a huge worry on my hands....what do you buy a 4 year old for their birthday???!
Scarlett went to her first official friends birthday party today. Yes she does have friends and has been invited before, but we have never been able to make it (I may have faked illness a couple of times) - but I was worried about being thrown to the perfect mother wolves!
Perfect little families, with their perfect husbands and perfect lives and then theres me, with my chaotic mess of a life.
Ok it's not that bad but I was worried about the little mother clicks and that I would be sat on my tiny childs chair in the corner, begging the legs not to break.
But the biggest childrens party dilemma of all.....the present. How big do you go? How much money do you spend? What happens if they don't like what I bought? Simple you may think, just put the reciept in the bag (yes I bought a gift bag and tissue paper as I can't wrap for toffee.) Well I can't put a reciept in that says I bought the present ten minutes before the party started. Yes I am unorganised- thank you.
Then to add to my panic, my little darling Scarlett broke a very expensive tinkerbell figurine. Thankfully when I offered to pay, the kind lady told me not to worry- otherwise that would have had to been the birthday present- Oh what was I doing not keeping an eye on my child for every second of the day...? Well I was sniffing a candle.
It wasn't even worth it, I couldn't smell it because of this cold. Think I may have overdosed on vicks and olbas oil though....ahh feels good.
Turns out the party was fine, we were just about on time, I spoke briefly to the other parents, who were all nice. I panicked when I thought I had written the wrong name in the card, thankfully I had the invite in my bag and checked it or else I would have been rifiling through the presents until I found it. My only mess up, I did leave the price tag on the present I bought, it was only £8.00 but I felt it was fair.
I settled on a puzzle in the end, well I was running out of time but if she doesn't like it then, well hopefully they won't tell me!
I thought before we arrived that maybe I shouldn't be so mean and I should throw Scarlett a party this year as I haven't for the last two, but after 2 hours and a burst ear drum later, I'm sticking with no. She can have one next year.
So the life of childrens parties begins...we have another in two weeks....a boys! Ahh better start looking for a present now. Oh and next time I must figure out who the childs mother is and introduce myself properly as it was a bit awkward while I spent the first hour trying to figure it out. There were a lot of people and it was all a bit confusing.
Right, time for my next dose of vicks, albas oil and buttercup. Night night sleep tight x
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Barg of the day...
New look coat £8.00 new look shoes brand new £ 10.00 and new look suit £4.00. Cats protection league charity shop. Happy days!
Ever feel like an ogar?
Trying to relax but then just saw this face in the mirror. After just reading a scary story I practically had a heart attack!
Ok so the 2nd Hunger Games book is not really scary, but I am questioning it's suitability for children.
When I was a Teaching Assistant (for all of 5 minutes) all of the kids were reading the first one. I read the blurb and didn't think it was appropriate for me, let alone a ten year old. So I started reading the books and am onto the second to see what all of the hype is about.
Me and my mum had a debate about it as i stood by my first belief that it's not child appropriate. she said that it's about choosing right over wrong.
Really? with murder? I wouldn't let Scarlett read it when she's ten. What happened to the Biff and Chip books, with the magic key and Floppy the dog? Those stories have morals with talking spoons not bloody hands. What next? Stephen king's IT for Saturday morning pictures?
Why can't we leave them to be innocent and oblivious to the horrors of this world They are forced to grow up and face reality. Why should they? Let them believe in The Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas for as long as possible, let's not shatter their illusions there's time for that in the real world and they should not be in it yet.
Time for me to take my ogar face off and watch Sabrina the teenage Witch online.
Love x
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
I've cracked

Sunday, 22 September 2013
Am I going to move from here?
I was going to be good and get up at 6am tomorrow to cycle to from West Worthing to East worthing then back to town. Suddenly this doesn't seem so appealing, although it does look like there is something in the bed and there is a spider downstairs. Is it mean to wake up Scarlett and get her to put it outside, then check my bedroom for monsters?!
Insert embarrasment here.........

Saturday, 17 August 2013
How to → Be happy :-)
The top how to search on Google is How to be happy, so here is my take in no particular order...
♥ Be positive - See the best in everything. Live by the mantra 'Everything happens for a reason.' Find the positive reason.
♥ Do something new everyday - Even if it's just taking a different route home or reading a different magazine to your normal one. We tend to live our lives in a lull, in robot mode not thinking. Shake it up a bit.
♥ Learn something new everyday - What's the Finnish word for sunshine? Ask yourself a question you don't know and search for the answer.
♥ Do something just for you everyday- Take a long hot soak, paint your nails, have a glass of your favourite wine, enjoy being you.
♥ Be in the moment - For a moment. Turn off the tv, sit in a quiet room, close your eyes and just listen. Life rushes by and we are either thinking about the past or future, rarely what's going on around us now. Don't let your mind wonder, pull it back and listen to the birds, the leaves on the trees, just be.
♥ Speak to at least one friend or family member everyday - Keep in touch with your loved ones, they are special, so make sure you appreciate them.
♥ Be thankful - Think about all of the good things you have in your life. No matter how bad your day was, there is usually someone in the world worse off than you are.
♥ Be compassionate- Have a clear out and take it down the charity shop if it's still good quality. Or sign up to volunteer, help others just by being you.
♥ Keep a journal - Write down your favourite memories, holidays, moments, funny stories, maybe call who you were with to reminisce.
♥ Champagne bubbles diary - I started doing this after it was suggested at a mindfulness course. At the end of the day just before you go to sleep, write down 3 positive things you have done for example, 1. Resolved an issue at work. 2. Started a new book. 3. Cooked a new recipe.
♥ Smile more - Walk down the street and just smile to yourself, often when I do this I feel a bit silly, but that makes me smile more!
Friday, 16 August 2013
Homemade scotch eggs
Homemade scotch eggs for dinner, mmm! From Lorraine Pascale's recipie book 'Home cooking made easy.' If you want the recipie let me know, they are delish!
Thursday, 15 August 2013
I may make mistakes, but I get there eventually!
Take this pasta for example.... not cooked spaghetti before and it burnt as it was hanging over the edge of the pan. Oooopppss!
We had a lovely day today, we went to the giant sand pit in town and played and listened to Dave Benson Phillips singing and playing the guitar. I am hoping to interview him for this blog and my Facebook page, probably won't come off but if it does, it will be amazing!
We also went to picnic in the park in Tarring. It was so good to see so many people in one place enjoying the fun and games.
Well I'm off to bug people for interviews and watch some random tv for research for articles. I am currently watching extreme couponing and a woman spent $776.52 then with coupons she only had to pay $19.20, thats a 97% saving! I am going to research couponing on this side of the pond. Maybe we could take a leaf (or coupon) out of their book!
Make for free - Scrapbook
Easy and simple. Perfect to fill in on a rainy day. Decorate, add photos, fill with memories. I have put in things I like, whats happened in the world, favourite music, movies to watch and a wish list of holidays, hot tubs, things to do when she's older.
Finger fun
The most fun I have had with minimal mess. Just need some ink pads, paper and away you go! See how many animals you can make, my next challenge is a butterfly
Beer bread
Mmm lovely easy peasy beer bread. The quickest bread I have ever made. Recipe on my Facebook page Worthing yummy's.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
I hope my balls don't drop.

A tampon box is holding my new best friend
After vigorous over plucking as a teen, my eyebrows are now thin pathetic little lines. I was considering getting them tattooed on but I have found my new best friend.....ta dah to the eyebrow pencil. Many of you may think er they have been around forever, but I am a bit slow on the up take. I can now see my brows in photos and in the mirror at a distance. I feel like they have been born again! I'm so happy!...Right off to get a life now, I have a tampon box full of make up to decorate. (It's empty of tampons and has proved to be a very useful lil box.)
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Valuable lesson for the day
If you have an appointment with someone (a removal company for example) don't wait for half an hour to contact them to check if they are still coming. If they have not arrived after ten minutes call them, otherwise you may be stuck outside laying on half a sofa, contemplating how weird it would look to lay down on a bed which is waiting to be moved, in the front garden with a main road. I'm just praying it doesn't rain.
I have just seen a rainbow, so its not all bad.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Can I make myself smarter?

Sunday, 11 August 2013
Psyco cats tv show
Just watching a programme called 'my cat from hell' on animal planet. It's brilliant, cats hissing, biting and scratching their owners. It's psycho in kitty form.
A big bald bearded tattooed guy who is an animal behavioural goes to owners houses to calm the cats. He also has guitar case with him all the time for some reason (the man not the cat) I'm watching an episode with a huge cat called Mr Fluff, even I'm scared of this cat and it's on tv. Oh the guitar case has toys in it, ok...
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Just a quickie
Poor boo boo isn't very well, think she's worn out after our canal boat trip today and exciting bike ride.
We saw Rosie and Jim from the tv show years ago, will have to show Scarlett some episodes even though they freak me out a bit.
Picked up our bike this morning, it's read and Scarlett has her own seat on the back. We went out this afternoon and I had forgotten how much I love riding.
Talking of riding (ahem, just your mind) we cycled up to the riding stables and I have enquired about horse riding again and about gettibg Scarlett started. I rode years ago for years, I grew out of it then went on my friends horse in high school....big mistake. She threw me off and I lost my confidence, but I think I'm ready to get back in the saddle again. I will have to sacrifice learning how to drive but I think this will be more worthwhile. Stop me from putting on weight anyway.
Well I hope baby muffin feels better tomorrow, I have a busy day planned! No time for illness (can't stand ill people-but obv its different with my baby anyone else....don't come to me GOI- get over it)