Sunday, 29 December 2013
Get off the road!
Everyone needs to get off the road because I am getting back on it!
I am starting my New Years resolutions early. I am a bit scared after the last time I learnt to drive, I screamed practically the whole way through my 3 lessons, stalled 3 times on a roundabout, cried and begged my instructor to take me home. This time it will be different as I am learning in an automatic. Well I think I am, I forgot to check with the man and now need to phone him back.
Another New Years resolution I am starting early is to get smarterer. I am going to learn something new everyday. It has come to my attention that I am not as smart as I like to think I am, or I give myself credit for. It was a resolution for 2013 and I did it on and off until the 6th January. The last thing I learnt was "A lot about Billy Connelly" because I had just read a book about him. (I'm not sure if that is how Connelly is spelt, will Google.)
So I am going to be a little more ambitious in my learning this year and as I found out I don't know a lot about the people/places/things in articulate, I am going to pick a card everyday and Google the things I don't know. Todays card has Hercule Poirot as a person to describe.
Give me half an hour........................
Oh now I feel stupid, he is the fictional Poirot detective man created by Agatha Christie. Oh I was thinking he was like some kind of Roman who died hundreds of years ago like Hercules. Oh well I have learnt something.
Ok back to today, so we have been to see Frozen, been swimming and I thought it would be a good idea to make Sunday nights game night. So out comes Ludo, no one is in the mood, we are all tired and Scarlett throws a hissy fit. Well she had been up half the night busy pushing me around her bed after I had gone in there to comfort her when she had been crying.
So she eventually went to bed and I thought, ahh yes I feel like watching an oldie, Rebecca by Alfred Hitchcock. I eventually got to watch it after throwing a hissy fit at the TV for 20 minutes screaming "WHY WON'T YOU WORK?!" turns out it helps if the scart lead for the DVD player is in the TV. I swear my brain has melted since having a child and I have got more stress.
Rightly so when a new pub in town put a status up on Facebook saying no children under 12 allowed ever and no dogs. I don't care as much about the dog bit but with children bit riled me. What happened to all of the child friendly pubs, Charlie Chalk and random ball pits at the back of pubs? I think people that don't have kids forget that they were once snotty nose children and children will keep coming whether they like it or not because if they didn't, the world would be in a lot of trouble.
I would like to say well done to that pub and many others for alienating families, I was under the impression pubs were struggling but I guess if you can pick and choose your customers and be quite cocky about it, you don't need my money. Surely that is discrimination to both Dog owners and parents? Hmm I feel a nice little email being sent their way.....
How could you refuse her? Butter wouldn't melt!

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