Thursday, 12 December 2013

How to annoy every mother Gisele

Oh look at me I'm a nice normal mother just Breastfeeding my baby. As obviously every new mother has a hair stylist, manicurist and make up artist on hand while she proves how fabulous she is by breastfeeding at the same time. Keep it to yourself love, instead of highlighting breastfeeding and empowering women all she has done is prove what an airhead she is by pretending to be 'normal.' Congratulations, give yourself a pat on the back for giving mothers another thing to feel insecure about. Yes you're a super model, yes you are gorgeous, but why not post a realistic picture after a long night of breastfeeding, hair sticking up, remnants of yesterdays make up that you managed to put on, smeared down your face and your muffin top poking out of your dressing gown. Or was that just me? I have saved this picture as 'Smug.'

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