Monday, 30 December 2013

"I've stopped crying now..."

"Can I have a cuddle?" Thanks, make me feel like the worst mother in the world! Mind you I have always been a believer in if they are crying about nothing (in this case going to bed) then let them get on with it. They soon get bored and 5 minutes later are all smiles again. Doing that kept me sane when she was a baby. It's the best advice I can give any new parent, if there is nothing wrong, they are clean, fed, winded and watered and are incessantly crying walk out of the room, shut the door and go back in a couple of minutes, when you have both calmed down. Repeat cycle until you have both stopped crying. I can't believe how it was 4 years ago since I was in that hell, I mean when I was going through those blissful baby months. Even since the beginning of this year she is a proper little madam now, in a good way of course. She is such a little character and now having a conversation with her is like talking to my little best mate. I am so happy that at the beginning of the year I finally had the guts to stand up for her and we have built the bridges with her Daddy's side. We still have our ups and downs but I have never seen Scarlett happier or more content (apart from the crying episode tonight.) So with the last day of 2013 looming it's time to look back at what we have done this year: Started a blog Published my stories and poems Been on holiday a few times, St Lucia, Butlins (it is a holiday!) Majorcia, Berlin and Malta Swan in a waterfall in St Lucia Joined the gym (then quit, then joined again, then quit again.) Lost some weight (and put twice as much back on again.) Got a job Been on a dating website Met a new relative Made new friends (got rid of some useless ones) Moved back in with my rents Helped write a magazine Probably a few other things but my diary has pages and pages of blankness where I have lost it so many times, but I am happy again. It's amazing how much changes in a year (I say that every year) I wonder what next year will bring..... Learnt today: Claudius was a Roman Emperor and was married 4 times. His second marriage ended when his wife died on their wedding day. Oh I do pick the cheery ones. Night night, sleep tight x

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