Why has technology not been clever enough to seen when you are being a dingbat and save work which you think you have published?
I have just sat here for 20 minutes refreshing and reloading. I closed down the computer and waited for my post to appear on my phone app. 30 minutes later nothing! It's completely disappeared! and the stupid computer didn't even have the decency to save it for me!
So here we ago again, 3rd time lucky.
Right Monday morning 4am wake up was not as painful as I thought it would be. The actual challenge came at the airport.
Me along with several other fellow holidaymakers were queuing politely, and were slowly, very slowly getting to the check in desk when a lady starts shouting out last calls for flights
"Alicante, Barcelona come to the front. Last call!"
Er excuse you? a lot of pushing and shoving and about 10 people have jumped to the front of the queue.
10 minutes later she does the same with again
"Gibraltar, come to the front, last call!"
Another few people push to the front. So a man behind me calls the woman over and politely says
"Excuse me, but we are all waiting here. We have been queuing for over an hour and now you are letting late comers come to the front? it is not on! It's not good enough, we have children and are in the queue and you keep on calling other flights to come to the front."
The lady looked shaken up (Although I don't understand why because the man was very polite and not a bit aggressive.) and just said
"I'm sorry but your flight is now closing yet I will call your flight in 20 minutes."
The man rightly replied and I chipped in
"Well what's the point in us all queuing then if we can just arrive late and get called to the front?"
With that she welled up and ran off to be replaced by a burley man. I thought one of the requirements to work in an airport was to have a thick skin....apparently not.
So next was to get through security, I obviously went in the slowest queue and when I was 3 people away from handing over my passport the camera broke, meaning we came to a complete standstill.
After 10 minutes I'm afraid I pulled the child card and politely explained I had to get Scarlett fed before we got on the plane (Which was true) and I pulled off a bump up to the front of the queue next to me.
After 3 painful hours (More hours than I had slept) Scarlett made a little friend in the departures lounge, which was a mini rest bite for me and the other little girls mum. Thank goodness Scarlett is such a social butterfly they chatted and played all the way onto the plane but when we sat down I heard the inevitable cry of
"Mummy! I need a wee wee!"
I looked down at Scarlett and nearly cried (Of course she had said she didn't need to go 10 minutes before we got on) I saw the other passengers giving me sympathetic looks while I explained she would have to wait until the plane was in the air.
20 minutes later and still on the tarmac Scarlett's situation was worsening
"Mummy, I REALLY need a wee wee!!" she repeated this over and over like she had for the past 20 minutes
The bloke next to me gave me a pitying look, or maybe it was one of worry, as if she had wet herself, he would have been one of the first to know about it.
-------------------------------------------------- 3 hours later in Malta -----------------------------------------------
We finally arrived (after visiting the toilet 4 times) got our transfer (after me walking past the person holding the sign and panicking that they weren't there) and arrived at our hotel.
Now I'm not being womanist but I am not very good with technology. It took me an hour to figure out how to turn the lights on, turn on the TV and open the balcony door and I thought I was quite intelligent (Well at least a little bit smart.)
You would not believe my joy when I turned on the TV and discovered we had ITV, BBC 1 and English kids TV. We just snuggled down for the rest of the night and watched Corrie and Eastenders (I know I'm such a Brit) with Barry the bear.
(He could be called Harry the bear, I didn't quite catch his name when I was caught leaving the nursery with Scarlett on Friday and was asked if I wanted to take him with us on holiday. YES......of Course I want to bring it with us!)
So I had the responsibility of a 4 year old and a precious nursery teddy bear. I had a feeling one of us wasn't going to get through this trip.....and I was nearly right.

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