Friday, 9 August 2013

Bit the bullett- Yellow brick road

This is not a decision which I have taken lightly, giving up my freedom, the life that I have know for 6 years to move back in with my parents. It was either this or have a nervous breakdown, but I have to say that Scarlett and I have adapted surprising well. She is happier than ever with me not shouting at her and I am less stressed and believe it or not more tidy (Well I couldn't be less tidy!) I have even cooked, dusted, hovered and I have been back less than two weeks. Obviously things are different from when I was 18, I have a lot more respect for my parents and everything they do and have done for me. Truth is being a single parent is not as easy as I thought it was. I had my head in the sand and pretended that everything was ok, when in reality everything was falling apart. luckily I recognised what I was feeling was not right and turned to my parents. I am incredibly lucky that I can come back and they will help me with whatever I need, I know not everyone is so fortunate. Going from 2 adults and one child to one adult and one child doesn't sound like a big adjustment but to suddenly have all of the responsibility is a big take on. It's been nearly a year since I became a single Mum again and I realised that I haven't dealt with everything from all of those months ago, emotionally or financially. So it's finally time to let go of the past and look to the future, I am going to get back on track and start paving my own yellow brick road. I thought 2013 would be my year, but I have realised life is about taking things one day at a time.

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