The top how to search on Google is How to be happy, so here is my take in no particular order...
♥ Be positive - See the best in everything. Live by the mantra 'Everything happens for a reason.' Find the positive reason.
♥ Do something new everyday - Even if it's just taking a different route home or reading a different magazine to your normal one. We tend to live our lives in a lull, in robot mode not thinking. Shake it up a bit.
♥ Learn something new everyday - What's the Finnish word for sunshine? Ask yourself a question you don't know and search for the answer.
♥ Do something just for you everyday- Take a long hot soak, paint your nails, have a glass of your favourite wine, enjoy being you.
♥ Be in the moment - For a moment. Turn off the tv, sit in a quiet room, close your eyes and just listen. Life rushes by and we are either thinking about the past or future, rarely what's going on around us now. Don't let your mind wonder, pull it back and listen to the birds, the leaves on the trees, just be.
♥ Speak to at least one friend or family member everyday - Keep in touch with your loved ones, they are special, so make sure you appreciate them.
♥ Be thankful - Think about all of the good things you have in your life. No matter how bad your day was, there is usually someone in the world worse off than you are.
♥ Be compassionate- Have a clear out and take it down the charity shop if it's still good quality. Or sign up to volunteer, help others just by being you.
♥ Keep a journal - Write down your favourite memories, holidays, moments, funny stories, maybe call who you were with to reminisce.
♥ Champagne bubbles diary - I started doing this after it was suggested at a mindfulness course. At the end of the day just before you go to sleep, write down 3 positive things you have done for example, 1. Resolved an issue at work. 2. Started a new book. 3. Cooked a new recipe.
♥ Smile more - Walk down the street and just smile to yourself, often when I do this I feel a bit silly, but that makes me smile more!
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