Thursday, 14 January 2016

Zipping in London

This morning I had an unexpected wake-up at 5am.

It is dark at 5am, no one should be awake at that time unless they are going on an all inclusive holiday to a Caribbean island.

One of my lovely roommates decided to start banging around and then came the zipping.

Un-zip, re-zip, un-zip, re-zip, un-zip, re-zip, I'm surprised her suitcase didn't break at the amount she attacked it.

Then she decided that she needed the light on, then off, then on, she must have had OCD, the amount of times she messed around with the switch.

I wanted to say something, but I was worried my suitcase might get trashed, or zipped to death.

Not that I am saying the people in my room are undesirables, but I would like my clothes to stay in my case if at all possible and in tact.

The women's bathroom situation a bit of a curfuffle. It is like a merry go round as there are only 2 mirrors above the sink in the shower room.

If you move from your spot by the sink to grab something like toilet paper (if like me you have disastrous eyebrows that need re-doing at least five times before they resemble anything that look like eyebrows), you will be at the back until someone else makes the fatal mistake to move.

I had my first sardine tube experience this morning. Holding onto a bar that is over your head for 20 minutes is no easy feat, let me tell you.

I got a seat two stops before mine but my aching feet thanked me for those few minutes rest bite.

After work I went to see The Woman in Black. I have wanted to see it for years, but being a cheapskate I didn't want to pay the top price and booked a seat at the top of the theatre and prayed I would be able to see.

To my utter amazement when I asked where my seat was, the steward showed me to the second row.

I questioned her and she pointed to the red letters on my ticket which said, 'stalls C11'. There was one row in front of me and I hugged my coat around me hoping I wouldn't be too scared.

I met a lovely woman who sat next to me with her husband, we chatted about plays, restaurants, London, kids and in the interval she even offered me some malteasers.

Now there is a real woman, sharing chocolate. Obviously I said I couldn't have any as I work at a fitness magazine now and am on a health kick. I silently kicked myself for real when the play came back on.

Back to hostel, the lights were out in my room so I snuck into bed without brushing my teeth so as not to wake anyone.

I'm such a good roommate, if reading this anyone owns a nice mansion nearby I would be quiet as a mouse and can pay £60 per week email me at

(Inset picture of dream mansion with underground swimming pool and Ferrari in the drive.)

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