Wednesday, 13 January 2016

London life 2

Day 2

This ghost of last night followed me around this morning, the ghost of getting lost.

I got up for the first day of my internship jolly and spritely, well, tired but excited I suppose are better words.

I caught the tube to my destination Goodge Street and decided to start the day with a bit of exercise to set me up for the day.

For those of you not familiar with the station, it has 137 stairs. I didn't think that sounded a lot, but after 30 steps my thighs burnt with a fire so fierce I didn't think I would make it to the outside world again.

Red faced I emerged onto a busy London street with just a street name for the office I needed to be at.

I saw on the map app on my phone it was near the BT Tower, don't be deceived by the 'tower' part as it is incredibly difficult to spot on foot with blurry vision from lack of oxygen.

I walked around for a good 45minutes before locating the street I wanted, I checked my emails to see the name of the building I needed to be at when I saw the office was in Hackney.

Hackney is nowhere bloody near the stair loving Goodge Street, so I ran/tottered in my boots back to the station to pant at a guard and ask him where the heck I needed to go.

Thankfully he helped me instead of calling the police to collect a mad woman, and I made it to work with four minutes to spare.

My day was spent learning the ins and outs of the office and magazine and after initially coming across as a bit slow (I asked the same question about picture resizing at least five times), I think they approve of me.

Obviously working at a fitness magazine has made me more aware of what I am eating, but as it was day one I decided to ignore my shrieking inner diet guru and go to Mc Donald's instead.

I'm staying in Swiss Cottage, or should I say swish cottage?! The Mc Donald's here has tablets and table service.

This place is bloody amazing.

(No don't be ridiculous, of course I haven't figured out how to put pictures on here.)

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