Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Half marathon virgin D Day 14.2.16

In a moment of madness today I signed up for a half marathon, which is taking place in a month. (The above is obviously not me, I am just using her as someone to aspire to.)

The run is on Valentines day, today is the bloody 19th January. Insane I know but I think I can do it, I’m not the most unfit person in the world.

I can run for about 20 minutes before collapsing, but seeing the 13.1 miles in writing has scared me a bit.

I’m not totally sure how far one mile is, but I am sure everything will be just fine. It will have to be because it’s in a month.

Why did I do it? I was researching about marathons today at work and thought hmmm I could do that. After slapping myself back down to earth I signed up to a half marathon before I had knew what I had done. Bugger.

According to Running competitor it is a manageable challenge. On their website it says...ask yourself: “Why am I doing this?”

I am doing this because I didn’t really think about it, and jumped in feet first like I do with everything.

When got back to my hostel, I put on my running gear and eagerly jogged out the door- my bum jogging along at a different speed behind me.

I decided that I wouldn’t push myself too hard as I haven’t run in a while, so I did a light jog down the parade of shops humming to myself as I didn’t have any music.

My lungs burnt and I realised how stupid my decision was to sign up to a half marathon, but I won’t give up even if I have to crawl to the finish line.

I have looked at the route online at Worthing Half and it is all familiar so hopefully when I run it on the day it won’t feel like too much effort as I will know what is around the corner.

On The Sun online the other day, I saw a run in Glasgow that has wine rest stops instead of water ones.

Hopefully I can encourage my friends and boyfriend to come and support me by meeting me at various points for my own wine pit stops.

I did have a slight pit stop of my own this evening because I was hungry and I just happened to have the Mc Donald’s quarter pounder with cheese and chips for £1.99 coupon down my sports bra.

I know, I am hanging my head in shame. Day 1 of half marathon training done.


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