Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Bunk bed bugger

Climbing in and out of a bunk bed at 26 years old is harder than you might think, I'm not a flexible as I once was and then there is the height issue.

When I was ten I had a full on panic attack at school in front of my whole year group when I got stuck on a climbing apparatus in gym class.

I cried and refused to climb back down the slanted bench 2 inches away from me. I am not exaggerating, if any of my classmates are reading this I guarantee they will still snigger at the memory.

Still, it could be worse. At least I am not on the top bunk bed, there are three on top of each other so don't laugh thinking I am on the bottom bunk. I am on the middle one as I said yesterday in case you forgot. But being dedicated readers I imagine you would already know this information.

In the Evening Standard today I read that laughing can burn as many calories as a walk. Apparently researcher Dr Helen Pilcher discovered howling laughter can burn as many as 120 calories an hour which is similar to a moderate walking pace. Well that is a perfect excuse to get myself out to a comedy club for the evening then, I wonder if howling laughter would also counteract the bottle of wine I would consume?

Also in the same paper, a report on air pollution has revealed London has hit record levels. Yesterdays pollution was at 10/10 in Upper Thames Street, a level which apparently has only been recorded three times in the past two years. It advises to reduce physical activity, particularly outdoors. As if I needed another excuse to not move my arse off the sofa in my hostel common room.

Though my half marathon is looming, so I did manage to get out for a light jog for about ten minutes. What?! I wasn't allowed to do much more according to the paper!

I did discover a nice little jog route near my work at lunch time which I am going to try out tomorrow. I discovered that Regent's Canal is just a couple of minutes walk away from my office and went for a little gander.

I kept close to the wall though as I have a fear of falling into canals, I don't know why but I think I wouldn't be able to get back out and I would drown. I do have the weirdest fears.

Which includes this metal man...

He scares the hell out of me everyday, I think he comes alive at night and patrols the corridors for naughty people.

Well, I had better be off as I have a ton of work to do before tomorrow, and I don't want him chasing me up the stairs if it gets too late.

Bye for now from smoggy London!

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