Tuesday, 26 January 2016

One of 'those days'.

Yesterday I felt like this:

I just wasn't feeling it from the get go. Getting up at 6am to get a train to London was not how I wanted to spend my morning. I was just a real grump, well I was in the morning, in the afternoon I wanted to cry at everything.

I couldn't write a sentence and nearly cried, a nice text nearly made me cry, I shouted 'TAMPONS' in Sainsbury's and nearly cried.

Ah yes, about that....I had to go into a shop I was not familiar with and search for tampons. Any woman who has had to do the search for tampons in a new shop will know my pain.

I couldn't find them so I had to ask, I'm not embarrassed about asking for them, but I was in a tiny shop crammed full of stroppy Londoners who looked like they wanted to stamp on me in my search because I kept walking round and round aimlessly.

I walked up to a woman and asked her quietly where the tampons were, she looked at me and scrunched up her face 'What?'

Me: 'Tampons, do you have them or are they behind the counter?'

Woman: 'I don't know what you are talking about?'


She pointed to some baby wipes and I considered miming what I was after, it worked in Spain when I mimed shaving my legs to ask for razors but after careful consideration I decided miming tampons was not the best idea and left the shop.

Thankfully my tampon journey came to an end when I found a Superdrug, I hugged the box tightly and vowed to never run out again.

I got to my hostel and was excited when I found my room because it was the best one yet. Spacious, it even has a desk and I am on the bottom bunk! No more clambering up and down stairs- for this week anyway.

I have also found the best self contained shower and toilet cubicle, I have claimed it as my own. The other bathrooms have a row of toilets and a row of shower cubicles so this is pure luxury!

I am off now to spend some time in my lovely bed oh, and to cuddle my tampons. Night.

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