Monday, 8 June 2015

Should piercing babies and toddlers ears be banned?

A petition set up by 38 Degrees has gained over 22,000 signatures in support banning ear piercing for babies and toddlers in just 4 days. 

At the moment there is no minimum age for a child to have their ears pierced. I saw a comment on one forum that said she had her child's ears pierced at 16 weeks and some other parents admitted they had taken their children even younger. 

The petition is to stop babies and toddlers being pierced but what is the 'best age'? 

While I don't agree with the comment below saying this petition is important because 'it is a form of child cruelty'...

I do think there needs to be a minimum age set for piercing a child's ears.  

If the age is the same for everyone there will be no pressure from children wanting their ears pierced at 3 or 4 'because Sally has.' They will have to wait until they are old enough- end of story.

While it is impossible to say what age a child should be to have their ears pierced, I believe an appropriate age is about 7 or 8. 

There really is no need to get your baby's ears pierced, what is the point? 

Sailors used to (a select few still probably do) believe that piercing their ears improved their eyesight. Is your baby a sailor? Does your baby needs it's eyesight improving? If the answer is yes to the first question then fair play, but if you answered yes to the second, it may be advisable to take your baby to Specsavers.

I haven't posted the link to the petition as this is my personal opinion and I'm not trying to push my views on anyone, however if you would like to sign the petition then it is easily found on Google.  

What are your views? Did you get your babies ears pierced? Why? Why not? 

Debate away...

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