She had been moaning all day that her tummy hurt then 20 minutes later she would be jumping around and singing at the top of her voice. Hmm ill? Yeah right!
Me: 'It's bed time, get some sleep and you will feel better in the morning.'
Scarlett: 'Mummy...I think I have a baby in my tummy. Do I?
Me: (in fits of giggles) 'I don't think so darling.'
Scarlett: 'I think it's a boy baby, and I'm going to call him Joseph.'
Me: 'Ok, night.'
Yesterday she moaned that her tummy hurt so she couldn't go to school. She then spent the day messing around inbetween moaning, clutching a sick bowl and fake gagging.
Then today, just as we were outside school she started crying and said:
'I don't want to go to tummy hurts.'
I took her in and she clung onto my leg and cried. After about 5 minutes of me trying to talk to her, the teaching assistant took her (still crying) into the class and her teacher came out to talk to me.
Turns out they have noticed a change in her over the past 3 weeks. She's not playing with the boys anymore but with the girls and she has been generally quieter.
I felt like the worlds worst Mother as I walked home and left her at school when she clearly didn't want to be there but what could I do? Take her home and wrap her up in cotton wool?
I tried to talk to her after school today but she said no one was being horrible to her, but I know something is going on.
She has been through a lot in her little life and looking back over the past few weeks she has brought up situations that happened well over 6 months ago with me and my ex that she has started asking questions about.
She also keeps asking after him and everything we do at the moment, she brings back to him.
I took her out for dinner tonight and it was to a restaurant that me, her and my ex went to in Febuary. Practically every other scentence, she mentioned him.
If she is not being bullied, then I think her withdrawal from her friends can only be because she is concerning herself with things that are out of her control.
She may be just 5 (big 5, as she says) but she takes in a lot more that I ever realised. Maybe we are both faking it and it's time to be honest with each other.
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