Thursday, 25 June 2015

Scarlett's blog 26.6.15

Sorry it's been a while since I last communicated with the outside world, but I was silenced by Mother as she wouldn't give me her phone. 

Don't tell her, but I have sneaked off with it and she's currently turning the house upside down looking for it - haha!

So, let's get you up to date...I am a big 5 now and Mummy says it won't be long until I'm 6, so I have to stop asking her to do stuff for me. I asked her to get me dressed this morning and she said:

'Do it yourself!' 

Well, she's going to be a bit redundant if I don't use her as a slave isn't she?! 

I have recently discovered that though she is an ok slave, she is not a very good detective. I hid the TV remote 2 weeks ago and for the life of me, I don't know where I put it. Mummy can't find it either and has been subjecting me to 'game nights'. #smileyface #nosmileyface

She is so enthusiastic when we start a board game, then halfway through, her face darkens and by the end of it she has stormed off after throwing a 'well done' in my direction. 

Her other new 'thing' (it's a different experiment she attempts every week. The diet and no wine ones are going really well apparently - I don't believe that for a cats whisker) is to do something different every day. 

Be it, going for a walk in the woods after school (she said there were trolls and we had to run. She thought it was fun, I was terrified) or going for a bike ride (though that was a disaster too as my stabiliser came off and Mummy had to push my bike home, and was muttering the whole way back), she's attempting to make more effort with me instead of plonking me in front of the TV. 

Not that the TV is any good anymore, turns out hiding the remote was a bad idea and blank screens are no fun. 

Well I best dash as it's Monopoly time again...when will she learn that I'm a winner, not a loser?! 

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