Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Practicing mindfulness...

It's 11pm, I am sat in the pitch black, alone in my garden which is eerily quiet. 

I considered doing this naked, but after putting the rational part of my brain into gear- I remembered that my garden is overlooked by quite a few houses and I don't want to be questioned by the police in the nude. 

Breathe- in for 6 seconds - hold for 6 seconds- breathe out for 8. Ah, messed that up already...

Breathe- in for 6 seconds- hold for 2- breathe out for 8- repeat. 

Calm is slowly being restored to my aching brain..breathe. 

Voices are getting closer, it's the drunks from town making their way to my back alley (not a euphemism). 

Right, be mindful. Hmm, was commenting on the drunks mindful? Well, I didn't write anything insulting so it was merely a comment. 

Stop getting distracted...be aware of what is going on around you, night birds chattering, the trees blowing in the wind and the rain. Rain? It has started raining. 

Great, bring the washing and loungers in, drop lounger on foot- be mindful, don't use bad language, and...the moment has gone. 

I'm back in my reality with a throbbing foot. Bugger it, I will be mindful tomorrow. 

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