Thursday, 20 August 2015

Swing yourself slender - Empower DVD review...

I stood back and looked at the unfamiliar object in front of me, I had bought it in April and since then it had been out of the box a total of, erm, once. 

When I first bought the object (also know as a kettlebell), I promised myself that it would be my new best friend and that I would use it religiously. Turns out I'm not big on religion, or friends. 

But fear not my kettle friend for today it is you, me and the accompanying workout DVD which you came with when I bought you.

I'm going to give you the love that you deserve, just don't hurt me too much!

The Workout..... 

I didn't push myself too hard (stop with the chorus of 'you never do'), as I want to stick with this workout and not hate it, so today I decided to do the first part of the workout - Swing yourself slender, which is an 11 minute workout with the kettlebell. 

Once I'd completed the warm up and move onto the workout part, the instructor suggested adding more weight if you want to. 

The 2 different colour lower sections are weights that can be taken off or put back on to make the workout more intense. 

I worked out with just the top part which is a 5lb weight. I did try and add more but I skipped the instructions on how to put the weights back on, I can only blame myself as I wanted to get the workout over and done with. 

One word of advice when working with a kettlebell- make sure there is nothing around you, it's not called 'swing yourself fit' for nothing. 

I started off holding the kettlebell and moved my arms in a figure of eight, they were simple enough and can be fun if aeroplane noises are added (that maybe just me though, I'm easily amused). 

The next move was figure of eights (with optional aeroplane noises), with a circle over alternate knees. This move made my body connect with muscles that I didn't even know were there. 

Then I came a move called the the upright row, which is a simple but effective move if the throbbing in my arms was anything to go by. 

Next came the killer move, all workouts have at least one and this DVD was no different. Squat thrusts. 

I put the kettlebell on the floor in front of me, leant down and held the handle with my legs behind me, then I jumped forward, then stood up, did an few upright rows and repeated. 

After the 2nd time on this move, I felt like collapsing- but my motto is, if it hurts, then it's working. 

The instructor Gin (love her name), is smiley and encouraging throughout, and one look at her guns made me remember why I picked up a kettlebell in the first place. 

When rocking the baby (it's an exercise move, you don't require a baby to do this DVD), the instructor says 'This baby is going to sleep whether it likes it or not!' while vigorously rocking the kettlebell, which made me giggle, then I stopped because my and hurt. 

We shuffled next, which I enjoyed as it was nice and simple and then came my new favourite exercise move EVER...Shot put turn and hammer throw.

I held the kettlebell in one hand, swung it and myself around 360 degrees and then lifted the kettlebell to my shoulder where my other hand empty hand was waiting to push it back. 

I felt like an Olympian! It was so fun, I'm going to do it in my spare time. 

As the section I did was only 11 minutes long, I am now raring to complete the next section tomorrow but I mustn't get too enthusiastic as it was a miracle that I didn't break anything today! 

Stay tuned....

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