Sunday, 30 August 2015

Check out my balls...

So, I have been on my health kick recently (ok for 2 days and this morning I ate pizza), but I am trying to be a bit healthier. 

I bought Madeleine's book in Sainsburys for £10.00 after reading a review about it in Simply Worthing and Adur magazine...

Yesterday I tried making cauliflower pizza as it was one of the easiest recipes...

Weird as it may seem, I hadn't ever bought or eaten cauliflower before. I struggled to understand how I was supposed to seperate the cauliflower from the surrounding leaves and threw it accross the kitchen in frustration. 

Composure regained, I blended the battered cauliflower as instructed. 

Have you ever blended cauliflower? Try it, It smells, really, really bad. 

Before I had even got to the second paragraph of the recipe, I knew that I was probably going to be making a call to Papa Johns about an hour later, but I plodded on. 

I didn't end up with a dough as the recipe suggested I should, but that could have been due to the fact that I didn't measure anything as I don't have any weighing scales and plus I didn't want to use too much quinoa flour as it's really expensive. 

When I took my 'pizza' out if the oven, instead of this...

I ended up with this...

Totally the same, right...? 

I had one bite and then it accidentally fell into the bin. I don't think a dog would have eaten it. 

But I am not a giver upper and I decided to turn my attention to balls-superfood chocolate balls! 

As there was no cooking involved, I was pretty optimistic, and I was right to be! 

They are supposed to look like that before you wonder, and they taste really yum. I even put peppermint extract in some of them because -who doesn't love minty chocolate balls? 

I am aware that making a couple of things from a cookery book does not equate to me being a kitchen domestic goddess, but maybe I can glow for a couple of days a week. 

Tonight I will be making orange duck with charted chicory...just kidding, I'm going to Mc Donald's. 

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