Wednesday, 12 August 2015

It's happened...

After dodging the little blighters for nearly 6 years, it's happened. Scarlett has got nits. 

I just received a text from her Dad informing me of the above fact and also stating that I need to check my hair- great. 

Though what is great, is that he has her for the next 2 days so it will be a lovely Daddy, daughter, nit bonding time. 

The last time I had nits I was 19 and pregnant. I hugged some girl from school when I was out, I didn't particularly like her and I may or may not have made fun of her once and I have no idea why I hugged her- actually I believe It was called Kama, in nit form. 

It's so annoying that my phone keeps auto correcting nit to bit, it's like it's telling me that it doesn't want them either. 

My head is starting to itch and I don't know if it's because of phantom nits or actual ones. I best go check.....

10 minutes later....

I can't see any but that means nothing, my hair is practically black (with streaks of grey) but I'm going to buy some of that nit lotion pronto. 

It's not all bad news though- I'm going to be the new Bridget Jones...big pants included. 

I've been offered a journalism apprenticeship which I start next month. I'm beyond excited, but this does mean that it is time to grow up. 

I need to stop going out and acting like a teenager. I now have a lump on my left ankle the size of a tennis ball from going over in my ridiculous heels last night. I'm limping like an official old hag- Sexy, no wonder I'm a spinster. 

Right, I need to put some lotion on my hair, this itching is driving me mad. Oh, and to all of my friends reading this....sorry, you might want to check your hair :/ 

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