Sunday, 30 August 2015

It's coming...

It's 8.15pm and the final rays of the sun are setting for the night. It's coming-autumn is coming, and the best thing about it...I can put Scarlett to bed at 7pm again! 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not glad that our abysmal summer is nearly over, but it does mean that I won't have the battle with Scarlett at bedtime which I have every night throughout the lighter months. 

Scarlett: 'I'm not going to bed because it's too bright.' 

Me: 'It's nearly 10pm Scarlett, it's bedtime.' 

Scarlett: 'Well, it's too bright' 

I did think about sticking some black bin liners over the bedroom windows but after careful consideration, I felt that it wasn't worth looking like we lived in a drug den- so the bedtime battle has become a fun (ha), nightly routine. 

She doesn't reserve her bedtime excuses for me though, she reiterates them to her Daddy too. Strangely, she doesn't really do it at my parents, but a stern look from my Dad is enough to make any child or adult retreat and wave a white flag. 

You can tell your which of your friends don't have children. The child free ones delight at long summer evenings, with beer and BBQ's on the beach, while us with kids beg the sun to go down just a little faster. 

There is nothing like a cosy October night in, kid(s) asleep shortly after 7pm and a hot chocolate (or wine), in hand. 

Come on Autumn- I'm ready and waiting for you. 

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