Monday, 30 December 2013
"I've stopped crying now..."

Sunday, 29 December 2013
Get off the road!

Saturday, 28 December 2013
Eat your Christmas tree, it's good for you!
I have been doing a lot of Googling in between this boring part between Christmas and New year.
Well it's not boring, but this time is always a bit blah while we wait for the new year to start so we can inevitably break our new year resolutions by the end of the first week of January. (Yes I have used the collective of we, you know you do too.)
So in my blah-ness I have been trying to keep one of my old resolutions....learning something new everyday.
I have Googled:
Things to pounder and the page it took me to asked...If a cow sneezes does milk come out of it's nose?
Shortest horror story.....called knock.The last man on earth sat in a room. There was a knock on the door.
By Fredric Brown.
That freaked me out a bit.
Old wives pregnancy tales (no I am not trying!) They were just the usual how to tell if you're having a boy/girl....pregnant women should stay away from polished furniture (false) I stayed away from polish and anything to do with cleaning while pregnant actully I still stay away from cleaning products, safety first.
Christmas facts.....
If you run out of food or fancy being a bit healthier, look no further than your Christmas Tree. Parts of it can be eaten and the needles are a source of vitamin C.
And lastly I learnt I won't be visiting the Czech Republic without a partner....At christmas the czech's enjoy a dinner of fish soup. The number of people must be even or the person without a partner will die next year.
How superstitious are you? I'm not testing that one out.
Actually just re-googled to find my source and on
www.myczechrepublic.com it says...the first person to get up from the dinner table after dinner will die. Everyone must get up together.
I don't know if thats better or worse?
Back to Google.
Friday, 27 December 2013
Christmas splits
I don't know where my Christmas cheer was this year, I just wasn't really feeling it. The most Christmasy I was, was probably today singing Christmas songs at work.
I was one of the mad people dashing around the shops on Christmas eve. I was surprised to see so many women out, I thought I would be surrounded by panicked looking men, turns out us girls weren't as organised this year. Ha who am I kidding?! I always leave my shopping until Christmas eve. I did make a record breaking time of completing my shopping and got all of my presents in an hour and a half though!
Annoyingly with presents people expect them to be wrapped. I can't stand wrapping, so I persuaded a couple of people to wrap up Scarletts prezzies, I'm not that mean to her. My friends and family had to unwrap their presents from plastic bags they were bought in.
On Christmas day once we had opened stockings and a couple of big presents we thought it would be nice to go for a walk....
Scarlett was carried for most of it but then she ran off onto a wooden part of the beach, I ran to grab her and slipped, did the splits, fell on my butt, legs in the air and caught Scarlett with my arm, taking her down with me. Well, she was less than impressed and after a brief cry, refused to talk to me the whole way home. Oops. She was glad to get away from me and go to her Dad's!
Maybe that is why I wasn't feeling it because children make Christmas and without them, it's just another day with an extra large lunch. Or maybe I wasn't feeling it because I had too much lunch and was feeling a bit sick!
Well thank goodness it's over for another year (bah humbug.) Can't complain too much, I did get some wicked things in the Boxing day sales. Roll on next year!
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Christmas testing 1, 2, 3.
Christmas is a time for testing how well you really know your friends and family and their test to see how well they know you.
It's a time to rack your brain to see if you can remember anything they have said they have liked, and for you to hope your little hints got through.
It's a time to support local businesses, like the gorgeous little wine shop I fell into and almost had to get a bank loan to get back out of it.
It's a time for panic, it creeps up then you realise it's Christmas eve and you haven't bought any presents. (Did all my shopping in an hour and a half, ahhh yeah!)
It's a time for love.....I love that little fluffy thing and that walking unicorn, therefore I will buy it and Scarlett will (have to) love it.
It's a time for reflection....I shouldn't have eaten all of that chocolate and cake this year.
It's a time for giving, like giving up 6 hours of your life to wrap presents, which is what I have to do now at 10.30pm on Christmas Eve....ha no they are all going in gift bags with tissue paper stuffed in.
Happy Christmas! Don't stress tomorrow, Keep calm....drink wine! X
Monday, 23 December 2013
Last day of holiday :( but :)

Malta day 5 Going to Gozo!

Sunday, 22 December 2013
What to do when your child farts at a stranger?...Malta day 4!

Malta day 3!

Malta day 2!

Why is this the 3rd time i have written this?! Malta day 1

Don't blog, child about!
Scarlett has just deleted part one of my holiday blog by smashing her hand down on the keyboard...... have to re-type it all now, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Miley Cyrus, our childrens idol?
Reading an article this morning on the Daily Mail about Miley's new song, where she glorifys taking ecstasy. Think it riled me a bit....?
Someone really needs to shut this silly little girl up.
She thinks she's so cool and outrageous but all she is, is a sad, lonely, barely grown pup and I'm not shocked by her, I'm saddened.
Should she take responsibility for her actions or are we all to blame for standing by and watching her being exploited?
She's like a child who has done something naughty and we keep appluading her for her silly behaviour.
Who allows her to be able to influence our children and glorify drugs like they are sweets?
She should be taught if you have nothing nice to say (or sing) then say nothing.
The people who should be looking out for her should be dragging her to the morgue to see how much fun the youngsters laying on slabs are having after partying with 'Molly.'
Such a shame that in order to shed her teenage skin she may well be shortening her life span and that of others.
Only time will tell if she will be another stone too early in the ground.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Pringles response to my email!
Thursday, 12 December 2013
How to annoy every mother Gisele

Dear Mr Pringle
Advent is over
I have just consumed all of the chocolates in my advent calendar. To be fair I have done quite well, it's the twelth so I've lasted 11 days longer than usual :/
A mothers constant competition
Sleep, wake, shower, wake child get child washed and dressed, put a load of washing on, was up dishes, make child look immaculate, meke self look immaculate, drop child off at school, carry on the rest of day bring perfect.....thats not me.
Wake, shower, sort through clothes on the floor I haven't worn but are clean, rely heavily on Grandma to sort child out so I can slap on some make up and run out of the door with still wet hair.
Mothering is a competition I don't always win, in fact most days, I'm just glad we're still alive at the end!
Recently, Scarlett has tested my mothering skills with things I didn't think I would have to worry about until shes a teenager. She is going through a pulling down trousers at inappropriate times stage.
If she was a boy, I would be like 'Oh, it's just boys being boys' but now I'm screaming 'I don't want her to be a teenage mother!!'
Reading this book 'The child, The family and the outside world by D. W. Winnicott has reminded me Scarlett is just a little girl growing up and we are both learning together. Of course it's not easy but nothing worth doing ever is, I'm glad I've got my little angel (little exhibitionist) to stumble down with road with.
Oh seriously?! While writing this I just walked in dog poo......
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Ballet dancer's lost dreams
And point and lift and pirouette and thats all I know (ok I Googled the last one) but I was a ballet dancer once....sort of.
Well every 6 year old girl was weren't they? I had the pink knitted cardi, purple leotard and pink ballet shoes. I couldn't wait to learn to use the shoes where you went on your tippy toes.
I danced for a few years then one girl made a comment about wanting to dance next to my best friend because i always did and I got in a strop and quit.
Dreams of the tippy toe shoes gone in a flash, I could have been there tonight dancing in the pretty dresses.
Ok I wasn't that good but the Russian ballet performing The Nutcracker tonight were phenomenal.
So flawless, their feet barely made a sound when they landed. Some of the girls looked like they hadn't met a decent dinner plate in a while and made me feel guilty for eating a bag of chocolate while watching but hey they like dancing, I like eating chocolate.
Usually anything where in the end its 'all a dream' really winds me up, but this was so magical I was totally transported. I believed it, it was real, in front of my eyes, The Nutcracker came alive.
I forgot all of my worries, I was transfixed and didn't want it to end but obviously like all good things inevitably it is now just a memory.
Scarlett absolutely loved it 'I like the pretty boys!' And now as expected she wants to become a ballet dancer. Best look into how much thats going to cost me then! Oh and the picture is of her being as sophisticated as usual.
So from dreams and memories to reality....The only way is Essexmas is on....