Sunday, 25 January 2015

What annoys Scarlett age 5.

I was doing some internet research for my book;

'My life in 5'

Which is my autobiography.  A lot of fantastic things have happened in my life so it is a book celebrating me and giving tips to other children so they can have a fabulous life too. 

It is going to include fashion (fabulous at 5) food (how to make the perfect mud pie) and a whole load of other things, I'm so excited so watch this space...

Sorry, went a bit off track there! So, while researching I came across this...

It got me thinking about things that annoy me (I'm not going to say the naughty word as used above, else I will get points taken off my reward chart and I really want to go to the cinema this weekend as I fancy some popcorn.) 

So here is the top 10 things which annoy me: 

1. Not having spaghetti bolognese everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

2. Mummy making me spaghetti bolognese when I said I wanted pizza. 

3. Not being able to wear my Elsa dress to bed. 

4. Being forced to watch Mummy's rubbish TV when I want to watch cartoons. 

5. Being told off for drawing on the walls (I'm an artist and it curbs my creative flow.) 

6. Being made to walk ANYWHERE, I should be carried at all times.  

7. Being made to get in the bath. 

8. Being made to get out of the bath (it's a palaver, after I didn't want to get in the bath in the first place, then ten minutes later I'm told to get out. Make up your mind!!!) 

9. Chocolate being used as blackmail (I know what is going on.) 

10. Baggy tights (such a fashion faux par! And wrong, just wrong.) 

With that said, I'm off to add another chapter in my book;

'Things which Mummy does to annoy me.'


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