Monday, 5 January 2015

Single onesie

So I am officially single again and will never date again unless Johnny Depp wants me. 

It's me and Scarlett all the way, which is how it should have always been. I am after all the SYM-ple (Single Yummy Mummy) ambassador, so playing around with boys is not acceptable. 

I do wonder if it is acceptable to buy a onesie now I have no one to impress. I'm not going to lie, onesies really annoy me and I think they are awful but maybe I need to try something new. 

Scarlett has a dinosaur one with a detachable tail...

Which she now lives in, though I think I would look better in a bunny one. 

I'm just so annoyed at how things have turned out as I had so many plans for this year, exciting projects and new things to focus on and not a onesie in sight. 

I know I should pick myself up and get on with it but going through a break up is a grieving process. 

While I am trying not to wallow, it is near impossible trying to figure out what to do. I am attempting to put one foot in front of the other..

I actually went for a run a couple of days ago (and the trainers have stayed where they came off 2 days ago) and I did feel better but I'm so exhausted all of the time. 

Everything is still very raw, a lot happened and processing it all is draining but I will get through this somehow. 

Writing this has helped so focus number 1 is to blog every day again, even if it is just a few words. 

My resolution is to take this year one day at a time. Focus on today and dream about tomorrow. 

Yes I look ill but at least a can see my cheekbones again, now where did I put that box of biscuits? 

Oh something that actually made me smile again the other night... I was in bed and I felt something in my pants and pulled out a bit of a candy cane! 

Ahh it's good to be single. No I didn't eat it 😳. 

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