Tuesday, 20 January 2015

No more page 3

Well, I started writing this blog 2 days ago but due to work and various other commitments I have only just had a chance to finish it. 

Due to things in the media forever changing, it appears the bare boobs are back in The Sun on page 3 today, however I do feel it is still a subject up for discussion.  

The below was posted by mumsnet.com 2 days ago...

Now, I am certainly not a prude and I will admit that sex is one of my favourite things to discuss but when I read this I thought about how I view page 3 models.  

I don't generally buy papers as I read them online and while page 3 doesn't offend me, I can understand the benefits of not being confronted with a bare chested women as soon as the front page is turned. 

A child can easily go into a newsagents and pick up a paper without anyone being concerned, however if a child waked into a shop and tried to buy Zoo magazine or Nuts magazine there would be a problem and they would be refused the magazine (or should be.) 

Where is the line between a pair of boobs and soft porn? Should children be able to easily access pictures of half naked women? 

Or is the above a too extreme, or deep view? Is page 3 just a bit of harmless fun? 

Should women be supportive of these other women who are proud to show off their bodies? Are women catty about these glamour models because they are just jealous of them? 

Should the paper be alternating between male models one day and female models the next so women can ogle the men too? 

Would it be acceptable to have a bare chested male model on page 3 without causing offence to other men? 

Or is it degrading for both men and women to have these models flaunt their bodies and show everyone an unrealistic image of the perfect body? 

All of the above questions have run through my head over the past couple of days and I have come to the conclusion that the cons outweigh the pros and that page 3 should be banned. 

As a liberal woman I am shocked in myself to say that but I am not saying I think bare boobs should be banned completely but I don't think they should be in a daily newspaper for a child to have easy access to. 

If boobs are what you are looking for then there are plenty in Zoo magazine and other such magazines which a child would not be able to buy without question. 

I certainly don't want Scarlett to open a paper and ask why the girl doesn't have her top on, or ask if that's how she should look when she grows up. 

Maybe if I had a nice set of boobs and I didn't have a child, I would gladly be a page 3 model and not give it a second thought but the sensible part of me (there is a tiny sensible bit in me) forces me to look at this debate through a parents eye and I don't think page 3 is appropriate. 

I am not bashing glamour models, if that is you dream then go for it but I don't need to see your boobs while I am eating my morning croissant and catching up on the news.  

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