Monday, 18 August 2014

Sandwich bag contraception

Research by the company Bayer was published in the news today (and all over Facebook) regarding a survey they conducted about contraception. 

Worryingly some women in the survey aged between 25 to 34 admitted that they had used sandwich bags and cling film when there was no condom available!  

I haven't got a PHD but even those with the fewest brain cells can surely work out that is not a bright idea. 

My sex education in school was rubbish, the only thing we were shown was what happens when a tampon is put in water ( ooooh it expands!) while the boys were taken outside to play football. Oh and there was 5 minutes of an old 80's sex Ed tape. From memory I believe there were lots of squeals and giggles before it was turned off. 

When I was working on s young mums magazine last year we discussed how diabolical sex education was (we were all under 25 with our toddlers and babies so you can see how good our education was.) We discussed how there needs to be an outside organisation which goes into schools, having bumbling red faced teachers is not going to teach kids anything.

That also opens up the debate for whether it is up to children or parents to teach kids about sex. Personally I think it's both, my theory is to talk about it so much that that kids get sick of hearing about it and are so put off they don't want to. 

Thankfully I have a couple more years (I hope) before I have to discuss the birds and the bees, so I can think of how I'm going to discuss it with her. I think I will hand her a baby for a week, that will put her off! 

Scarlett's biggest worry today is my candles in the bathroom. Aapparently I need to change them around as they don't match! Ha get her little interior designer. My biggest dilemma with the candles is deciding whether to burn them or leave them as decrotive pieces. Hmm no I will leave them for now. Plus Yankee Candle have a sale on and it's pay day on Friday. 

Right I'm off to start on my 'Sex? Not yet! (oh catchy title, I just made that up!) book       for Scarlett, actually I will just show potential boyfriends this picture which should put them off....

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