Thursday, 7 August 2014


Right, so I failed my driving test for slowing down but not fully stopping at a stop sign and I have just seen some absolute donkey driving with his knees, eating a cheese string with one hand a talking on a mobile with the other. Bloody joke! - That's all I'm going to say on the subject of failing my driving test. It's still a bit raw. (&@@!) 

On a lighter note, do you know how are it is to tell a questioning 4 year old what the wires up in the sky do? 

Scarlett was asking how the telephone wires worked, what did they do, how are they used? In the end I had to say to her

"I don't work for BT I'm afraid sweetie so why don't you ask them?"

Her response....

"What's BT?" 

I refused to be dragged into another why, why, why conversation but maybe I will email them and find out about the telegraph poles for her as I am trying to learn something new every day (when I remember) Hmm best get googling for an email address. 

Oh I have learnt something today.... If you see a STOP sign, it's best to stop. 

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