Friday, 11 December 2015

'Meet the baby that has never eaten a carb'

The title should be 'Meet the baby who has never eaten rubbish in her life.'

Today in the Daily Mail I came across this story

The title is 'Meet the baby that has never eaten a carb'

Very misleading and very untrue.

The story is about Brisbane mother Shan Cooper and her baby daughter Grace who both follow the paleo diet.

This is a definition of the diet which I found online:

Paleo diet/ˈpalɪəʊ dʌɪət/

a diet based on the types of foods presumed to have been eaten by early humans, consisting chiefly of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit and excluding dairy or cereal products and processed food.

So, this mother is encouraging her daughter to eat a pretty healthy diet, shame on her for not feeding her daughter orange crap out of a jar.

When I had Scarlett, her insides must have been completely orange because of the the packet and jar foods I gave her, I didn't have time and I couldn't be bothered to prepare things for when we went out. Good on this woman for making her childs diet as healthy as she can.

Basically this is a story to entice people to have a go at this woman for allowing her baby to follow a 'diet' however it is not really a diet, it is a lifestyle for them.

Since when was it a bad thing to feed your child a healthy diet instead of shoving chicken nuggets and chips down their throats?

'Grace enjoys eating stemmed broccoli and potatoes' oh, hello carbs.

Grace is not fed processed bread (carbs), and for her birthday cake her mother made her a strawberry panacotta with coconut cream.

Ms Cooper said: 'If she eats a piece of bread, I'm not going to have a conniption.

'She's going to go to kids' parties and eat what's there.

'I'm never going to go to Grace, "you can't eat anything at this party- but I packed you some kale, here you go.'

In my eyes, all this mother is trying to do is educate her daughter to make healthy decisions by giving her the best diet she can, and when her child is old enough she will let her make her own choices about food.

What a shame that a paper has to write such a negative take on something that can really only be a positive thing.

Read the story and let me know what you think.

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