Yesterday I decided to have a girlie day with my daughter and my boyfriend's two daughters.
In my head I had planned a lovely relaxing trip to the cinema, followed by a delicious and nutritious lunch at Mc Donald's rounded off with a bit of retail therapy.
Yep it all went totally to plan, and I did learn a thing or five.
1. I now know why I only had one child.
The majority of mothers have one child and then decide to have another. I started my motherhood dream with four children in mind, this went down to three after I had Scarlett and gradually as the months went by, so did my dream of more children.
Scarlett is six and an only child, some people may see this as selfish 'she shouldn't be on her own it's not fair.' Blah, blah.
I will tell you what is not fair, going grey at 19, not having enough money to buy anything decent (for her or me), the lack of holidays, and the fact that I will probably never own my own house until my parent die (sorry Mum and Dad).
Luckily for me I have found a boyfriend with two lovely daughters and a son, so while Scarlett is not on her 'own' they do not live with us full time. It would take a bit of getting used to if we did have all four kids with us at once, the reality of the situation at the moment is that we are a split family but if anything did change I would love to see all of them more- but I would have to stock up on multivitamins and go on a silent retreat at least once a year.
2. A 'cheap' cinema morning will not be 'cheap'.
I thought it was a bargain when I bought 3 children tickets and one adult for the cinema for under £12.00, that was until we got to the sweets.
I let the girls choose their own sweets, big mistake (Every savvy parent knows you should go to Tesco and stock up before hand), then I bought them all drinks (another error- see bracket before this one). When the young boy behind the counter told me he wanted nearly £20.00 I choked on the popcorn I was shovelling into my mouth (and was yet to pay for), and thanked him sarcastically as I mopped my brow and calmed my heart.
3. Mc Donald's is not the place to be at 1pm on a Saturday.
Another fabulous idea we have as parents have is a trip to Maccy D's on a Saturday lunch time. WHY?!
I knew it would be packed, a trip to the drive thru would have been easier and I would have been able to sit down.
I ate my happy meal (so that the could have an extra toy as I am nice like that), standing up squashed between tables looking around at the other parents doing the same thing.
I will never make this mistake again- the drive thru will win every time so I can sit in the drivers seat and enjoy my food without getting indigestion.
4. Buying something for one child is not possible.
I had to buy some new shoes and a coat for ONE of the girls. After measuring the feet of the child I intended to buy shoes for, I was hit by cries of 'I want new shoes!' and 'I want to measure my feet!' by the other girls.
Needless to say we left the shop without anything and I paid for them all to go on a merry-go-round, where they proceeded to throw their soft toys and moan at me to get them as they were flying through the air.
5. Children are a great way to avoid those charity fundraisers in town
Usually when I go through town and see a charity fundraiser trying to sign me up to give £3.00 a month for saving the trees or whatever cause they work for, I do what everyone else does and side step away from them as soon as I spot them. (I'm not being mean, I sponsor a dog and give to various charities throughout the year.) However, this time because I knew I looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights with three kids in tow, I practically walked into one of them without fear and said: 'I'm sorry I have three kids with me, I can't possibly stop.' The fundraiser looked at me sympathetically and told me to 'try and have a good day!'
For our next girlie day we are going swimming- ha just kidding, we will be having a movie duvet day with treats bought from Tesco and Pizza Hut on speed dial.
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