Recently I have found that I have become one of THOSE mothers...
Description of THOSE:
A Mother who shouts at her child outside the school gates, in the supermarket, in Mc Donald's, etc. the sound often being referred to a 'banshee.'
I am said banshee.
Yesterday at school pick up time went like this...
I hadn't seen Scarlett since Tuesday morning and it was now Friday. I collected her from her class carrying her beloved Frozen scooter.
Scarlett: 'Put my scooter down.'
Me: 'Hello Scarlett, how has your week been? Tell me about your day at the farm on Wednesday, then you can have your scooter.'
Scarlett: 'No, put my scooter down.'
Me: 'Name an animal you saw and then you can have your scooter.'
Scarlett: 'Put my scooter down NOW!'
We had not even made it out of the school gates...
I gave her the scooter as the other parents were staring.
A bit further down the road she gave me her scooter so she could walk on a wall. At the end of the wall she jumped off...
Scarlett: 'Put my scooter down.'
Me: 'Say please.'
Scarlett: 'No.'
Me: 'No scooter until you say please.'
Scarlett: 'No.'
Me: 'Ok.' And I started to walk off.
Scarlett burst into tears and wouldn't move. Kids seem to have superhuman strength when they don't want to do something and she was rooted to the spot when I tried to get her to walk.
I was beyond embarrassed as people were walking past but I felt I had to be strong and not give in (which I'm rubbish at doing as I think she will remember these moments and throw them back in my face later on in life) she cried and sobbed then said the magic word...
I gave her the scooter, she followed meekly behind, then 10 minutes later she was sweetness and light.
Today I have had constant hugs and kisses and no misbehaving so obviously standing up to my brat worked (or was it the 2 ice creams I have her?!)
So the next time I see I fellow banshee, I will be urging them to stay strong and if you see me being the banshee, I'm winning- trust me (and the ice creams.)
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