Sunday, 26 April 2015

Am I a bad parent for not pushing my child enough?

Scarlett recently came home with more homework, she's 5 and I think it's beyond ridiculous, so I've boycotted it. 

There is no way that once she has come home from school I'm going to sit her down and practice spellings with her. I'd rather go to the shop, buy her some sweets and watch a film or go to the park, so that is what we do. 

However, today Scarlett willingly got her spelling book from her bag and said she wanted to practice writing, so I said ok...

(If you are wondering where the word 'mum' is, it's probably on the previous page that I haven't looked at.)

This was Scarlett's effort...

The words she has written are not the words that are on the page she is practicing from but I said well done and then we ordered Chinese food. 

I wasn't going to sit there and tell her it wasn't quite right and she should do it 'like this.' She made an effort and I didn't want to put her off by putting her down. 

Some may argue I could have said it 'nicely' to soften the blow but the fact that she tried is enough for me, but should I push for more? 

It's all very well saying I'm boycotting the homework as she should be 'learning through play' (it says that statement somewhere in the school prospectus) but could I potentially be damaging my child? 

If all of the other parents are doing the homework with their child, Scarlett could be the child at the bottom of the class because of me. 

I think it's incredibly unfair to put this pressure on the parents and children when adjusting to being in school should surely be the priority? 

I do agree that spelling in this country is an issue (ok, on plenty of fish.) Most are unable to spell restaurant (to a restarant is where guys want to go on a first date. Good luck finding one of those, and a date) and don't even get me started on your, you're, they're, there, and their. 

But is 5 not too young to be pushing kids? They will have to endure endless amounts of homework and learning over the next few years, can't we give them a break for the first year? 

For now I will let Scarlett do her homework if she wants to, not because I'm making her and I will wait to be scorned at the next parents evening.

However, I will offer free spelling lessons on my next date. 


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