Thursday, 30 April 2015

Sherri Shepherd a 'tricked' Mother?

Meet Sherri Shepherd...

(Above taken from Wikipedia website.) 

I would like to add to her occupation: Heartless, selfish, disgusting excuse for a 'Mother'.  

Let me tell you her story...

Sherri was married to a man called Lamar Sally, after 3 years they separated- no big deal right? 


When they were together they decided to have a baby and used a surrogate but when the baby was born, because Sherri and Lamar were no longer together Sherri decided against looking after her baby boy and instead denied him as he had no 'DNA connection' to her and said she was 'tricked' into having him. 

Tricked to me means your husband messing with your contraception pills or poking holes in condoms, it does not mean searching for a surrogate for a reported 8 months, deciding to impregnate her with your husbands sperm and pay her $30,000. 

Biological or not, once you have started a journey on becoming a mother be it naturally, through adoption or surrogacy you can't suddenly turn your back on an innocent child and say it's not yours biologically so you have changed your mind and you're walking away. That is just disgusting and unacceptable. 

Thankfully a judge agreed and Sherri was forced by a judge to be named the baby's mother meaning she will have to support him whether she likes it or not. 

Sherri has spoken since in an interview with ET and said: 'I'm doing really really well. I don't care what I go through, nothing gets me down...'

And the most laughable comment:

'My integrity speaks for itself.' 

Yes, yes it does Sherri. 

It's nice to know that you 'don't care' what you go through (none of the rest of us do either) but to not care about your son is despicable. Throughout the interview she did not mention her 'son' once or give any indication that she was anything but a horrific excuse for a woman. 

Shame on you Sherri. Let's all hope she gets forgotten about and fades into the background sooner rather than later, just as she wishes her son to. 

For those of you with a heart, the baby is doing well and is with his father Lamar, they are struggling financially while Sherri is sitting comfortably after earning a reported $3 million last year. 

Let's hope karma catches up with her and her 'integrity'. 

Wednesday, 29 April 2015


This picture has been doing the rounds of the internet over the past week...

The debate has been kicking off over whether breast feeding on the toilet is acceptable or not. 

I'm ending the debate, it's not. -End of. 

Personally I'm more interested in her tampon stash and the fact that she bought her phone to the toilet with her. 

Next topic...

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Dying for diets...

The summer is coming, my bikini body is not ready (nor has it been for at least 5 years) and I needed a quick fix so I, like many other women bought diet pills a few weeks ago...

They are supposed to help shift excess weight and all you have to do is take a couple of pills a day. Easy peasy. 

I used them for about a week, drank aloe vera juice (which by the way literally tastes like vomit) restricted my diet but nothing happened so I stopped taking them and bought a family sized bar of Dairy Milk. Patience is not one of my virtues. 

However I am so glad I stopped taking them after reading the latest diet pill horror story. 

Eloise Parry was a 21 year old student in the prime of her life, last week she died after taking diet pills containing an industrial chemical DNP (dinitrophenol) which is a toxin similar in substance to TNT. A lethal amount was just 2 pills, Eloise had taken 8. 

Unfortunately reports such as these are becoming increasingly common, as the obsession with the 'perfect' body is taking over. 

Social media such as Twitter and Instagram have let us get closer than ever to our favourite celebrities and their constant updates of selfies, belfies and thigh gaps. With 'diet' pills easier than ever to get hold of, the sad reports of young people dying for diets will keep on increasing. 

When I was about 14 the diet pill of 'the moment' was called Hoodia. I read celebrity magazines and thought I can get a body like that if I take these pills. 10 minutes and a few clicks later, my pills were on their way to my house and I was on my way to a new body. 

I remember telling friends I had bought them and they called me mad and stupid but that made me just want to prove them wrong and show them that I could do it. 

There are not many things in life I can say I am happy that I failed at but my Hoodia diet lasted only a few days and before long the pills were in the bin and I was happily eating chocolate cheesecake again. 

Unfortunately though, these pills are far to easy to get hold of and for impressionable young girls with the determination to lose weight (unlike me) they are deadly. 

I have dabbled twice and luckily I have been ok, but what if the pills that I picked had contained a deadly substance that I was not aware of? 

I don't think banning pills would work as that could cause more harm with increasingly desperate people grabbing whatever they could find on the black market but there needs to be some sort of regulation and education. 

Most of these deadly pills are sold as pesticides and not fit for human consumption so how are people able to get hold of them? 

I looked at the back of my diet pill bottle...

I have no clue what is in these pills and didn't bother to check before I had taken them. The deal was sealed when I read online that they can 'help you lose weight.' I picked these up in my local Holland and Barrett which I may add there is nothing on this particular bottle which claims to aid weight loss, in fact the bottle doesn't claim anything other than the pills are raspberry ketones. 

However the same can't be said for some of the pills available online...

Before customers are able to buy these pills there should be warnings that pop up and maybe even a questionnaire called 'do you understand what is in these pills?' With a list of ingredients and potential side effects including: Death. 

Or all 'diet' pills should have to be tested and on the bottles it should read: Fit for human consumption. If the bottle doesn't state that scentence, they should not be able to be sold online, in shops or anywhere. Anyone ignoring this should be jailed immediately as a danger to society. 

I'm just throwing out ideas but something needs to be done before these pills cause more misery. 

We should also be educating our children that if something seems to be too good to be true, then it probably is and if you eat crisps, chocolate and sweets everyday and don't exercise enough, you will get fat. 

It's sad but true, eat less and move more because a quick fix could end up with you being put in the ground quicker than you expected. 

Monday, 27 April 2015


While lounging in the bath and reading 'New!' I came across a very interesting and valid point from none other than Peter Andre...

(Every one loves a bit of Peter, don't tell anyone but I used to have a poster of him on my wall which I used to kiss every night before I went to sleep, come to think of it, I think it's in my memory box now.) 

Anyway, while Peter was shocked that 1 in 3 children hadn't been taught to dial 999 in an emergency, I was not, as I have not taught my own child Scarlett. 

To be honest, I have thought about it briefly but I didn't in the end as I didn't think she would understand to call 999 in an emergency and because if she thought it was a game I could end up with the emergency services round my flat every other day. 

I Googled to find out more and found out through a recent Daily Mail article that the survey had been carried out by Mumsnet. 

757 parents took part and found that 37 per cent of parents had not told their child how to dial 999. 53 per cent admitted they had not even considered teaching their children. 

46 per cent said their children were not mature enough to know who to call in an emergency, which is exactly what I thought. 

However, Mumsnet has a website which suggests parents build on their children's favourite characters such as Fireman Sam to teach them about what to do in an emergency as the website suggests that children under 5 should be taught what to do. 

As part of their mission to get parents to teach their children about emergency's, there is a hard hitting video of a 5 year old girl Elleemae, who saved her Mums life by dialling 999 after she had an epileptic fit. 

Anyone who doesn't teach their child to dial 999 after listening to that call is a fool. 

Scarlett is watching Fireman Sam now so once it is finished I will be having a chat with her about what to do in an emergency.

I may just thank my lucky stars that I did one day, oh and Peter Andre. 

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Am I a bad parent for not pushing my child enough?

Scarlett recently came home with more homework, she's 5 and I think it's beyond ridiculous, so I've boycotted it. 

There is no way that once she has come home from school I'm going to sit her down and practice spellings with her. I'd rather go to the shop, buy her some sweets and watch a film or go to the park, so that is what we do. 

However, today Scarlett willingly got her spelling book from her bag and said she wanted to practice writing, so I said ok...

(If you are wondering where the word 'mum' is, it's probably on the previous page that I haven't looked at.)

This was Scarlett's effort...

The words she has written are not the words that are on the page she is practicing from but I said well done and then we ordered Chinese food. 

I wasn't going to sit there and tell her it wasn't quite right and she should do it 'like this.' She made an effort and I didn't want to put her off by putting her down. 

Some may argue I could have said it 'nicely' to soften the blow but the fact that she tried is enough for me, but should I push for more? 

It's all very well saying I'm boycotting the homework as she should be 'learning through play' (it says that statement somewhere in the school prospectus) but could I potentially be damaging my child? 

If all of the other parents are doing the homework with their child, Scarlett could be the child at the bottom of the class because of me. 

I think it's incredibly unfair to put this pressure on the parents and children when adjusting to being in school should surely be the priority? 

I do agree that spelling in this country is an issue (ok, on plenty of fish.) Most are unable to spell restaurant (to a restarant is where guys want to go on a first date. Good luck finding one of those, and a date) and don't even get me started on your, you're, they're, there, and their. 

But is 5 not too young to be pushing kids? They will have to endure endless amounts of homework and learning over the next few years, can't we give them a break for the first year? 

For now I will let Scarlett do her homework if she wants to, not because I'm making her and I will wait to be scorned at the next parents evening.

However, I will offer free spelling lessons on my next date. 


Friday, 24 April 2015

My child is a brat.

Recently I have found that I have become one of THOSE mothers...

Description of THOSE:

A Mother who shouts at her child outside the school gates, in the supermarket, in Mc Donald's, etc. the sound often being referred to a 'banshee.' 

I am said banshee. 

Yesterday at school pick up time went like this...

I hadn't seen Scarlett since Tuesday morning and it was now Friday. I collected her from her class carrying her beloved Frozen scooter. 

Scarlett: 'Put my scooter down.' 

Me: 'Hello Scarlett, how has your week been? Tell me about your day at the farm on Wednesday, then you can have your scooter.'

Scarlett: 'No, put my scooter down.' 

Me: 'Name an animal you saw and then you can have your scooter.' 

Scarlett: 'Put my scooter down NOW!'

We had not even made it out of the school gates...


I gave her the scooter as the other parents were staring.  

A bit further down the road she gave me her scooter so she could walk on a wall. At the end of the wall she jumped off...

Scarlett: 'Put my scooter down.'

Me: 'Say please.'

Scarlett: 'No.' 

Me: 'No scooter until you say please.'

Scarlett: 'No.' 

Me: 'Ok.' And I started to walk off. 

Scarlett burst into tears and wouldn't move. Kids seem to have superhuman strength when they don't want to do something and she was rooted to the spot when I tried to get her to walk. 

I was beyond embarrassed as people were walking past but I felt I had to be strong and not give in (which I'm rubbish at doing as I think she will remember these moments and throw them back in my face later on in life) she cried and sobbed then said the magic word...


I gave her the scooter, she followed meekly behind, then 10 minutes later she was sweetness and light. 

Today I have had constant hugs and kisses and no misbehaving so obviously standing up to my brat worked (or was it the 2 ice creams I have her?!) 

So the next time I see I fellow banshee, I will be urging them to stay strong and if you see me being the banshee, I'm winning- trust me (and the ice creams.) 

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Belle, Belle, Belle and the runaway lie.

Meet Belle Gibson who was an inspiration with an army of followers...

WAS an inspiration. 

She had a recipe book 'The whole Pantry' and an app with which she shouted to the world...

'I have cancer but, I'm kicking it's butt!' 

Over the past few days the world has watched in shock as her layers have been peeled back and we have been hit with the ugly truth about the beautiful fantasist Belle and her runaway lie. 

According to reports, in 2009 Belle had been told by doctors that she had brain cancer:

'You're dying. You have six weeks, four months tops.'

It is unimaginable how anyone could possibly feel when hearing a statement such as the above, but imagine, Belle did.

She claimed she was not going to follow conventional treatments but instead use holistic treatments and changed her diet to be gluten-free and refunded sugar-free. 

On her Instagram blog @healing_belle in 2013 she said she was going to continue healing herself 'naturally.' 

Well, it seemed to be working as 4 years previously she only had a maximum of 4 months. This woman was clearly defying the odds and so her army of fans continued to grow.

Belle later claimed that the cancer had spread to her blood, spleen, uterus and liver and she did not expect to survive, which was heartbreaking for her fans.   

However, last month her story began to unravel. Charities which were supposed to have recieved $300,000 from her had yet to see a penny and no medical evidence had ever been seen to back up her claims that she had a terminal illness.  

The timeline of events is a bit confusing but somewhere along the line Belle revealed that her cancer of the blood, spleen, uterus and liver had been 'wrongly' diagnosed by a German magnetic therapist.

Belle's book 'The whole pantry' and her app was pulled, she made her Instagram profile private and the world was banging on her door for answers.  

This week we have got them...sort of. 

Belle gave an interview to Woman's Weekly and said: 

'I am still jumping between what I think I know and what is reality.' 

While having not read the whole interview myself as only parts have been published online, Belle is certainly feeling the backlash from her army who have turned on their leader, though she has said:

'I don't want forgiveness.' 

There are a lot of people making a lot of awful comments towards her but shouldn't we all step back and take a breath?  

I'm not saying what she did was right but what started out as a small lie, escalated and before she knew it she had a book deal, an app and attention. Publishers had shoved her into the spotlight and she must have frozen and realised she couldn't admit the truth, so had to go along with the lie.   

I understand that she had dedicated followers who will be beyond devastated and hurt as some of her followers are not just fans but are genuinely ill, but to a certain extent is Belle herself not ill too? 

To make something of this magnitude up she must have issues, not a touch on people who are living with terminal illnesses but issues that she needs help with nonetheless. 

She also has an innocent child who will feel the backlash of his Mothers deceit but she needs to speak with him privately with her partner to figure out what they need to do going forward to protect him from this circus. 

Hate is a strong word which is being thrown at Belle but to be disappointed in someone hits far harder. 

I'm sick of reading hurtful comments so I'm taking a stand...stop the hate. Let's be disappointed in Belle instead. 

Let's be disappointed and hope that she gets the help that she actually needs and remember that all is not what it seems in this life and sometimes you have to take things with a pinch of salt. 

The drinking debate...

I'm putting my love life and internet dating on the back burner to focus on more pressing issues such as...alcohol. 

Actually, what put me off internet dating is that I read a story about a brother and sister on Tinder who were separated years ago, they got chatting and then the guy realised he was talking to his sister. Thank the universe for making him realise and see the signs, as waking up next to who you think is your sister, could be a little awkward! 

I have relatives out in the world that I have never met and seeing as I like older men, I could end up chatting to my birth father, now that would be...there are no words, just no. 

So alcohol it is then (the more the better I say) but on a serious note, how young is too young to be buying your child alcohol? 

This mother has admitted that she buys alcohol for her 16 year old daughter. 

She states: 

'We all know if you make something in a teenagers life a taboo, it just intensifies their want for it more.' 

I agree with the above statement but rather than her daughter going all out and taking them up on the offer, she does not want to drink alcohol and said to her mother..

'I've seen what it does to you and dad, I don't want to be like you.' 

Now, what the hell kind of state are these parents getting themselves into to make their daughter say that? But...on the other hand, is it all a sneaky ploy to act like fools on alcohol in front of their child to make her not want to drink it? I think they are onto a winner! 

My mum has always said to me that I am like Eddy in Absolutely Fabulous and Scarlett will be like Saffy when she grows up. Irresponsible mother and sensible child, I'm happy with that. 

I will add that the author of the original article has chosen to remain anonymous, which could be down to the fact that she doesn't want to get arrested or because she is in a drunken stupor and has forgotten her name. 

But the question....would I buy Scarlett alcohol at 16? 


That's my answer and I'm sticking to it. 

My parents let me have the odd glass of wine at dinner but when I went to parties they were reluctant to buy me alcohol, which resulted in me stealing it from the garage when they refused to buy me any, which lead to me being in hospital with alcohol poisoning...on Father's day. (I'm still really sorry Dad.) 

However I blame my parents. If they had bought me a couple of Bacardi Breezer's, I would have been quite content and would have ended the night in my own bed instead of a hospital bed. 

So I don't see the harm in buying a couple of alco-pops for my daughter so that she can feel cool. I'd much rather that then her go to a party and scavenge around for alcohol and end up drinking from a vodka bottle that she doesn't know who's it is, where it's been or what could be in it. 

Scarlett is only 5 so I don't have to worry just yet but when she turns 16 and you see her with a bottle of disgustingly sugary, orange looking, low alcohol drink, then when you call the police, my name is Eddy and my best friend Pasty gave it to her. 

(Log onto for the full article)

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Plenty of...who knows what?!

So I didn't need to set up a whole new profile as I was (sadly) already on POF. I started looking at people's profiles and my goodness the guys love themselves. I've never seen so many shirtless pictures, I thought I was looking at a gay magazine. 

Then up popped Scarlett's dad. No word of a lie, I laughed and was going to look at his profile to see what it said, then realised people can see when you have looked at their profile- damn it! 

I laughed again then felt sorry for Scarlett that both of her saddo parents are on a dating website. Cringe. 

Then this came into my inbox...

His profile says he has a girlfriend and is the real life Mr Grey (ha yeah ok little boy) and NO I did not reply thank you! I highly doubt he could give me any pleasure, apart from the pleasure of laughing at him. 

'Oh yes please Mr Grey, spank me!' 

He said on his profile he doesn't have the money to fly around in helicopters (not on his Mc Donald's wage) so I'm totally over him. Not in the way he would like, I might add. 

Then I received a message from Sebastian, I LOVE that name (if it's his real one. I don't like the name Hannibal so I hope it's not really that) he seems nice. Were just chatting at the moment but in my head I'm like let's meet and see what the deal is. I don't want to be talking for like 2 weeks and then when we meet he doesn't look like his pictures or is really awkward. 

I don't want to scare him so I will wait another day before asking him out. Technically he should ask me out, bloody hate this dating game. 

Maybe I need to see what this 'tinder' is all about? 


Monday, 13 April 2015

Oh, hello!

I have been away throwing a pity party for myself but I'm over it now so, hello again! 

I'm a terrible mother (did I say I was over that pity party?!) and Scarlett has made sure she has told the entire school why. 

She skipped into school this morning and showed the head teacher her thumb which has a plaster on it...

Scarlett: 'I've got a baddie!'

Head teacher: 'How did you do that?'

Me: 'We just had an accident.' And I scurried down to Scarlett's class to where a teaching assistant was standing...

Scarlett: 'I've got a baddie on my thumb and my elbow, I've got lots of baddies!' And off she went while I grimaced and said: 

'We've been in the wars.' 

The thumb baddie, was my bad. 

Scarlett came in screaming she had hurt her thumb last night but wouldn't show me. There was a trickle of blood and I finally got out of her hours later that she had touched my razor as it looked 'so smooth!' Then she said:

'Its your fault mummy, you shouldn't have left it where I could touch it.' 

Fair point. 

The elbow baddie is when she fell off her scooter and now I've explained, there is no need for social services! 

I've been contemplating over the past few days about going back to internet dating. Am I completely mad?! 

I though about going on a site like but the idea of paying to talk to people doesn't sit well with me (I'm not that desperate that I need to pay, though there may be a better standard of man....pah!) So I'm going back on plenty of weirdos, fish, I mean plenty of fish. 

Mind you with Plenty of fish I think the guys are looking for a pussy cat more than anything if you catch my drift. 

I don't have time to mess about so if I go on a date and don't feel 'it' it's bye bye. I'm having a quarter life crisis and I need to sort it out! Where's my zing? 

These blog posts may also be useful if I meet someone cray cray and get kidnapped or murdered. Haha, oh bugger, but you could say that about anyone you meet. I'm sure I will know a murderer when I see one...:/ 

Right let's get fishing! 

About me...