Thursday, 12 March 2015

The great dummy debate.

I stumbled across a thread earlier and want your opinion...

The scenario: Your baby spits out its dummy and it falls on the ground... SHOCK HORROR! What do you do now?! 

When Scarlett was a few weeks old, I was in a restaurant (Mc Donalds) and her dummy fell on the floor. I was dumb founded, I panicked and thought about running to Boots to buy a new dummy but settled with asking the greasy teen behind the counter for a cup of boiling water to put the dummy in. 

A few weeks later it happened again but this time...I calmly picked up the dummy off the floor, sucked it, looked around and popped it back into my little darlings mouth and ran down the road...why? 

Because, what if someone saw me and judged me for sucking her dummy clean and called me a terrible mother?! I actually felt shame for sucking the dummy 'clean' and besides, I should have learnt my lesson from my previous Mc Donald's trip and brought a spare dummy. (I'm a useless Mother who spends too much time in Mc Donald's.)  

I have looked at hundreds of threads on message boards on this subject (there are literally hundreds!) and after the initial: 

'My Maximilian doesn't have a dummy (as I wouldn't expect any self respecting parent to let their child have one) but if he did have a dummy, I would always carry at least 2 other sterilized dummy's with me at ALL TIMES.' 

The general consensus of how to deal with the scenario of your child's dummy falling on the floor is: 

First child: Steralise the dummy. 

Second Child: Wash the dummy in your mouth.  

Third Child: Wipe the dummy on your shirt. 

Fourth child: No opinion as the mothers are too tired to care, or the dog cleans it while no one is looking. 

Scarlett is now 5, so the dirt on the floor didn't kill her, nor did my mouth washing of the dummy (and the dummy is now long gone before you all panic) but what do you do? 

Or was I just completely useless and every Mother has 2 extra dummy's 'just in case'?  

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I think it's funny how people get so get up over dummy's! I just wipe the dummy off and give it back to baby. If I have water to handy I'll wash it, if not a wipe or whatever I have will suffice. My little girl puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, I don't think a dropped dummy is the worst! And I don't carry a spare dummy with me. My little boy was a dummy lover and I always had to have about 5 with me-just in case, but they were never 'sterilised' they were just floating around the bottom of my bag with all the other crap!
