I came across this article on The Daily Mail website this afternoon and have had to stop myself from launching my phone across the room in utter disgust...
Basically, the above woman decided she wanted to become a mother and when her adopted son became unwell (and not what she ordered) she sent him back to where he came from as if he was a dish in a restaurant that she didn't like.
Now, I don't know if because I'm adopted that I find this utterly disgraceful, or because I'm a mother, or possibly because I have a HEART.
If she had him naturally she couldn't throw him out and ask for a new one because he wasn't what she thought he was going to be.
Unfortunately the little boy has health issues due to brain damage which he was born with, but surely when you make a decision to become a parent you make an unwritten vow with yourself...
'In sickness and in health.'
Unfortunatley, some children are born with disabilities like this boy, some children are in accidents which end with them being disabled but you wouldn't just give up and say:
'no thanks, it's too hard. It's not what I wanted it to be like.'
Of course I don't know what this so called 'mother' went through. I probably wouldn't be able to imagine but he WAS her 'son' and I don't think you should ever give up on your kids.
God forbid something happens to Scarlett which makes her utterly dependent on me, I wouldn't just hand her back and ask for a new one as she hadn't turned out how I wanted her to be.
It just doesn't make sense that she can just hand the poor kid back like some used toy.
The saying 'a dog is for life, not just for Christmas' is running around my head, well how about:
'A child is for life, not just for the fun and easy parts.'
I am not claiming to know how hard is is to have a disabled child but sometimes life throws things at us and we have to get on with it, not turn our back and walk away -especially from an innocent child.
Life happens and being a parent is hard for everyone, I just hope that social services don't give her another child to use as an accessory and I hope he finds a true mother to look after him and cherish him.
If you would like to (or can bring yourself to read the article- warning, you may cry) then find the link below...
The woman (I can't be bothered to look up her name as it's a waste of my time) has set up a website called Adoption Disruption UK for adopters go to if their adoption breaks down (of if they just can't be bothered to be a 'mother' anymore.)
She has said she had to hand her 'son' back through 'no fault of her own' and that she 'loved him,' he was adopted in 2011 and now she has handed him back he is already past tense.
'Its certainly not something I took lightly at all, but I had nothing more to give and had to and him back.' That paragraph literally makes me want to vomit. Nothing more to give?! This woman should never be allowed near a child again.
She claims social workers agreed she couldn't care for him, I bet they saw she was just an utter disgrace and took the boy away from her for his own protection. She doesn't even deserve to look after a hamster, let alone another child.
A 'legal care order' is needed to hand a child back which she says implies the parents are at fault as they can't look after it. Unfortunately she went to court and won a 'no fault' ruling which basically means she can adopt another poor child without much hassle.
Please, someone give the woman a goldfish and see if she can look after that for more than a year first.
I am totally enraged by this piece of work and pray for the poor boy that had to be adopted and returned. First class love, you truly are first class, hopefully we can ship you away for good too.
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