Saturday, 14 March 2015

24/7 blog

I don't get these Mummy's that blog 10 million times a day. If I can throw a couple of paragraphs together inbetween...

breakfast-screaming match-slamming fingers in doors (Scarlett) -stubbing toes into the TV cabinet (me) -arguing about what colour socks to wear-tantrums past Mc Donald's (me) figuring out what we are having for tea- bath time battle- bedtime battle -and get to bed before 1am with a blog in-between, then I am immensely proud of myself. 

While it is lovely to see blogs on Facebook and Twitter, it does make me wonder...don't these Mummy's have everyday problems like arguing with partners, having to run to the shop at 10.55pm to find a present for a child's birthday party the next day or epic hunts to find floppy bunny? Maybe it is all a they even actually have children?!

Of is it just me? Am I just totally unorganised and a useless self titled 'blogger'? 

Thursday, 12 March 2015

The great dummy debate.

I stumbled across a thread earlier and want your opinion...

The scenario: Your baby spits out its dummy and it falls on the ground... SHOCK HORROR! What do you do now?! 

When Scarlett was a few weeks old, I was in a restaurant (Mc Donalds) and her dummy fell on the floor. I was dumb founded, I panicked and thought about running to Boots to buy a new dummy but settled with asking the greasy teen behind the counter for a cup of boiling water to put the dummy in. 

A few weeks later it happened again but this time...I calmly picked up the dummy off the floor, sucked it, looked around and popped it back into my little darlings mouth and ran down the road...why? 

Because, what if someone saw me and judged me for sucking her dummy clean and called me a terrible mother?! I actually felt shame for sucking the dummy 'clean' and besides, I should have learnt my lesson from my previous Mc Donald's trip and brought a spare dummy. (I'm a useless Mother who spends too much time in Mc Donald's.)  

I have looked at hundreds of threads on message boards on this subject (there are literally hundreds!) and after the initial: 

'My Maximilian doesn't have a dummy (as I wouldn't expect any self respecting parent to let their child have one) but if he did have a dummy, I would always carry at least 2 other sterilized dummy's with me at ALL TIMES.' 

The general consensus of how to deal with the scenario of your child's dummy falling on the floor is: 

First child: Steralise the dummy. 

Second Child: Wash the dummy in your mouth.  

Third Child: Wipe the dummy on your shirt. 

Fourth child: No opinion as the mothers are too tired to care, or the dog cleans it while no one is looking. 

Scarlett is now 5, so the dirt on the floor didn't kill her, nor did my mouth washing of the dummy (and the dummy is now long gone before you all panic) but what do you do? 

Or was I just completely useless and every Mother has 2 extra dummy's 'just in case'?  

Are you a shitty Mum?

Doing research for my book (yes, self pat on the shoulder. I'm so up my own backside) and I came across this quiz: Are you a shitty Mum? 

Take the quiz...

I answered yes to the majority, I don't understand number 9, so I guess that makes me a shitty Mum. 

Oh well, I'll get over it in time...ooh, something shiny!! 

If you are interested in the actual book...

It's bloody brilliant and I've only read the intro. 

Must get on...

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Josie Gibson level 1 workout- review

All I have to say is PHEW! 

I can see how she shed the weight! 

Today I did Josie's 30 second slim, level 1 workout. 

I initially started the warm-up in just my t-shirt and pants, I soon realised I had too much wobble and needed some support. So, on went my sports bra and supportive gym leggings. 

The DVD is focused on 30 seconds of intense exercise, followed by active rest. Active rest is not the word! It should be called slightly less intense rest (but there is no resting involved.) 

I can totally see and feel how Josie loss all of the weight that she did, the workout is hardcore and I'm only on level 1. I'm scared to play level 2 and 3 but I feel that if I stick with the DVD, it won't be long before I start seeing results. 

There is a beefy trainer giving instructions and in level 1, Josie says hardly anything at all. It is almost like she is just his pretty assistant in the background, which I felt was a shame as the DVD is about her and her weight loss. 

Most celebrity workout DVD's have a 'story' about their weight loss, as does this one, but it's a bit flat.

There is a dull narrator basically saying: 'look at how she was before, this is her doing the workout on the first day and now look at her 6 months later' - insert clapping here-  It feels a little patronizing. I wanted to see the blood, sweat and tears over the months to from fat to fab.  

Josie again does not say a word, dispute the fact that it is 'Josie's story.' 

Based on the level 1 workout, I would say you do need a certain level of fitness to start off with. I do try to run a couple if times a week and I found some of the moves totally exhausting and incredibly difficult but you can totally feel your body being worked out and the point is to push yourself as hard as you can for 30 seconds at a time. (Maybe I'm just lazy!) 

A good thing is that Level 1 only lasts about 20 minutes, so I can now go on with my day while thinking 'I kicked my own wobbly butt this morning!' 

I will keep up with level 1 for a couple of weeks to build up my fitness and then move onto level 2.

I will keep you posted. 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

'Why I gave back my adopted toddler...'

I came across this article on The Daily Mail website this afternoon and have had to stop myself from launching my phone across the room in utter disgust...

Basically, the above woman decided she wanted to become a mother and when her adopted son became unwell (and not what she ordered) she sent him back to where he came from as if he was a dish in a restaurant that she didn't like. 

Now, I don't know if because I'm adopted that I find this utterly disgraceful, or because I'm a mother, or possibly because I have a HEART. 

If she had him naturally she couldn't throw him out and ask for a new one because he wasn't what she thought he was going to be. 

Unfortunately the little boy has health issues due to brain damage which he was born with, but surely when you make a decision to become a parent you make an unwritten vow with yourself...

'In sickness and in health.' 

Unfortunatley, some children are born with disabilities like this boy, some children are in accidents which end with them being disabled but you wouldn't just give up and say: 

'no thanks, it's too hard. It's not what I wanted it to be like.' 

Of course I don't know what this so called 'mother' went through. I probably wouldn't be able to imagine but he WAS her 'son' and I don't think you should ever give up on your kids. 

God forbid something happens to Scarlett which makes her utterly dependent on me, I wouldn't just hand her back and ask for a new one as she hadn't turned out how I wanted her to be. 

It just doesn't make sense that she can just hand the poor kid back like some used toy. 

The saying 'a dog is for life, not just for Christmas' is running around my head, well how about: 

'A child is for life, not just for the fun and easy parts.' 

I am not claiming to know how hard is is to have a disabled child but sometimes life throws things at us and we have to get on with it, not turn our back and walk away -especially from an innocent child.

Life happens and being a parent is hard for everyone, I just hope that social services don't give her another child to use as an accessory and I hope he finds a true mother to look after him and cherish him. 

If you would like to (or can bring yourself to read the article- warning, you may cry) then find the link below... 

The woman (I can't be bothered to look up her name as it's a waste of my time) has set up a website called Adoption Disruption UK for adopters go to if their adoption breaks down (of if they just can't be bothered to be a 'mother' anymore.)  

She has said she had to hand her 'son' back through 'no fault of her own' and that she 'loved him,' he was adopted in 2011 and now she has handed him back he is already past tense. 

'Its certainly not something I took lightly at all, but I had nothing more to give and had to and him back.' That paragraph literally makes me want to vomit. Nothing more to give?! This woman should never be allowed near a child again. 

She claims social workers agreed she couldn't care for him, I bet they saw she was just an utter disgrace and took the boy away from her for his own protection. She doesn't even deserve to look after a hamster, let alone another child. 

A 'legal care order' is needed to hand a child back which she says implies the parents are at fault as they can't look after it. Unfortunately she went to court and won a 'no fault' ruling which basically means she can adopt another poor child without much hassle. 

Please, someone give the woman a goldfish and see if she can look after that for more than a year first. 

I am totally enraged by this piece of work and pray for the poor boy that had to be adopted and returned. First class love, you truly are first class, hopefully we can ship you away for good too. 

Friday, 6 March 2015

50 shades of oops...

While I can see slight humour in allowing her son to dress like this for world book day at school....

It is also quite shocking. 

If you are wondering what the above 11 year old is clutching in his innocent little paws, on the left he has a blindfold and on the right, cable ties. He is dressed as Christian Grey from the ADULT book '50 shades of Grey.' 

According to his mother it was all of the boys idea but how does he know about the book anyway as she claims he has not read it? 

I know it was a phenomenon for adults, but were children as young as 11 discussing 50 shades while in the playground, eating jam sandwiches? 

I imagine having to explain to the boy what the cable ties were for may have been a little awkward, though 'he loves DIY!' Could have been a feasible answer. 

So like the book, the Mother of this boy is now a phenomenon of naivety. One badly judged decision, which will have her branded at her sons school for the rest of the time he is there. Though, it may benefit him when he is older.     

I shouldn't criticise, my daughter Scarlett has been at her dads house all week, so for all I know she was Anastasia Steele (Christian Grey's lover). 

Actually, I'm just going to have a chat with her... :/ 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Self indulgent

Some people say that having a blog is self indulgent. I think having a blog is just like writing a journal except if people care to read it, then they can and if they don't, they don't. 

I will tell you who is self indulgent...

Blooming Myleene Klass. 

Today is world book day, while most parents are dressing their kids as Little Red Riding Hood or The Gruffalo, Myleene has dressed not one but both of her children as HER. 

Firstly I didn't even know she had written books (they are probably ghost written) and second of all I bet her kids haven't even read her book entitled 'Things to make and do with your children' which was the book that was shoved in their innocent little paws to promote their self indulgent mother. They should be dressed as characters not as a laughing stock. 

The title is so uninspirational and boring, I can guarantee that I won't be rushing out to buy it any time soon. 

I hope her kids go to a good school and grasp what world book day is about as Myleene has missed the mark, with no Klass. 

Monday, 2 March 2015

I only want one!

Recently, I have been asked when or if I am going to have another child more than ever, be it at the school gates or on Facebook or Twitter it's like the world is shouting:


I did a post a while back where I was seriously considering having another child but today, I am shouting back at the world: 


Scarlett will not suffer being an only child, if anything she will benefit from it and seeing as I don't have a steady boyfriend or husband that only leaves the 'immaculate conception' route anyway.

I have come up with my top 5 reasons for not having another child...

1. I will have more money if I don't have another...sort of. I need to stop giving in to Scarlett when she spots something she wants. (Side note, no she will not grow up to be a spoilt brat...well, I'm working on it.) 

2. I would look older if I had another child...I have just about got my full nights sleep back (bar last week when she had a dream about monsters. Damn you Monsters Inc.) 

3. My boobs would not survive another pregnancy...they already flop and if they flop any further, I will be using my boobs as flippers. 

4. I like not having baby vomit over EVERYTHING. 

5. I am just too selfish. I like my life, I love my little girl who has my undivided attention (apart from when Johnny Depp is on TV) and I'm ok with it being just Me and Scarlett. 

And so should you. 

Small Business Interview - Creative Candle

As part of trying to promote small businesses in an around Sussex, I recently had a chat with Laura who set up Creative Candle in 2014. 

Laura creates beautiful eco-friendly candles made with soy wax. They are 100 % free from paraffin, bees wax, pesticides, herbicides, palm wax & petroleum. 

Laura also makes pillar candles for a variety of occasions from Birthdays to Weddings and if you are creative yourself and have a candle design in mind, contact her and she will make it for you 'if you can think it, we can do it!' 

I found out more...

 Why did you decide to set up Creative Candle as a business? 

 In January 2014 I was looking for candles to have as centre pieces for the tables at my wedding. Having shopped around I found them to be quite expensive. I decided to try and make my own. I put photos on my facebook profile and friends began to ask me to make some for them. After a while I decided to open my facebook page and an ebay store. That's where it all began! Needless to say I got too busy to make my own centre pieces for my tables and ended up with tulips in vases!! 

What were your first steps when deciding to set up your own business? 

Research, research and more research. I read lots of books on candle making, business and accounting. It was important to understand how to run a business and make it successful. 

What was the most challenging part of setting up your business? 

I have never worked for myself before or had any need to keep accurate records of accounts. I took a crash course in trying to remember my GCSE IT lessons and remember how to use Excel!! Once I got to grips with it I found it ok. I set up this business when my son had just turned 1. Learning to juggle a full time job, the business, a one year old and housework seemed nearly impossible. Somehow I have muddled through and am still here to tell the tale!! 

What is the most rewarding thing about your business? 

A while ago a friend said she had been to someone's house and they had one of my candles, It made me feel warm and fuzzy! My repeat customers are the biggest reward I could ask for. 

Where do you get your ideas for what candles to create next?

'Necessity is the mother of all invention' said Plato.... My customers are my inspiration and whatever it is they ask for I always try my hardest to deliver! 

What advice would you give to someone setting up their own business? 

Research, research and research. Think about what it is you would like to sell and whether there is a market for it. You only get out what you put in! Make sure you have a target audience and set yourself small goals. Enjoy it! You have to love your product! 

Did you face any challenges while setting up your business? 

Creating a work/life balance. Its easy to get sucked in when you work from home and suddenly realise you haven't organised anything for dinner or run the hoover round for a week!! 

How do you promote your business? 

I promote my business though Ebay, Etsy, Facebook along with attending local craft fairs when I can. I always include a business card or flyer with every purchase. 

What would you say were the first steps to taking up candle making as a hobby?  

Making candles can be great fun. Invest in some proper kit you don't want to realise that you have used your last saucepan and now have nothing to cook the carrots in! Shop around as the price of wax and oils varies. I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for and cheap oil means cheap candles. Avoid using Paraffin wax, it has so many nasty chemicals in it and you have to heat it so high you could easily burn yourself.

Where do you see yourself in 2 years?

I only like to set myself small goals which I believe are achievable with hard work. So 2 years time seems like a lifetime away!! Like most small craft businesses I would like to make my business into a full time job however I think I might need a bit more than 2 years for that! 

Check out Creative Candle on Facebook or log onto 

Put the shortbread down...tomorrow

When your legs are desperately trying to escape from the rips in your jeans (the rips are meant to be there, I'm not bursting out of my clothes like the Incredible Hulk) it may be the time to crack out the exercise DVD...

It has been sat in the above spot next to my tv since I bought it 2 weeks ago. No, that is not a biscuit next to it, it's shortbread and shortbread is way healthier. 

So tomorrow, I will be working my butt off. (Yes tomorrow, not today as I have the rest of the shortbread to finish.)

I'm worried that Josie's accent may grate on me however, my groaning will probably drown her out and besides, if she can shed half of her body, then I can pop one of the tyres around my stomach which is inflating by the day. 

I did look into pole dancing, but I have a fear that the pole will collapse while I am in a compromising position and life would never be the same...

So wish me luck...I'm kicking butt tomorrow! 

(Where did I put those shortbread?)