I keep writing the date as 2014 instead of 2015. 2014 was an ok year but 2015 is going to be epic.
I can nearly read now and spell out each letter of a word before I say the sentence...
T.h.e. C.a.t. S.a.t. O.n. T.o.m.
When said together it says...
Cat lays on the bed and it's called tinkerbell.
Mummy says it's not the same but whatever, I'm reading so I'm making the rules.
Which reminds me, I made a new game to wind Mummy up.
I found this springy thing...
And looped it around the handle in the bath while Mummy's back was turned. I pretended I was playing an instrument but she said it was dangerous and to take it off.
I tried, she tried, I gave up, she gave up. The spingy thing is still where I left it, around the handle in the bath. Haha fun times, I love messing around and playing games on her.
We went for a Mc Donald's this afternoon, she tried to make me eat half of her burger to make her 'less guilty' about buying one. She then wolfed down a Galaxy Ripple Mc Flurry. Nice one love!
Best get back to reading so I can be top of the class and be even more amazing than I already am!
P.s. Mummy said I need to learn something called modesty, I've never heard of it. She does come out with some dribble.
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