Wednesday, 4 February 2015


I have been thinking about setting up #Projectpound for a while now. 

My aim is to encourage everyone to donate £1.00 to charity or a cause each week. It may not sound like a lot but the more people who get involved the more money we can raise together.

Don't think you can spare £1.00? How about for this week not buying that multipack of crisps and donate the money instead? You will feel so much better than if you had stuffed your face with crisps. The same goes for chocolate...

I must spend at least a couple of quid a week on chocolate, ok probably more. While I am not saying you (and me) should become martyrs, I am saying that maybe just for a moment each week we think if someone less fortunate than us. 

So that is why #Projectpound has been born, to do a bit of good. I will be trying to do interviews with some of the fundraisers but I didn't have time this week as I wanted to get #projectpound launched. 

This afternoon I logged onto where there are hundreds of fundraisers raising money for different causes. 

Today I donated £1.00 to 'Our pink princess.' 

Money is being raised to fund a grave 'fit for a princess' for a little girl called Lucy who sadly died. 

All I did was search the site and felt that this would be an appropriate cause to kick start #Projectpound could you spare £1.00 today? 

It's Wednesday, hump day, the middle day of the week that is a bit...blah. Why not do a bit of good for someone else right now and finish your day on a high? 

We can make a huge difference together. 

Every Wednesday I will be donating £1.00 to a different cause, you can support who I choose or someone of your choice.  

Post your photos with #Projectpound

Pull your pounds out! 

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