Friday, 27 February 2015

Scarlett's blog 27.2.15

After a hectic day at school, Mummy picked me up and said she had a treat for me. I scooted home as fast as I could, I even carried my scooter as I thought it would be easier over the bumpy bits in the pavement...

And I got home to this 'treat'...

A treat for what? Rats?! 

It's some sort of Apple pie/cake mush that I certainly am not going to be trying. Mummy claims it's healthy but I would rather eat grass quite frankly. 

However I was happy to discover that my latest work of art has been delivered...

I know, I'm such a talented painter! I'm not one to follow the rules or the outlines, so it is a unique design. If you would like a unique Scarlett pottery piece, email me. I will paint dogs, cats and some pottery.

I have to dash as I am sleeping over at my Grandparents house tonight (they had better have some decent food) and I need to put on my Frozen Elsa dress and orange stripy tights. 

Ta ta!!


Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Is bullying an inevitable part of school life?

My latest read is...

The story is about a woman who organises her school reunion for a TV show, no the next paragraph is not about me organising my own school reunion...

1. Because the people I want to be friends with from school, I still am.

2. Because I don't think that anyone from my year has done anything that amazing that I want to scream excitedly for them (unless one of my class has married Johnny Depp.) 

3. Because these days we have Facebook to snoop on people that we don't want to have a conversation with but still want to see what they are up to. 

However back to the book and the paragraph which struck me...

'Fifteen years ago, bullying was seen as a fact of school life. All of us have a responsibility to change that attitude forever. And I hope if I ever come across Stacey, (the bully) whatever she is doing now, we could shake hands and work together to make sure bullying is consigned to the history books, where it belongs.' 

Read the first scentence again:

'...bullying was seen as a fact of school life.' 

Is it not though? Instead of sugar coating the world for our children, should we not be admitting to them that the world is not a nice place and bullying is a fact of not just school life but of general life? 

I have been the bullied and the bully. I have had some not very nice things done to me and I have been responsible for doing some not very nice things to someone else but who walks out of school and lives the rest of their life having never been bullied again? 

There are bully's at work, on the tube, on the bus, pushing past you in queues.

Should we be saying to our children that in reality, there are some not very nice people out there and they may be being not very nice to someone else but it is a part of life. 

I'm not saying that if you believe your child is a bully that you should encourage them, I am saying that we need to educate our children on how to deal with these situations. 

If you think your child is a bully then ask them how they would feel if they were being bullied and make then understand that is is not acceptable. 

If you think your child is being bullied, talk to them or get them to write it down and encourage them to stand up for themselves. 

Get some books or search the internet together and research bullying but all the while I would keep on emphasising that there are horrible people in the world but there is more to life than bully's and bullying. 

Is there a new hobby you could do with your child whether they are the bullied or the bully, to distract them and to get them to focus on positive things in life? 

When Scarlett told me that a boys threw a glove at her and her friends and she told me she was going to fight them, I told her they were just silly boys trying to get attention and to walk away and play somewhere else as some people are just not nice. We then talked about the good things that had happened that day and what we were going to do at the weekend. 

While it broke my heart that some kid was being horrible to my little girl (and my immediate reaction was to go to the school and grab the little rat by the ear and give him what for) I wanted her to understand that these things happen but it's not the end of the world and we have far more important things to do than worry about some silly boy's. 

Bullying sucks and in an ideal world it wouldn't happen but unfortunately I don't think it will ever be 'consigned to the history books' but it doesn't have to be the end of the world.  

Monday, 16 February 2015

Shock of the week...

North West (no, I'm not giving directions, I'm talking about Kanye and Kim Kardasian North-West-South-East's child) who kicked off on the front row of a fashion show, while perched on her mothers innapropriatley dressed to Anna Wintour.

How very dare she! 

How dare she drag her child to a fashion show and not expect her to NOT to have a paddy. 

The poor kid was probably in hysterics as there was not a purple dinosaur in sight (I'm a little behind the times, do kids still watch Barney? Actually North is probably just subjected to re-runs of Keeping up with the attention seeking, fame hungry, money grabbing Kardashians) she was instead forced to watch a bunch of stick insects looking like half robbers, half tramps. 

Are there not enough Kardashians around to help out with babysitting duties? 

As for the poor child's outfits, I can't understand why her parents are dressing her like she is perminatley going to a funeral (unless North is mourning her own childhood) doesn't she own a Frozen Elsa dress? 

The world is truly going mad. 

I'm off to book tockets for me and Scarlett to watch 50 shades together...or is that inappropriate?  

Thursday, 12 February 2015


#Projectpound this week is for...

A lady called Rebecca (brilliant name) who is raising money for Women V cancer by completing a cycle challenge. 

I have donated £1.00 which may not seem a lot but if we can get everyone behind #Projectpound we can give a little and make a big difference. 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Tomorrow, tomorrow

Back on track tomorrow. 






Sunday, 8 February 2015

Scarlett's blog 8.2.15

Is it just me or is everyone living in the past? 

I keep writing the date as 2014 instead of 2015. 2014 was an ok year but 2015 is going to be epic. 

I can nearly read now and spell out each letter of a word before I say the sentence...

T.h.e.   C.a.t.   S.a.t.    O.n.   T.o.m. 

When said together it says...

Cat lays on the bed and it's called tinkerbell. 

Mummy says it's not the same but whatever, I'm reading so I'm making the rules. 

Which reminds me, I made a new game to wind Mummy up. 

I found this springy thing...

And looped it around the handle in the bath while Mummy's back was turned. I pretended I was playing an instrument but she said it was dangerous and to take it off. 

I tried, she tried, I gave up, she gave up. The spingy thing is still where I left it, around the handle in the bath. Haha fun times, I love messing around and playing games on her. 

We went for a Mc Donald's this afternoon, she tried to make me eat half of her burger to make her 'less guilty' about buying one. She then wolfed down a Galaxy Ripple Mc Flurry. Nice one love! 

Best get back to reading so I can be top of the class and be even more amazing than I already am! 


P.s. Mummy said I need to learn something called modesty, I've never heard of it. She does come out with some dribble. 

Friday, 6 February 2015

Scarlett's blog 6.2.15

I've got that Friday feeling! 

Well, I did have until Mummy turned up at school WITHOUT my Frozen scooter and told me I had to walk home. 

I think she must have forgotten who I am, I demanded that she carry me home. Yes, I got my way. 

It is absolutely freezing still though, this weather is really affecting me. I have a really cute little dress that I want to wear but even I am having to sacrifice fashion for practical as it wouldn't be a good look if my legs turned blue. 

To warm us up when we got home, Mummy suggested baking some muffins (don't all groan at once.) 

She tried to video it she kept complaining that I wasn't saying anything. I am not a performing monkey. 

Then the video stopped as it didn't have enough room or memory or something. I don't need a memory of how bad they taste, so I'm glad. 

I did do some work...

Yes, they do taste as bad as they look. 

Mummy told me they were lovely and to stop complaining so I'm refusing to talk to her now. She can have her muffin and eat it for all I care. 


Banana Oat Muffin Recipe

I was going to vlog this but I don't have enough memory on my phone (sad times) so here is the recipie for yummy muffs, oh, no muffins cannot be shortened :/ 

Banana Oat Muffins: 

You will need...

• 125g plain flour 
• 1 tsp baking powder (I didn't have this so my muffs are a bit flat.) 
• 35g porridge oats (I used golden syrup flavoured oats as I didn't have plain.) 
• 1 egg
• 85g caster sugar
•125ml sunflower oil
• Pinch of salt (used sea salt...bad idea.) 
• 1 banana 

1. Pre heat oven to 160oC (how do you make the degrees sign? Maybe I need an app? Oh well, I'm sure you understand.) 

2. Put muffin cases in a muffin tray (I used cupcake cases and a cupcake tray, who owns a muffin tray?)

3. Sift the flour and baking powder (if you have it) into a bowl and stir in the oats. 

4. In another bowl, whisk together the egg, caster sugar, sunflower oil and salt (do not use sea salt!) 

5. Mash the banana. 

6. Add the egg mix to the flour and oats along with the banana and fold it (mix it.) 

7. Put a bit of mixture into each cupcake/ muffin case. 

8. Put in the oven for 15 minutes or until your muffs (sorry) are golden. 

9. Enjoy! According to the recipie which I found in Fabulous magazine, each muffin has 150 calories. 

It says there are 10g of fat in each muffin so I don't know if that cancels out the fact they are low in calories but they are yum...

Mmm I'm going to eat my fifth, I mean my fourth, no I mean my second...oh wait, I've eaten them all :/ 

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


I have been thinking about setting up #Projectpound for a while now. 

My aim is to encourage everyone to donate £1.00 to charity or a cause each week. It may not sound like a lot but the more people who get involved the more money we can raise together.

Don't think you can spare £1.00? How about for this week not buying that multipack of crisps and donate the money instead? You will feel so much better than if you had stuffed your face with crisps. The same goes for chocolate...

I must spend at least a couple of quid a week on chocolate, ok probably more. While I am not saying you (and me) should become martyrs, I am saying that maybe just for a moment each week we think if someone less fortunate than us. 

So that is why #Projectpound has been born, to do a bit of good. I will be trying to do interviews with some of the fundraisers but I didn't have time this week as I wanted to get #projectpound launched. 

This afternoon I logged onto where there are hundreds of fundraisers raising money for different causes. 

Today I donated £1.00 to 'Our pink princess.' 

Money is being raised to fund a grave 'fit for a princess' for a little girl called Lucy who sadly died. 

All I did was search the site and felt that this would be an appropriate cause to kick start #Projectpound could you spare £1.00 today? 

It's Wednesday, hump day, the middle day of the week that is a bit...blah. Why not do a bit of good for someone else right now and finish your day on a high? 

We can make a huge difference together. 

Every Wednesday I will be donating £1.00 to a different cause, you can support who I choose or someone of your choice.  

Post your photos with #Projectpound

Pull your pounds out! 

Monday, 2 February 2015

First vlog.

I kicked off mine and Scarlett's latest project this evening...our vlog:

We are going to be shooting cookery shows, our views on the news, girl talk and much more. Scarlett is a natural in front of the camera, who would have guessed?! 

I am also starting a secret project which I hope will being a smile to peoples faces. If it fails, I will tell you all about it. 

I am kicking my butt into shape still and went for another run this morning and I even managed some squats (I did get stuck half way into a squat, so I stopped after 10.) 

Scarlett also enjoys her workouts which I will be vlogging as she is just hilarious and acts like my mini personal trainer. 

I'm off to do some research for my book: How to get Frew- SYM-ple, once I have stopped playing with my new app...

Everything looks so much better when it is sketched. The app is called PhotoSketch if you want to play too, but be warned you will lose at least an hour of your life playing with it. 

Right, work time. 

Patience is supposedly a virtue...

I wouldn't know because I don't seem to own any patience. 

At 8.15 this morning, I was rushing around trying to get Scarlett dressed and myself dressed. She wouldn't stand up to let me pull her tights up as apparently,

'Cats can't stand up and I am a cat.' 

I lifted her off the bed and told her to go and put her shoes on, she collapsed and crushed the blister on my foot and I accidentally poked her in the eye. 

She cried, I shouted:

'Stop messing around, we haven't got time for you to be a cat!' 

I then felt bad and we hugged. I then tried to do her hair and she complained I was,

'Pulling it too hard!' 

I shouted, she sniffled. I apologised and she meowed.

Maybe it was because we were rushing but I just kept snapping. I then found coco pops on the floor and tried to make a joke,

'Are you feeding the mice?!' 

(FYI we don't have mice, I was trying not to shout.) she cried, I reached for a bottle of wine before looking at the clock...8.30AM, we had to leave for school. 

So, I Googled how to be more calm as I was feeling pretty stressed. I have done something like this before in a previous blog post but that obviously didn't work so I was hoping there is a magical cure. 

Suggestion 1 of how to be more calm, Exercise.

So I went for a run...

Yes, I had on Minnie Mouse ear muffs to keep my headphones in my ears. 

Suggestion 2. Read a book. 

I couldn't find my copy of 50 shades, so I read a magazine instead. 

Suggestion 3. Eat healthy.

I hate half a box of Special K. What?! If you buy 3 boxes, you get a free spoon with your name on. I want a spoon! 

Suggestion 4. Get a good nights sleep.

Night had passed, so I had a nap in my green tea bath. I had some lemon and lime tea bags I don't like so I put them in the bath. Yes that is normal...for me. 

Suggestion 5. Write down what makes you angry. 

• People walking behind me too close. 

• Long queues.

• Stupid people (myself excluded.) 

• Not being able to have a bath everyday.

• Chocolate, for being so bad for me but so irresistible. 

• Cold weather and the wind. It's hard to be mad at wind as it's invisible but it really p's me off. 

• Being woken up early. 

• Getting closer to being 30. 

• The fact that Johnny Depp hasn't asked me to marry him yet. 

• The sad half fact that money doesn't grown on trees. (But if money is classed as paper, is the above technically true?) 

• The fact that I could make this list never ending. 

Suggestion 6. Write what does make you happy. 

• Scarlett but she could also be placed in the above too. (See suggestion 5.) 

• Writing. 

• Moaning. 

• Reading. 

• Sunshine. 

• Sleeping. 

• Other miscellaneous things. 

Suggestion 7. The next time you feel you are about to shout, count to 10 and then calmly explain your point. 

Good point but I would forget to do that. Strangely, when anger hits I am not thinking about maths. 

Suggestion 8. Realise how lucky you are. 

I am lucky. I have a lot of good things in my life and while I am far from perfect, there is no magical cure for being human and being a Mum. (Ta dah!) 

I have to constantly remind myself there is no handbook for being a parent and you have to make the rules as each day comes. Sometimes the rules bend and break and that is ok. 

We put too much pressure on ourselves to be 'perfect parents' lets just he ourselves and see what happens. 

Nothing that bad can happen...can it?! 

Sunday, 1 February 2015

I can cook!

Happy British Yorkshire pudding day!  

I actually did it...

Yes! And I forgot to get them out of the oven on time and they are still perfecto and taste scrummy too! 

I had this one getting in the way...

She has discovered how to take a selfie and she has inspired me on my next venture, which I will be starting tomorrow (wait with baited breath.) 

It was a fun afternoon baking with Scarlett even though after we had finished it looked like a flour bomb had been set off in the kitchen! It was nice to interact with her instead of being snuggled in silence watching Scooby Doo. 

After reading the article yesterday about parents 'pacifying' with iPads I think we are all guilty of 'pacifying' our kids with TV, so I'm going to be making a more conscious effort to cut TV slob time for both of us.  

Little poser(s)! 

As usual I have a million projects in my head and tomorrow I am determined to stop saying and start doing. 

I am also going for another run tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it (what has happened to me?!) gone are my days of hangovers from hell, replaced by jogs along the sea front. I feel sick. I need wine...

Ahh, that's better. Bath, wine and I hate to say it...bed. 


Scarlett's blog 1.2.15

Pinch, punch, first of the month and no returns! 

Roll on summer though as it was beyond freezing today. 

Mummy thought it was a good idea to go to the beach and then the sand park this morning. I protested and said it was too cold but she dragged me out anyway, it's like she doesn't care about my opinion! 

Literally 2.5 seconds after arriving at the park she said we were leaving as she had:

'Had enough.'

So I said I was only leaving if she bought me an ice cream...

Oh and crisps and some biscuits. We played I spy but Mummy said I was doing it wrong...

Me: 'I spy with my little eye, something beginning with blue!'

Mummy: 'You need to say a letter, for example; I spy something beginning with A.' 

Me: 'I know how to play it, I'm a big girl 5. I spy something blue!'

She doesn't know anything! 

She also doesn't know how to make biscuits...

She burnt her thumb while getting them out of the oven, dropped them all over the floor and broke some and then to top it all off, they are all burnt!

I told her to take them out of the oven 5 minutes before and she was like:

'They won't be done yet!' 

I tried to make them look better...

This is what the box thinks they should turn out like...

Hmm, not quite the same but the icing tasted nice. 

Back to school tomorrow, these weekends are so not long enough. Mummy is shooing me into bed as it's:

'My time'

Or did she say wine time? 

Night :) 
