Saturday, 6 December 2014

"Daddy said he hates you..."

"But he likes the cat." 

This and various versions of the above have been coming out of the mouth of my 5 year old for the past 2 days. 

 It usually starts with Scarlett saying:

"Mummy, do you like Daddy?"

To which I reply diplomatically:

"Yes of course I like him."


"Well he doesn't like you, he likes the cat but he hates you." 

Firstly, he has not met the cat and secondly how dare he voice his opinions about me to our 5 year old daughter?! 

I have not spoken to Scarlett's Dad for nearly 2 years because of his bitter attitude towards me. 

Yes, I split up with him and I have asked to talk to him to try and resolve our issues but he doesn't want to, so I have left it but now, whether he likes it or not he will be seeing my face again very soon if he doesn't sort his attitude out. 

When Scarlett told me for the 5th time today that Daddy doesn't doesn't like me, I snapped and phoned Scarlett's Grandma, my ex's Mum. 

I tried to keep it light and I said maybe Scarlett says things about me when I'm not there but according to Scarlett's Grandma she doesn't say anything about me. At all. 

I told her what Scarlett had been saying to me and she was shocked and said she would have a word with Scarlett's Dad but I'm not convinced she will. 

I don't want to have a confrontation and obviously I wouldn't do it when Scarlett was around but if this happens again I feel like I won't have a choice but to face him. 

He will not use my child to get to me. 

Oh and to top it off, Scarlett was off school on Wednesday and I wasn't told as she was at her Dads. 

Maybe I shouldn't moan about that as I don't know if I would have said anything if I had taken her out of school for being ill but I just feel like I'm constantly fighting and giving and getting nowhere. 

This single parenting malarkey is blooming hard and it's not like I can just give up and say 'sod it!' 

I will stand up for myself and my daughter to make sure she has the best life and every time I hear he hates me, I will tell Scarlett that I love him, as without him I wouldn't have her. 

We brought her into this world as a team, united and regardless of what has happened, we should still stick by each other when it comes to our child. 

Maybe I should tell him to start a blog and vent his anger on there?! 

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