Saturday, 13 December 2014

Lost and found

I have taken the plunge and rearranged my working life to fit in with my mothering life. In other words - I have quit my full time job. (Full time mothers who juggle everything, don't all throw your briefcases at me at once, you might break a perfectly manicured fingernail.)

I don't want to pretend I have it all and I am the perfect mother with a full time job, who's house is perfect and a home cooked meal is in the oven every night by 6pm, I want my sanity!  

I've got myself a part time job which means I can actually play a part in my Scarlett's school life and not be a working mother who only picks up my child once in a blue moon. 

Since September I have met Scarlett's teacher twice and have picked her up from school just 3 times. I missed parents afternoon as I was working and have no idea on how to help her with her homework (I'm going to bring that up with her teacher actually, come on, homework at 5?!) 

I have now found myself in a position where I can be there more for Scarlett. I can be involved at her school and help out on phonic Thursdays (I have no idea about phonics, does anyone?!) and I can still work so I don't go stir crazy at a job which I really enjoy. 

Beans on toast will become a staple meal in our household but I know me and Scarlett will be a lot happier (and I won't be able to afford the gigantic bars of chocolate I gorge on, so my trousers will be happier too and will stop biting angrily into my muffin top.)

When I handed in my notice at my full time job I felt completely lost and reckless but now, I think It's a great kick start to the new year and the beginning of a new life. 

2014 got off to a bad start with a car crash and a punch in the face but next year, I am determined to do things that make me and Scarlett happy (including taking her to the park in the rain when she asks, which in turn will probably not make me that happy but I can't have it all!) 

With New Year's Eve only a couple of weeks away I will be so happy to say goodbye to 2014 and hello to 2015. It will be our year, I will make sure of it. 

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