Tuesday, 9 September 2014


Scarlett is at her Dad's for the next 3 nights. Ahhhh! What am I going to do?!

There will be no waking up in the night, no demands to go to the park, no someone telling me what to do all of the time. The flat is silent, silent and boring. 

I want to be greedy and keep her all of the time but obviously she has 2 parents thankfully, so I have to find something to do with my new found freedom. 

I've decided to improve my house cleaning skills as they are lacking. 

First step is the laundry, now surely I'm not the only one who leaves cleaning their laundry until they have run out of clean pants? 

Or once the laundry has been done and finished, leave it in the machine for 2 days? 

Or leave the washing outside overnight as the spin only finished at 11pm. 

Ok, ok, I know the above is all wrong. So from now on I have come up with a plan to improve my laundry cleaning skills... 

I will put all of my laundry in the machine to stop it building up, then when it's full stick the machine on and ta dah! No dirty pile of washing in the corner of my room. 

Then when it's done put it on the washing line at a sensible time so it can dry before dawn and think of all of the calories I'm burning! 

Damn I need to find something better to do with my time. Hmm the housewives of Beverley Hills is on. 

Ta dah!! 

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