The little French darlings hardly put a foot wrong. If they are all as well behaved as they sound and the tips in this book work on kids, well la la la, I'm having another baby.
It's possibly too late to try these tips on Scarlett, plus I've now returned it to the library and can't remember most of them but for me, parenting is about common sense.
Of course I have oodles of common sense! Look someone has got to have the kid on Jeremy Kyle and keep him in his mansion.
I'm obviously kidding, I've got a reward chart for Scarlett (somewhere) and I made her do chores at the weekend.
That's why neither of us have been blogging as we have been playing real life Cinderella.
That was one of the tips in the French book, give your child things to do around the house. I regularly eat a packet of crisps then ask Scarlett to put the empty wrapper in the bin for me. She's such a little helper.
She seems to be enjoying School, though she fell over on Thursday. I asked if she fell over in the playground and she said:
"No. At school."
She really is getting good at this back chat malarkey, on Friday we were in the library and I asked Scarlett if wanted to do some colouring while I was studying (the French parenting book) children from earlier in the day had scribbled all over most of them so I said to Scarlett:
"Why don't you draw on the back of one?"
Scarlett: "How about no."
Such a little sweetie.
We attempted to make some cakes on Sunday, Scarlett thinks they are delicious, I've eaten mud pies which were tastier
But as the French don't give in, I will try again. Not this weekend though as I'm hoping to get candle making supplies tomorrow. My business plan is coming together, well I have a name and it looks easy peasy. That probably means it will be rocket science for me but I won't know until I try.
In my quest to eat more healthy. I bought these today, obviously as they were in the discount section.
Not going to lie, I imagined them to taste of cardboard but I was pleasantly surprised. So much so I'm thinking about going vegan again. I said thinking, not necessarily doing.
Oh and I've decided not to do the no poo thing. A while ago I thought about not using shampoo anymore, instead I've found this....
I say yes to poo!!!
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