Tuesday 7 July 2015

Who is she?

A woman sits at a bar, she is a vision with her long blonde hair, red lips and stilettos so sharp they could cut a jugular vein with minimal effort. 

Her long manicured fingers curl around the stem of a champagne glass, everyone around her gazes in awe and they wonder, where is her man?

She is not waiting, she is just being. 

A Cheshire cat grin spreads across her face as she places a note on the bar and leaves- alone. 

Who is she and what's her name? 

She is a Spinster and she doesn't need you. 

She is not to be pitied or looked down on, she is a strong, independent woman who is having fun and loving life. 

The male equivalent of a spinster is a bachelor. A bachelor conjures up images of a gorgeous man, in a gorgeous flat with gorgeous women coming in and out out the door. A bachelor is something to be proud of, however a spinster is looked at with shock and disgust. 

But I am going to reclaim the word and give it the power and respect that it deserves. 

From now on if someone asks me if I am single, I am going to say no- I am a spinster. Granted the word sounds a bit sinister and creepy but the more it's used the more familiar it will become. 

Let's celebrate who we are, being a spinster is a choice and we don't all have to conform to the marriage and 2.4 children that all women 'should' ultimately aim for. 

Yes being a spinster is crap sometimes, I have a blown light bulb that I haven't changed in 3 months because I can't reach it, but I can sit in my front room in my pjs, watching footballers wives until 3am eating biscuits if I want without being judged. (Tell a lie, I do get judged but only by my conscience worrying about the biscuits.) 

Let's sing and celebrate being spinsters...

(Insert Beyoncé Single lady's tune)

"All my spinster ladies, all my spinster ladies, all my spinster ladies, put your hands up!"

Oh and if anyone can tell me (male or female) how to stop the text changing fonts I would be eternally grateful. 

Where was I? Oh yes, "All my spinster ladies..."

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