Monday, 4 May 2015

When should I stop carrying my 5 year old around?

I'm lazy, I know I am but it's also a worrying trait that my daughter has. 

While out in town the other day, Scarlett said she was tired and demanded to be picked up. I looked down at my high heel knee length boots (they are not as hookery as they sound) sighed and picked her up. 

I could feel people looking at me carrying my lump of a child and wondering who was more lazy. Me for not standing up to my child (anything for an easy life) or Scarlett for being a big baby by not walking. 

I can give Scarlett some credit as my right bicep could match up to a wrestlers (bit of an over statement) but that is because I have been carrying her around since she was about 18 months. 

I can remember vividly standing in town shouting at Scarlett to get back in the pushchair while people backed away from me, I gave in, carried her and pushed the pushchair (in my heels.) 

I did the, push the empty pushchair, carry the child merry-go-round for a couple of months before abandoning the pushchair and just carried her and have continued to do so for years. 

My only light relief is when she has her scooter, she flies down the pavement and I literally have to run after her (yes, in my heels.) 

However if I forget/can't be bothered to bring her scooter to wherever we are going, I become the walking pushchair again. 

I know it's lazy parenting but sometimes it's just easier, though I know I have to break the cycle as I can't be carrying her around when she's 15. 

Is it just me? Or are you a walking talking pushchair too? 

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