Personally, I think it must be embarrassing if you have a cat called Mr Winkles, trying to get that cat home for dinner some nights must be hard. Fortunately, I don't have that problem, when I walk up and down the road shouting:
I just sound like I need a drink! Or have had too many drinks.
Sorry, that was funnier when I wrote it yesterday.
So catcalling, meaning when I guy (not generalising, but usually builders) whistle and make comments as women walk past them, such as
In cosmopolitan this week the topic of catcalling came up...
Personally I'm with the majority, it's embarrassing to have someone whistling and asking for my number at 8am. I look awful, stop taking the mick.
I had to find a new route to walk to work to avoid the 20 builders near my building catcalling everyday.
It's intimidating and annoying and though to them it's funny, maybe they should ask themselves how they would feel if it were say, their daughter being leered at?
I'm all for appreciating the female form and while it is a compliment to have caught someone's eye and it's all for a laugh, blokes being blokes and whatever but sorry to tell you 'blokes' that me and the majority of women think you should get on with your day jobs and leave us be.
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