Friday, 31 October 2014

Did you say spooky?

I'm snuggled on the sofa listening to the crackling of the candles, watching deadly affairs on TV and nursing my bloody hand....

My razor fell out of the bathroom cabinet, so I stopped it and it cut me! That was just after I went to the shop and spent £16.66, how I managed that I don't know. 

I've eaten my 4th giant cookie and am not moving from the sofa because I'm too scared. 

Did you realise, If you swap today's date around it would be Friday 13th. You may think that's insignificant, but I think it's a sign of trouble. 

Just like this little ball of trouble....

Look what she has done to me!

(Can't blame her for the eyebrows, I drew them horrifically this morning and not on purpose.) 

I'm going to bed, I don't like today! 

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Excuse me bishop.

I went to this brilliant clothes swapping even this evening and got this lot all for a fiver....

It was a charity swap shop, everyone brought 5 things and we all got to choose 5 things to take home. All we paid was £5.00 each entry fee and to top it off I won something in the raffle...

Though I was beyond annoyed that my make your own jelly kit did not actually come with any jelly! 

My mum then started talking to her friend about the Bishop and how apparently he has been up to no good, I answered my phone half way through their conversation and announced: 

"My Mother is bashing the Bishop and I don't know anything about it!" 

Not the greatest sentence I have ever come out with :/ 

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Hump day!

Now, I was not aware of Hump day until recently and if you're not sure of what I'm talking about read on, I promise it's not what you are thinking. 

Hump day is the middle of the working week (Wednesday) so when someone says it's Hump day, don't throw a sicky and jump into bed with your partner, get to work and think thank whoever you need to thank that it's nearly Friday! 

Happy hump day is the acknowledgement that it's half way through the week. 

The happiest time of Hump day is generally 5pm as then it's nearly Thursday and Friday is in sight. 

So happy Hump day fellow readers! Spread the Hump love! 

In generally life today though of course I created a catastrophe. 

I like salt as much as the next person but after spending an hour simmering my chicken in white wine sauce and about to chew my own arm off through hunger, I thought,

'Ah, this needs some salt.'

What I wasn't banking on was the lid coming off the brand new salt pot and making my plate look like a snow storm. 

It's my own fault though. Just before I poured the salt I threw away some rice as I had made too much. 

As the grains dropped into the bin, I thought about all the starving children in the world and how I was wasting and throwing food away, but I had made too much so what was I supposed to do?! 

Well get my comeuppance by not being able to eat any or my dinner or if I did eat it, die of sodium poisoning. 

I had a Mississippi mud pie yoghurt instead. Good job I prefer dessert but I would like get get through the day without making a calamity Jane of myself just one day.     

I have also been researching about candle making and have discovered I'm using the wrong wax and wicks. Ahhh!  

Things could be worse though. I'm reading this book....

Yes I know I'm reading about 3 books at the moment but variety is the spice of life so they say (whoever 'they' are? Answers on a postcard or email.) 

I always thought if I could time travel I would go back to Tudor times. I have no idea why, other than my fascination with Henry VIII and his wives. 

Not that I would fancy being one. In a school play years ago I played Jane Seymour (brilliantly, I must say) though I have always been more interested in Anne Boleyn, even though she met a horrific end. I think it's the way she had Henry VIII wrapped round her little finger. 

Hmm, think I may go and watch the film 'The other Boleyn girl.'

I do love a candle (keeps auto correcting) a scandal I meant to say, though I do also love a candle. 

Happy Hump day!!! 

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Instructions please!

I found this book today....

Finally someone has heard me calling (well, screaming) for some assistance!! Shame it's only fiction and is about a woman who looks after her friends child called Scarlett after she dies in a car accident. 

A bit dramatic for me but I'm hoping it may have a few tips. 

Talking of tips, I am in need of help to find my way down the windy road of single parenting. 

Every day I feel like something else gets thrown at me. I'm not moaning, I'm just frustrated as trying to get yourself heard over a text is impossible. 

Tonight I spoke with my mum who asked me if I was picking up Scarlett on Thursday. I lost my rag a bit and said sternly that the arrangement I made was for Scarlett's Grandma and Dad to have her Tuesday night, Wednesday night and Thursday night and take her to school in between. 

I confirmed this would be applicable in the school holidays too, so the above made my blood boil as I wouldn't be due to pick her up until Friday around the same time as if she was at school. I say me but my Mum picks her up but that is not the point.    

I work full time and take enough time off for sickness and random days the school decides it doesn't want to open for whatever reason. The days were decided and we were all happy, or so I thought. 

The trouble with Scarlett's Dad and me is we don't talk or communicate at all. We haven't for 2 years. Everything is done over text with his Mum. I don't see her either as I am at work and my Mum picks Scarlett up so the rare occasion I do see his Mum it's for a fleeting moment. 

I can't be in their house when he is there and don't have his mobile number so there is literally no getting through to him. 

I know his mum does her absolute best to help me and does try to accommodate my needs but she needs a break too and it's time someone grew up and became a man. 

I was going to write a letter to Scarlett's Dad and am still contemplating it but I know it would end up in the bin. 

I don't want to wish Scarlett's life away but can't wait until she is old enough to sort it out with him instead.

I'm at the end of my tether. I need instructions for Scarlett and myself! 

Do I have the right to have a child whether my boyfriend wants one or not?

The baby debate continues. I keep dropping little hints that one day I want another one he shoots me down with:

"No. I don't want one." 

So I go about my day and think of an imaginative way to bring the subject up again tomorrow but should I care what he says? 

Why because he has said no do I step down and say ok? 

Why if a man says no to having a baby, a woman is expected to accept it and get on with her life? 

Why can't he accept that I am saying yes we are and get on with it? 

It is my body, I have to go through the pregnancy, labour and afterbirth (which no one tells you about) so surely I have the biggest say? 

I'm not about to get pregnant without his say so and will reluctantly take my pill everyday for the next couple of years but should I have to decide between a baby and my relationship? 

Call me a pessimist (I prefer The term realist) but nothing lasts forever. In relationships there has to be compromise. Should I compromise my choice to have a baby? 

Why does he get the final say? And if that is his final say, should it be our final day? (That sentence is what I like to call poetically correct.) 

So many questions to ask myself but I'm not sure of the answers. 

I know I should be grateful for what I have got and I am, of course I am. In life we tend to want what we can't have, so maybe that's why I am so transfixed on having a baby at the moment. 

But ultimately does no mean no? 

I best go and take my pill and think about the future...

Monday, 27 October 2014

Tea face

I've given up on putting cider vinegar on my face as I think it was causing me to break out and after thinking about it, putting acid on my face is probably not the best idea I have ever had so.....

Tea face!!!

I drank my green tea and thought, well there's no point in wasting good tea leaves so I have put them on my face. 

They are peach and apricot green tea bags so triple the goodness. It is itchy after a while though. 

I must make a note not to put Scarlett in her uniform tomorrow. I felt like such a prat this morning! 

I'm a working mother, there is no half term for me! Not unless I have another baby....
It's still on my mind, I'm trying to suppress it. 

How inconsiderate is Scarlett's school though for working parents....

Yes it's sideways I can't figure out how to flip it round but that is beside the point. 

The school is holding a parents meeting at 1.45 in the afternoon. Like I haven't got to take enough time off what with teachers strikes and training days! 

Which means I have to come up with more inventive ways to keep Scarlett busy on these days off. She has a inset day next Monday so I bought her some pavement chalk to use in the garden. 

Unfortunately she discovered them early....

That was my attempt to clean it. Scarlett says it's beautiful, I say I'm going to scrub it off until it's spotless now she's in bed. 

Got me a candle mmmmm

I figured if I can't make my own, I will leave the hard work to someone else! 

Not to say I'm giving up on my candles, I have been decorating my holders but it's going to take longer than I first thought. 

So I'm going to sit back, put my feet up and smell the 'Amaretto nog' mmmm. 

Scarlett's blog 27.10.14

I found chalk! Nothing makes a kid happier than chalk! 

I have such an artistic flair, I'm totally going to have my art show on Cbeebies when I am older. 

Check out my block colouring...

Sorry about the weeds in the background, Mummy asked me to pull them up and put them in the bin but I swiftly reminded her that I am not her slave and got back to chalking.

This is just a doodle but if you want to give me £1,000,000.00 I will let you have it...

Well that's if it doesn't rain. Mummy says she can't wait for the rain to wash it away. She's so mean. 

She drew a bunny earlier and although I thought it was rubbish I still clapped and said well done. 

Respect your elders and your Mummy or else you won't get any sweets. 



It's not even 8.30am and I have made my gaff of the day. 

My mum came round this morning...

Mum: "Why is Scarlett in her uniform? It's half term." 


Sunday, 26 October 2014

Scarlett's bats

Ta dah!!!! 


Couldn't have done better myself! 

Bigger and better

I'm back, bigger and better than ever! 

I'm bathing in this....

Which smells like a sweet factory but I'm going to Google if bathing in hand wash is bad for me. It says it kills bacteria so I'm hoping that's a good thing I'm washing in it. Actually thinking about it, I may just buy bubble bath in future. 

And I'm bigger and better but mainly just bigger. As I found these today...

And may have been here....

But on the plus side I'm thinking of joining the gym in January. 

I've been in a bit of a confused state recently so I'm comfort eating (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) that or I'm pregnant.

I'm not pregnant for the record but that's my dilemma at the moment. I would never call myself 'earth mother' and am probably not in the running for worlds best mother, though I try my best. 

I've been doing better in myself than I have for years, which may not mean much to many but it's been a hell of a ride for me. 

I've found someone that I look to the future with but I'm starting to worry the future I said I wanted in the beginning has changed and his hasn't. 

We have been on and off for about 2 years (more off than on.) He is 15 years older than me, he has a daughter 2 years younger than me and a son who is 16. Oh and a granddaughter who is 1. 

Yes by the sounds of things we should be on the Jeremy Kyle show but you can't help who you fall for. If you don't like it stop reading. 

Recently I have been thinking about babies more. I blame my pregnant friends for making me broody and the guy I'm with for planting a seed, only to crush it. 

There are days when I recoil in horror thinking about going through pregnancy, birth and the first year of having a baby and laugh, 

"No, no never again!"

Then there are other days when all I can think about is pushing a pram and cradling a baby in my arms, pandering to it's every need. 

I know getting pregnant and having a baby is no walk in the park (though it would burn calories.) I dare say I was close to absolutely melting into a ball of nothingness after I had Scarlett but every day was worth it. (Almost, I can almost make myself believe that!) 

A seed was sown when I was asked if I wanted a baby and wouldn't it be nice if we had one? 

Before then I hadn't even thought about having another baby but now it's ALL I can think about. 

Seems as though it is too late now. As he is 40 he says no more kids, I had a 3 week window before he turned 40 apparently to make my mind up and magically get pregnant. 

I don't think I'm ready just yet but maybe in a year or 2 I would like the option. He says he will be to old which is ironic as he is the biggest kid I know. 

Watching him with Scarlett makes my heart burst with love but it also breaks with the realisation that we will probably never have children together. 

Life is all about living in the moment, so for now that's what I'm doing. 

Oh and chief babysitting duties.  

Scarlett's comment of the day... 

I was absent mindedly holding her hair and she said:

"Hey stop pulling my hair,  it's not for playing with!" 

My dumb moment of the day, I bought this face wash.....

Tip of the day: Always read the small print. 

(For men) 

Scarlett's blog 26.10.14

What is a 'big sister?' 

Mummy had been asking me on and off for a few weeks if I want to be one and told me if she had a baby in her tummy I would have to walk instead of being lazy. 

Just the walking part makes me not want to be a big sister but apparently I get to push a pram and pretend I'm a Mummy. 

It sounds like fun but in reality, I'm not daft and know some of my school friends have little brothers and sisters and complain they are noisy, annoying and dribble all over their stuff. 

I don't like the sound of that and truthfully when we play Mummy's and Daddy's, I'd rather put my feet up and watch Rugrats. 

Which is an epic show I must tell say.  Mummy said she watched it when she was younger as there was no Peppa Pig when she was growing up (honestly, a world without Peppa Pig?! I would be devastated!!)

Mummy took me shopping today and asked me to pick some things I liked. I picked this..... 

Some bloke walked past and him and Mummy laughed so I threw it back and turned my attention to this...  

I don't know who 'Matilda' is but I like books so asked Mummy if I could have it. 

She practically screamed the shop down and said:

"Look at the price!!!" 

I am just about learning to recognise numbers so I don't know how much £49.00 is and I don't care because I want this on my bed. She better buy it. 

Talking of numbers it's my birthday the week after next and I'm telling any one who will listen that I am going to be 5.

Mummy says telling the taxi driver, the lady behind the till at Morrisons and the guy who was sat next to us in Mc Donald's earlier is unnecessary, however I feel it is important and everyone should know. 

I'm off to decorate my Halloween gingerbread bats now and make a mess for Mummy. 

See ya!


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Hate technology!!!!!

I have just spent the past hour writing a post. 

My computer decided to delete it. 

I'm going to bed with tears in my eyes. 

I'll give you bloody oops!!!!!! 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


This is what happens when you use the 'writers' & artists' yearbook 2010'

Note to self... Don't be a cheapskate and buy the updated version.

Out of 49 emails I sent, 26 are undeliverable. So frustrating!!! 

Had enough after 3 hours of hard work. It's beddy byes time. 

I will start again tomorrow! 


Submitting my Single parent book to publishers. 

How to get Frew. A SYM-ple guide. 

Bear with.....

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Everything happens for a reason

I have been reading Bear Grylls' book 'True Grit' about stories of heroism and survival but I am on the last story and there has only been 1 woman in the whole book! 

I was really shocked. There must be more stories of women heroism and I intend to find out who they are for my next project. 

It did get me thinking about things that I have done and achieved in my life though, which is not a lot. 

The biggest opportunity that I had was travelling to Australia to volunteer at a TV station for 3 months. How did I get on? Well I came home after 3 weeks. 

If I had the opportunity now I would grab it with both hands and then some but back then I was 18 and not in a good place. 

When I look back I am so angry at myself for not taking full advantage of what I had in front of me. I drank and threw it all away. I want to shake that silly little 18 year old girl so hard! 

I do realise though that everything happens for a reason and if I had stayed in Australia I wouldn't have Scarlett and I believe everything happens for a reason. 

I can always revel in the fact that I have been on TV in Australia interviewing kids about drugs and I count that as a proud achievement in my life! But obviously that is nothing compared to the true heros in Bear Grylls' book. 

Back to reality and my new computer has arrived (just in time for my research on heroic women!) so I will be bugging publishers and sending the first couple of chapters of my book to the whether they like it or not. I do dream that one day it will be published. I know, it's just a dream!  

Scarlett was scooting to the library earlier and taking ages (I have a book to write, doesn't she know?!) this afternoon so I told her to come on, her response:

"Don't say come on I just banged my head!" 

She managed to bang her head on a bin. How is that even possible?! 

Oh and just found these behind the TV...

I will be having words with her in the morning! 

Monday, 13 October 2014

Scarlett's blog 13.10.14

Tomorrow is Mummy and daughter day and I think I am going to cause mayhem (insert evil laugh.) 

See this cute little face...

'You think I'm all sweet and innocent?! You ain't seen nothing!'

I'm really into moaning at the moment, it's fun. It's fun because Mummy goes red in the face but calmly tells me to do things. 

I faff around for ten minutes and then finally do ask she asks. 

I have also decided I enjoy being a parrot and I repete everything that Mummy says. This also annoys her which I find hilarious and run around laughing. 

I actually laughed so much earlier I gave myself the hiccups. I spent the next 15 minutes shouting at Mummy to scare me so they would go away. 

She told me to be quiet and look at something in a magazine, I said 

"I don't know what it is."

And jumped up and down shouting 

"Scare me! SCARE ME!"

She then looked deeply into my eyes and asked of I was alright, then gave me a kiss and cuddle. 

I think the change in weather has affected her. She's such a fruit loop sometimes! 

Best go and get my Pj's on now, well actually jump on the bed for 5 minutes and play with my Barbies for another 5 minutes and then put them on.  

What?! I can't have her thinking this parenting malarkey is easy!  


Concerned is the last word a parent wants to hear.

I found a letter in Scarlett's book bag today and apparently at school they did a reading and sight test on the children. 

I wasn't aware they were going to do it which may be down to the fact I'm useless or I misplaced the letter telling me it was going to happen. There are so many letters when kids start school it's impossible to keep track. 

Anyway, the letter Scarlett received said they (NHS school nurses) were sorry to tell me but they have some concerns over Scarlett's sight and they would be sending an appointment for her to see a specialist. 

I don't know why but it made me really upset. When we got home I asked her to tell me what a picture was in a magazine that I pointed to (it was a moon) and she moved her head right to the page and said 

"I don't know." 

Now I "don't know" if she is playing her usual card of, I'm going to say 'I don't know' until she leaves me alone... but if she has got a problem with her sight, how did I not notice?  

She reads and draws all of the time and never complains of not being able to see Frozen on the TV (probably as she is too busy screeching the songs) but now I feel awful about not noticing. 

I'm sure it's nothing but I'm going to keep an extra close eye on her (excuse the pun, I have to joke or I might cry.) 

I do get to spend some time extra time with Scarlett tomorrow as it is the school strike. I doubt we will be doing a scavenger hunt as planned, maybe we should build a raft instead with all of this rain!  

Oh and I'm really glad I have been walking around with a GIANT spot on my face today. It needs it's own postcode and yet not one person told me it was there! Maybe I should spend more time looking in the mirror in the mornings! 

I'm off to prepare myself for my day of Mummy and daughter bonding tomorrow (by having a nice long soak obviously.)

Scarlett's comment of the day when I finished my dinner....

"You did very well Mummy!" 

Bless her, she does need glasses, I had barely touched it! 

Sunday, 12 October 2014


I can't stop reading at the moment. I think it's a subconscious act to try and make myself smarter although in not sure reading about Anna Nicole Smith and now Bear Grylls' true epic survival stories is really going to help me. 

I'm not sure I'm going to find myself in the middle of a jungle or in sub zero temperatures anytime soon...I hope. 

I started watching a film with Scarlett but became so engrossed in the book she had a go at me! 

At least my books are easy to read, Scarlett got a book out of the library which explains about phonics. I know a bit about them from when I was a teaching assistant (for all of about 5 minutes, my downfall was my 'ridiculous shoes.' Some people have no style and petty opinions.) 

I started asking questions about the phonics and getting Scarlett to repeat the words after me, her response...

"Oh, just read the book!" 

So when I tried getting her to do her homework (I'm all for kids learning but I'm questioning if 4 is a bit young for homework?) of course I went through it with Scarlett though. 

After asking her to look around the room for something that also began with the letter S and she said...

"How about we play I spy with my little eye instead? I spy with my ickle eye, something beginning with pink." 

I'll keep persevering!  

Scarlett's blog 12.10.14

What was the point of her (Mother) asking what movie we should watch if she was going to read through the whole movie?! 

As for our bedtime story...bedtime is about winding down and she's asking me all of these questions about this book...

She's trying to play teacher again. She tried once before but left because of her shoes (I don't understand either.) 

Then as if she didn't realise it was Sunday (A DAY OF REST) she tried to make me do homework. 

Now, I have the attention span of a fly according to Mummy, so getting me to repeat sounds and words on my DAY OF REST, is not going to work. 

I decided to look around the room for pink things instead. I got as far as my toes and then got distracted. 

Ooh something shiny! Got to go! 


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Scarlett's blog 11.10.14

I did my bit for the community today...

Mummy made me stand in town with a bucket and people gave me money, it was amazing! 

Mummy said I wasn't allowed to keep the money as it's going to help other people. I tried to argue that I could help the sweet shop down the road with the money but she wasn't having any of it. 

I then went to see a musical with my Grandma as I am very cultured and sophisticated! 

The lead boy was amazing so I dragged my Grandma over to see him. She didn't talk to him just side stepped away from him and scuttled out with me in tow. 

I hope I get to meet him again, I'm no Simon Cowell but he is going to be a star, I can smell it! 

Night :) 


Wonky eyebrows

Me and Scarlett got back into our volunteering again today. We helped out with a walk for a local charity and went into town and Scarlett had a bucket for people to put their coppers in.

Some people called it blackmail, I say it's teaching her to think of others. :) 

The local paper took done picture of us and some other volunteers, which I hope don't make it to print. We were rushing as usual and when I came home I realised I had drawn on my eyebrows wonky! 

I'm going to have to keep my eye on Scarlett though as she's growing up a bit too fast and keen. 

My Mum took her to a musical and said Scarlett dragged her to see the star of the show when it had finished. A boy of 18, that's my girl!

Must get back to reading my book which I have nearly finished in a day....

I do like a tragedy and bless her, she was tragic. I feel really sorry for her but can't chat about that, I only have a chapter left so must go!! 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Scarlett's blog 10.10.14

How do I look? 

I'm trying out looks for Halloween. Mummy says I look frightful but I think I look cute, nonchalant, like yea I'm a cute vampire and what?! 

Those teeth don't half make you dribble though, not attractive but I'm sure Dracular will still think I look good! 

Just kidding I have no idea who that is, if he's not on Cbeebies or a Disney movie then I have to say, I couldn't care less. 

You know what I do care about hair. I especially care about it when Mummy is reading a book to me and is pulling on it. 

"Oh I though that was my hair!" 

She said and laughted. Such a silly girl, I pointed out quite obviously that we have different colour hair. 

Honestly I don't know how that woman gets through the day! 



Worthing Delight

I've launched Wothing Delight....

A new 'Diet' club for Worthing Women who want to get together for a natter about weight woes over coffee (and occasionally wine.) 

I am not a nutritionist, I just want to create a fun group to encourage each other to lose a few pounds. 

Caution: the majority of weight lost will be through laughing. 

'Worthing Delight....because some days you have to pick a cake over a grape.' 

You may ask why I have launched 2 groups in 2 days, it is because I came to the colclusion that life is too short and I'm going to do what I want to. 

I will launch 100 groups if I want to (I'm thinking a wine appreciation one next.). I will email companies hilarious comments on what I think of their products (more on that tomorrow.) I will have 2 hour baths and light my rubbish candles and drink cheap wine, because I can. 

People are forever moaning there is nothing to do around her so I'm doing something about it. 

Check out Worthing Delight and let's have a laugh together. 

Oh and this is how my diet is going...

At least it's homemade! 

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Scarlett's blog 9.10.14

My telepathic powers are on in full, I'm at my Daddy's but something is bugging me...

Has she (the Mother) eaten my kinder bars? 

There better be some left, or else! 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

I have a new stretch mark....oops

I have a new little stretch mark (yes I'm getting in the little) on my stomach and I'm not even pregnant. 

I had my baby 5 years ago so this little bugger is telling me that eating pizza like it is going out of fashion (not that pizza was in fashion, or was it? Lady Gaga may know, I will Google it) has to stop. 

The daily biscuit shocking contest I have with myself needs to stop and quick up the bum (now with extra wobble) is required. 

I have just the plan.... 

Oops wrong picture....I have just the plan.....

The above is an old picture, I have no idea where this skipping rope actually is but I do have another plan....

Hold onto your wobbly bits.....

(Oh and don't tell Scarlett but I've eaten all of her kinder bars. Oops.) 

Scarlett's blog 8.10.14

Im at my Daddy's but I forgot to say this morning....

I farted while eating my breakfast and laughed for a full 5 minutes. 

Yes 5 minutes. It was is funny. 


I have no idea what I am doing!

I though setting up a little parents group would be easy but being totally not equipped to deal with the 21st century and all of its technology, these simple things are a struggle. 

Making and printing posters would be the fun part I thought...oh no, I can't even get a boarder on a page! 

Spreading the word...I have to link things to other things (what is a link?) 

Coming up with a diary of could possibly snow next Saturday, so maybe the park is not the best idea. 

Trying to type on my laptop with no A button....I ripped it off in frustration, it was useless anyway. Well actually lit is very hard to type with no A. I can't even string (A) sentence together. 

I need a P , no not a P , no I don't need the toilet I need a PA! 

Please send you CV to my inbox, payment will be in chocolate and P's. 

Well not that much chocolate, half of a tub. The other half I will have eaten by the time I got home from the shop :) 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Scarlett's blog 7.10.14

I am in annoying mode at the moment. When I come home I just want to slob like mummy does, so I put on my pjs and our matching snuggle socks and demand dinner. 

Then when I have pushed all of my food to one side of my plate after only taking a bite and tell Mummy I'm done, I sit back and watch the steam come out of her ears. 

I obviously have an answer for everything and I tell her I hadn't actually finished as I have food in my mouth (I've usually been chewing it for 10 minutes. Actually I don't really have any concept of time but it's usually for a long time.) 

I can't help it if most of the food she cooks tastes like cardboard. Well she is getting better, don't tell her I admitted that though. 

She tried to make dinner 'fun' tonight...

I asked for 3, told her to put ketchup on them, then told her I didn't like ketchup and then 'accidentally' dropped most of them on the floor. 

Ahh it's exhausting all of this being a child lark. 

Night! :) 


The last couple of days the weather has turned and snapped and winter is in the air. 

I love it because it's time for these...

Got to love fluffy socks and snuggle time. Now when Scarlett gets home from school she's off and changes into her snuggle socks, pjs and dressing gown and we snuggle for the rest of the evening. 

Which seems to be getting darker by the second. I must be getting old as I can't believe where the year has gone, I had so many plans!  

Some have failed (candles and cooking) but some are still to come. I have something I am going to be announcing soon... 


Monday, 6 October 2014

Scarlett's blog 6.10.14


Sorry it's been a while, me and Mummy are getting used to the adjustment of me not bring around for half of the week. 

I thought she would be glad of a bit of peace but when I come home she hugs me so tight it's so uncool but as no one can see I let her. 

I did have a laugh with her tonight, she came into the bathroom and shouted 

"What have you done to my candles?!"

You may remember a while back I wanted to change them so the colours matched....

I did her a favour as the shelfs needed cleaning, I informed her of how dusty they were and she said 

"Well you clean them then!"

Doesn't she know who I am?! I am princess Scarlett, how many times do I have to tell her? 

The candle debacle didn't end though, I went to the bathroom this evening and she had changed them so the big turquoise one and cream one were swapped. I told her she was wrong and I will be changing them back again when she's not looking. 

Apparently the school is streaking next Tuesday (or was it striking? Yes think it was striking. I'm not sure what eather is to be honest.) which means I have the day off! 

Mummy says we're going to have a bonding day. I hope it's not a day of her attempting and failing to make candles, I know it sounds harsh but they are pretty horrific! Bless her, she keeps saying practice makes perfect but if her cooking is anything to go by then it leaves a lot to be desired. 

Must dash I'm knackered with all of this school malarkey. Playing all day is such hard work! 


Sunday, 5 October 2014

Practice makes perfect?

This is how my candle making is going.....

Yes it's a mess. 

This is how my cooking is going......

This is how my parenting is going.....

But I'm sure the saying practice makes perfect applies to all of the above. 

The joys of school has begun, Scarlett's school is striking next Tuesday. I don't really understand why as surely all reception teachers do is teach kids how to play nicely. 

I am joking before anyone takes offence but surely striking is only going to make it inconvinient for working parents like me?

I now have to take a day of work and though I couldn't think of anything better to do than spend the day with her (well actually if I really thought about it...) 

So weather permitting it will be a yummy scrummy mummy daughter day which means a brisk walk in the morning, followed by a fresh smoothie snack and a day of educational fun (which is actually going to be a Maccy D's breakfast, the cinema and a scavenger hunt! I'm so excited. Teachers should strike more often!