Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Oh Bridget :(

I'm disappointed by my Bridget Jones. I've read the reviews at the beginning of the book and am wondering what book they are actually reading. 

The best bit Bridget Jones was the love triangle between her, Mark and Daniel. Now Mark has been killed off and Daniel seems just like a sad pervy old man. 

The young singles have grown into old singles and it's all just rather dull. With kids and a toy boy lover  at the heart of the story. I have nothing against the kids but Bridget as a cougar, it doesn't sit right. 

Tuesday 15th July 2014


Time spent thinking about stopping reading Bridget jones diary 30. 

Time spent thinking I need to sort my life out 2 hours.

Time spent looking at my theory test book 0.

Time spent on Facebook 2 hours but in my defence I am trying to sell my beautiful wedding dress which I never got to wear. 

Time spent hitting the letter A on my laptop, 3 hours. I need to join the real world and get a tablet. 

Time spent in the library looking a book other than Bridget Jones, 20 minutes. Below is what I actually looked at in the library. 


Really?! Well I will leave you pondering. 

Night x

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