Sunday, 12 January 2014

Cupcake Queen - Interview with Enchanted Cupcake owner

My first interview is with Laura, owner of Enchanted Cupcake in Worthing who's mission it is to "Allow everyone to create beautiful cupcakes" 

I chatted with her about her business, what she is scared of and the best thing about Worthing.... 

Hi Laura, How did the idea for Enchanted cupcakes come about?

I started out making cupcakes as a way to fundraise as I was trying to raise £20,000 to build my son an accessible bedroom and bathroom - he has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair. I finished fundraising and realised that I had a good opportunity to start a business so enchanted cupcakes was born! 

What was your ultimate goal when you decided to open your business and has that goal changed?

I have always worked but when William was born I was unable to return to work as I am his carer so I wanted a job that could work around him and where I could work at home. That hasn't changed but I do now work more hours as he is at nursery and will be starting school in a few weeks. The original goal was to bake and sell cupcakes but that changed when people started asking me to teach them, the main part of my business is now the classes which I love and that is going to be the side of the business I continue to grow. 

Was it pretty easy to start up and get going

It wasn't easy to start up and I spent a lot of time researching and advertising to spread the word. People don't realise how expensive cakes can be and expect to pay less than they would at a supermarket which is unrealistic. All bakers make cakes to order and spend hours on design and creation! Once I focused on the masterclass side of the business it was very hard to know where to start, I had to buy lots of equipment, advertise, create class plans etc! 

What tools did you use to promote your business?

I have a website which I maintain myself now and I have a very interactive Facebook page, I tried twitter but don't really get it so its now just linked to my FB page! 

What advertising method do you find most effective?

Facebook by far! 

What kind of promotions do you do? 

I occasionally offer discounts via Facebook and my newsletter and also do giveaways every now and then. 

What percentage of your customers come from your local community? 


How important is it to recognize loyal customers?

I have lots of people returning to me to do more classes once they get the bug so it is very important. 

What are the biggest issues for running this business?

My biggest issue is childcare and space! I work from home and operate the classes from home so it can be hard to store everything I need for my classes plus everything we need for general life!

What was your defining moment in this business?

Being featured in Best magazine. Having someone drive 4 hours to get to my class!

What motivates you to do this business?

I have always worked in sales and marketing so that side of me is driven to succeed but I also love the fact that teaching people means I get to meet new people all the time and spend a few hours teaching them something I love!

What 3 key things you would say to someone starting their own business?

Research and make sure there is a market for it. If anyone else is already doing it then make sure you are a) different and b) better. And remember it takes hard work to succeed so be prepared for long days sometimes with no reward. 

What is the future for this type of business?

I hope to keep growing my business over the next few years. 

Getting to know you questions..... 

What are you scared of? 

Favourite book? 

Tully by Paulina Simons 

 What ‘rules’ do you live by? 

Avoid drama at all costs 

Secret indulgence?

Lotus spread! 

Who is your role model?

My dad.

Any hidden talents? 

No unfortunately!! 

List 3 positive things you have done today

* baked 100 cupcakes 
* decorated 100 cupcakes 
* managed not to eat 100 cupcakes 

Best thing about Worthing? 

 The seafront


Book your class now at 

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