Thursday, 23 January 2014

Smelling sweet success - Interview with Stacey Lloyd-Briden owner of Amkims Soap

My second interview with a successful Worthing business is with the inspirational Stacey Lloyd-Briden, who is the owner of Amkims Soap - Taking the bore out of smellies... 

Why did you decide to set up Amkims Soap? 

Amkims Soap started from hobby yet the transition to a business fell under tragic circumstances when my husband died. From then I was having panic attacks and spending a lot of time on my own until one day I looked in the mirror and said to myself, enough is enough. I had to try and sort myself out and the only one who could do that was me. To do this I turned to my hobby. I had been getting lovely compliments about my soaps and how kind they were to skin due to me designing all my products for people with sensitive skin, so I took my hobby to the next level and opened Amkims Soap. 

How did you come up with your business name? 

Amkims Soap is names after my daughters, Amber & Kimberley.

How easy was it to set up and get going?

Setting up a business that has anything to do with skin care can be a gruelling affair, but with enough research and dedication, it can be done. Regarding advertising, I started by word of mouth and online networking. 

What are the biggest obstacles for this type of business? 

I would think getting the assessments, the paperwork and of course making sure every ingredient within the soaps are within specific government guidelines. 

Are there any legalities for this type of business? 

Anyone wishing to set up a business similar to mine must have cosmetic assessments for the products they wish to produce. On top of this, you must be registered with the government and of course have all the appropriate insurance. 

What is your biggest seller? 

I actually don’t have a biggest seller. All my products seem to be as popular as the next, but if I would say a biggest seller within categories, I would say the soap loaf slices and sugar scrub cubes.

How do you find inspiration for new scents or products? 

When I find or mix a new scent I like, I take a piece of paper and draw a design for the soap that has inspired me from the soap. Next I would make a loaf of soap and use that design. 

What motivates you to do this business?

I think this would be my love of creating but also the circumstances I started with. I still get upset at times about my late husband but when this happens, I go straight to my ingredients and start creating. I have found this has really helped keep my mind away from grief. 

What advice would you have for someone setting up their own business? 

Make sure you understand the initial expensive and legalities before doing so. Experiment and test. Give a few samples to members of the public and see what they think. And always work hard. But the main advice I can give is to enjoy it. Running your own business should be enjoyable. 

Where can we see you? 

I attend many events throughout the year which are listed on the Amkims Soap Website and on the Facebook page. I also sell online through the Amkims Soap website and offer free local delivery. 

Getting to know you..... 

What makes you happy? 

My family and friends. I know this may sound like an obvious answer but seeing my family and friends smile really does make me happy. 

What is your secret indulgence?

Options Hot Chocolate...YUM 

What is your favourite movie? 

Princess Bride...Funny Film 

What is the best piece of advice you have been given? 

Life can get you down but never forget there is always someone else worse off.

What is the best thing about Worthing?

The area of where it is. One side the ocean, the other side the countryside. Lovely. 

To order visit or search Amkims Soap on Facebook to experience your own little slice of deliciousness.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Do I look silly to you?

Yes I did look silly walking up to the shops pushing Scarlett's dolls pram on Saturday morning, when she couldn't be bothered to push it anymore.

Although it did answer my question of why the handle adjusts so high.... so parents don't strain their backs too much when carrying their children and pushing a dolls pushchair.

Good job my driving lessons are progressing quickly. I went 70mph on the duel carriageway, ok like 68mph but I nearly made it to the top. That's an incredible achievement for me as I didn't like going above 20mph two weeks ago. I do think my driving instructor is getting sick of me screaming

"Ahh I'm going to kill them!"

When someone walks within 100 yards of my car though. Hazard awareness is what I like to call it.

In getting back into my charity work, I did a bit on Saturday. I went charity shop shopping and bought a gorgeous Oasis faux fur/faux suede  coat for a fiver! And I am officially signed up for the abseil down the Spinniker Tower in April now I have paid the fee in full. My hands are literally sweating at the mere thought. Best lose some weight so the rope doesn't snap.

I did kick ass at kickboxing on Thursday,  well I did my best and went bright red and sweated a bit. That's a workout in my book, don't make me roundhouse kick you for being cheeky.

Aims for this week

1. Complete assignment 2 for my journalism course (with The London School of Journalism no less! #don'tgiveupthistime as I spent a fair bit of dosh on it.)

2. Write,  write, write.

3. Don't scream throughout my driving lesson on Saturday.

4. Eat less.

5. Move more.

6. Achieve at least 2 of the above.

Onwards and upwards x

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

"You can do what u like, put me in prision..."

I was in the library when I heard those words, I though something was kicking off as he said it a few times, I was like...I'm off!

When I was leaving I saw it was just two homeless guys talking. I smiled at them as I walked past and as I was leaving one of them said

"When we leave here tonight...."

I was gone before I heard the end of the sentence, I walked outside into the pouring rain and I thought...where will they go tonight?

I cycled over to East Worthing,  picked up Scarlett then rode back to West Worthing. I was absolutely drenched, my muscles ached from bokwa yesterday and the last ten minutes were such a struggle but I couldn't feel sorry for myself.

I'm now laying in bed listening to the howling wind, wondering and hoping that the 2 men are ok.

Time to get back to my charity work I think. Oh and kickboxing tomorrow night, if I can walk! 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Memory lane in the rain

I have astounded myself today......I actully went to Bokwa!

Not that I didn't want to, but I got home and made the mistake of laying in bed and didn't think I would move for the rest of the evening.

I knew I would kick myself if I didn't go, so I got on my bike (literally) and made a fool of myself. I pranced around the studio with a sweaty red face and got all of the steps wrong but I had such fun!

After I decided to take a detour and ride past my old flat. It's strange how just cycling down a street can evoke so many emotions.

I felt happy for the memories I have of my 4 years there (if only the walls could talk....well the guy that lives downstairs would have a few tales to tell of me actually.)

I felt sad that we are no longer in Scarletts childhood home, where she spoke her first words and took her first steps, but I the most overwhelming feeling I felt was- relief.

No more demands for bills, no more angry neighbours moaning about Scarlett crying (she wasn't allowed to cry as a baby apparently) no more sad memories.

When I locked that door on that flat (masionette actually) for the last time and walked away 5 months ago, it wasn't just a chapter I closed, it was the biggest part of my life.

Now is the time for new beginnings,  new memories, new challenges, new experiences and to leave the past where it belongs.

Ahh insight over, my cramp is returning. I must have looked like a right fruitcake earlier....I arrived home, dripping wet from the rain, put my bike in the garage and then had to walk around in circles in the driveway stomping my feet to get rid of the cramp that was threatening to cut me down in all of my poundering-ness.

I won the battle of the cramp earlier but I have not won the's stomping time again.

Monday, 13 January 2014

"Mummy I've got bogeys!"

I must not keep forgetting that it is winter and dresses and windy days do not go together! I must also remember that I must stop wearing dresses because I'm too lazy to loose weight.

So to kick myself in the butt, I decided to put on my Jennifer Ellison fat blaster work out this evening that I found in poundland the other day (amazing!)

But after bouncing around like an elephant for ten minutes and 20 push ups I had, had enough. I didn't think I was quite this unfit, or quite this chunky! My skin seems to have more lumps, bumps and ripples than I realised. Mind you I dont often look at myself in the mirror in just my bra and pants. Scared myself to death.

And woke Scarlett up again to her chorus of

"Mummy I've got bogeys!"

Does anyone else like picking their childs nose...? Oh no, me neither. 

I am going to Bokwa again tomorrow,  hopefully prancing around like a doughnut with other women, will stop me reaching for the doughnuts. 

What do you think detective??

Sunday, 12 January 2014

How to be English

'Do you have any idea what it's like being English? Being so correct all the time, being stifled by this dread of doing the wrong thing, of saying to someone "Are you married ?" and hearing "My wife left me this morning," or saying "Do you have children?" and being told they all burned to death on Wednesday. You see, Wanda, we're all terrified of embarrassment.' - John Cleese, A Fish Called Wanda (1988) 

How to be English.....A rough guide. 

Find you accent- If you chose the South make sure you sound 'Posh.' Over accentuate you words and roll your Rrr's.  

Be terribly afraid of saying the wrong thing - So say nothing (you may be perceived of being stuck up but, see the quote above- he knows.) 

Know how to cue- Us Brits love a queue 'An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.' - George Mikes. 

Be Patriotic - On special occasions e.g. When the world cup is on/ when the Olympics is on/ When the Paralympics is on/ Royal Occasions such as weddings and christenings etc. 


Watch at least one soap- Preferably Coronation Street or Eastenders. 

Moan about public transport- And the fact that it is always late! 

Every other country that doesn't drive on the left hand side of the road IS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD! 

When your child grows up they WILL be a Doctor. 

Throw a dinner party- To act sophisticated and show off your 'best' china and glassware that usually only comes out, well never. 

Love tea- Everything can be cured with a cup of tea.

Get annoyed when your favourite TV show gets remade in America- I know you watch them when they do you traitor! 

Know a bit of slang- Gutted, Jammy, Mush. 

 Say 'I'm English' and be proud.


Cupcake Queen - Interview with Enchanted Cupcake owner

My first interview is with Laura, owner of Enchanted Cupcake in Worthing who's mission it is to "Allow everyone to create beautiful cupcakes" 

I chatted with her about her business, what she is scared of and the best thing about Worthing.... 

Hi Laura, How did the idea for Enchanted cupcakes come about?

I started out making cupcakes as a way to fundraise as I was trying to raise £20,000 to build my son an accessible bedroom and bathroom - he has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair. I finished fundraising and realised that I had a good opportunity to start a business so enchanted cupcakes was born! 

What was your ultimate goal when you decided to open your business and has that goal changed?

I have always worked but when William was born I was unable to return to work as I am his carer so I wanted a job that could work around him and where I could work at home. That hasn't changed but I do now work more hours as he is at nursery and will be starting school in a few weeks. The original goal was to bake and sell cupcakes but that changed when people started asking me to teach them, the main part of my business is now the classes which I love and that is going to be the side of the business I continue to grow. 

Was it pretty easy to start up and get going

It wasn't easy to start up and I spent a lot of time researching and advertising to spread the word. People don't realise how expensive cakes can be and expect to pay less than they would at a supermarket which is unrealistic. All bakers make cakes to order and spend hours on design and creation! Once I focused on the masterclass side of the business it was very hard to know where to start, I had to buy lots of equipment, advertise, create class plans etc! 

What tools did you use to promote your business?

I have a website which I maintain myself now and I have a very interactive Facebook page, I tried twitter but don't really get it so its now just linked to my FB page! 

What advertising method do you find most effective?

Facebook by far! 

What kind of promotions do you do? 

I occasionally offer discounts via Facebook and my newsletter and also do giveaways every now and then. 

What percentage of your customers come from your local community? 


How important is it to recognize loyal customers?

I have lots of people returning to me to do more classes once they get the bug so it is very important. 

What are the biggest issues for running this business?

My biggest issue is childcare and space! I work from home and operate the classes from home so it can be hard to store everything I need for my classes plus everything we need for general life!

What was your defining moment in this business?

Being featured in Best magazine. Having someone drive 4 hours to get to my class!

What motivates you to do this business?

I have always worked in sales and marketing so that side of me is driven to succeed but I also love the fact that teaching people means I get to meet new people all the time and spend a few hours teaching them something I love!

What 3 key things you would say to someone starting their own business?

Research and make sure there is a market for it. If anyone else is already doing it then make sure you are a) different and b) better. And remember it takes hard work to succeed so be prepared for long days sometimes with no reward. 

What is the future for this type of business?

I hope to keep growing my business over the next few years. 

Getting to know you questions..... 

What are you scared of? 

Favourite book? 

Tully by Paulina Simons 

 What ‘rules’ do you live by? 

Avoid drama at all costs 

Secret indulgence?

Lotus spread! 

Who is your role model?

My dad.

Any hidden talents? 

No unfortunately!! 

List 3 positive things you have done today

* baked 100 cupcakes 
* decorated 100 cupcakes 
* managed not to eat 100 cupcakes 

Best thing about Worthing? 

 The seafront


Book your class now at 

A big squashy cuddle + Feel the fear....

"Can I have one last big squashy cuddle before I go to sleep please?" That girl really knows how to pull at my heartstrings! 

We Had a fantastic day today, we went pottery painting. Scarlett preferred painting the table after about 20 minutes, so I am claiming the Hello Kitty money box we painted as mine. 

Well it wasn't just her fault, I wouldn't really let her touch it as I was afraid she would mess up all of my hard work. By the time we had left you would have thought about 10 children had been at our table messing it up. 

I'm so looking forward to seeing the end result when we pick it up next week after its been in the kiln. Not that Scarlett is bothered, she didn't even ask where it was when we got home. 

Mind you I did distract her when I told her we were going home to make biscuits. I said to her that she should keep the money box we had painted and pass it on to her children when she is older, as it was something we had done together. Her response....

 "No." Oh ok then. 

 We made biscuits when we got home which were not a complete disaster, well a bit of my hair was baked in one of them, then Scarlett dropped the ones we had just decorated and the floor, oh and one got decapitated (turning into a habit this decapitating malarkey. Poor Joseph from my Mum's nativity scene has only just recovered, although I think a bit of his foot is missing. oops.) 

In the spirit of doing everything I want this year (pottery painting was one of them- we all have different ambitions) I have decided to Feel the Fear.....and do it anyway. (Susan Jeffers has written a book called this, which I have bought but have only got to about page 3.) I am getting on with my writing/interviewing/journalism. Oh and soap making. 

I have always started things and then been too afraid finish them. I get a good idea then get put off as I fear it may not be good enough. I have realised that I don't want to get to be an old biddy in a rocking chair saying "What if?" 

So if people don't like it, then that is their problem. At least I have the guts to give it a go and have a go at making my dreams come true and in the industry I want to go in being told you are not good enough and having doors slammed in your face is a daily occurrence. I think I am thick skinned enough, well I hope I am. 

With that in mind, I have am publishing an interview with a business woman from Worthing and am in the process of sending my interview questions to 2 inspirational Women who have set up their own business, I am editing my novels and will be bugging the publishers this week. Oh and the soap making....? My little business experiment. 

Watch this space, I'm ordering my supplies now...


Oh and I got a message on my message asking to meet other Mummy's, one problem.....I've forgotten my password to get on the site! AHHHHHH!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

The priest is a Dj

I started off today by reminding myself how unfit I am and I am now paying for it.

Scarlett had a ballet lesson this morning in Ferring. Ok I thought, I will cycle, it's not far.

Yea, turns out it takes sooo much longer when riding in heeled knee high boots and when you haven't worked out in a while. Pain is not the word for what I feel in my legs and bum right now.

Scarlett typically didn't want to join in the ballet lesson. She said she liked watching and wants to go again next week. Hopefully she will join in then else it's an expensive non hobby. Perhaps it's my fault, when asked if I wanted to join in I politely declined. Well I didn't want to be embarrassing! 

So after the excruciating cycle ride home, I went on my driving lesson. I now looove driving and am gently persuading my dad to let me drive his Audi. No does not always mean no in my book.

Then this afternoon I just mustered enough energy to go to a childrens party at church with my Mum.

We arrived and I immediately wanted to leave. There were boys screaming and running around, I felt like I was in hell, which was apt as I was in a church....oh oops sorry God. 

I noticed a few kids had presents and I asked my mum if we were gatecrashing a childs party. She assured me we weren't....hmmm.

Ten minutes later (thankfully) we were told we had in fact gategrashed a birthday party and ours was in the next room. We went in and what I saw made my day.

The priest was the Dj and was bopping along to One Direction and Miley Cyrus.
I actually ended up having a really lovely afternoon even though I spent it in a church.

That's not being blasphemous it's just I've never spent that long in one and had such fun.

If God is a DJ, I hope I don't end up in hell.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Tear times

Having a disastrous day! First I cried at work, I didn't cry a river just a few tears. unfortunately for me it's really obvious when I have been crying as my face goes all red and blotchy. Then I came home and made Scarlett cry, in my defence I was saving her from herself.... I stole a biscuit from her, I was saving her from the unnecessary sugar! Although to stop her crying I had to give her a chocolate, so didn't really work out in the end! To top it all off I can't even have a bottle of wine, which I really, really need as life seems beyond stressful at the moment because I have a driving lesson tomorrow, and I thought it would be a good idea to start the dryathlon again...which I'm not and I am totally having a glass of wine tomorrow night! Does it make me an alcoholic if at the moment I get stressed I fancy a glass of wine? Ah no it's just medicine! I did decide to go on the Netmums website and see if I could make some new Mummy friends. I've been thinking about it for a while as Scarlett is around adults a lot, I feel like I should try and make us some new friends to hang out with together. This was my ad..... Hello! I'm Becky I'm 24 and have a 4 year old daughter. Most of my friends are child free so I would love to meet some Mothers who understand why it take more than 2 minutes to get out of the house! It feels like I am on a dating website again waiting to see if anyone is going to ask me out. Ooh I best go check if anyone wants us yet!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

You can guarantee....

There are a few things you can guarantee in life, one being....if your child is sick, you're going to catch it.

Not at the same time of course. When you are trying to recover from the sleepless nights when they were ill, you can be damn sure that bug will catch you and knock you off your feet...unfortunately when your child is back on theirs.

I thought Scarlett was dramatising having a sore throat, but eugh, it is horrible.  Doing wonders for my diet as I can't eat (not even chocolate, so it must be bad!) But unfortunately Scarlett is now better, much better. She is testing her throat (and my ears) by screaming and playing up at bedtime again, which has made me feel like I have a soldier banging a drum in my head, constantly.

Now when she is finally asleep, I can't sleep as I'm typically overtired. I have just watched botched up bodies on channel 5 though and saved myself five grand.

After having Scarlett and my boobs shrunk and hung a little lower than before, I was planning on having a boob job....well not anymore, it's £6.00 Asda bras all the way for me now!

The risks so outweigh the pros. One stupid woman had eye implants to change the colour of her eyes and nearly went blind, another had silicone injected into her butt and lost her hands and feet, madness!

I would rather keep my Mummy boobs and go in another holiday with Scarlett.....or maybe one on my own! Jk.

Learnt today....Be grateful for how you are today. Be thankful for what you have today.

Monday, 6 January 2014

We made it to 2014!

Scarlett has been complaining of a sore throat all day and this evening before bed everything was:

"I can't eat/ do that because it will hurt my throat."

This included tidying up, brushing teeth and getting undressed.

So still faffing about and with my patience waring at 7.45 pm, Scarlett was getting some milk to make her throat better, when while drinking it lets out the biggest fart. We both collapsed into fits of giggles, then whenever she went to take a sip of milk I would make a raspberry noise and we would laugh uncontrollably again.

"Stop making me laugh Mummy, I'm trying to drink my milk!"

Then she climbed back into bed and looked at me all serious and pointed at me

"You know what Mummy,  that very, very naughty girl Rapunzle cut off all her hair!"

We chatted for ages about her friends at playgroup and nursery then sung me to sleep (then pulled open my eyes and said "wake up!")

She's now in my bed again after crying her throat hurt (then knocked a cup of milk over my bed and demanded more milk as there was none left! No it's stinking out my sheets now, thanks love!)

We have come so far from the baby days, through the dark days and on the journey of being a single independent mother. Some days I have felt like everything is impossible, but tonight I realised nothing is impossible as long as we are together and as much as she needs me, I need her.

(Just as I wrote that she kissed me on the cheek, bless her.)

What I learnt today....according to apples are more effective at waking you up in the morning than coffee...well I will try that tomorrow after another predictible night of bed hopping with Scarlett tonight. I was exhausted today after being punched and kicked and swapping beds last night.

We may have made it to 2014 but being deprived of sleep, I may not make it to 2015.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Jackson Pollock

Belated New Year ressie- Stop lying to Scarlett!

It occured to me today how much I lie to Scarlett. I only do it to protect her, or to stop her wasting time or money. It hit me when we were talking earlier, I was going to meet a friend and was dropping her home to my parents...

Scarlett: "Am I coming to see Charlotte?"

Me: "No you are going to see Grandma and Grandad."

Scarlett: "No, I want to come with you!"

She was getting upset, so I just came out with.....

Me: "Charlotte is not very well, I'm going to get her some medicine (*cough, wine*) then I will be back."

Scarlett: "Medicine to make her feel better?  Because shes not very well?"

Me: "Yes darling."

(Slap hand for being a terrible mother.)

If there is a ride outside a shop she wants to go on, Scarlett will ask me if she can go on it. I used to say it was broken but now she will say:


So then I resorted to telling her I had no she grabs my bag and says:

"You have got money, let me see."

And she rifles through and puts every coin she can find in the ride, I thank God for small mercy's when the ride is actually broken.

But I'm not the only porky teller. At bed time this evening after running around screaming, Scarlett dramatically fell to the floor and said:

"I'm sick, my tummy and mouth hurt from talking too much."

She moaned and groaned like the little actress she is, then she heard Grandma coming up the stairs and shreiked:

"Ahh Grandmas coming!!!!"

Me: "I thought you were sick?"

Scarlett: "Oh...."

Like mother like daughter.

I have also realised that I have broken 2 resolutions already and it's only the 4th of January

The first...Giving into Scarlett so easy.....she is snuggled in bed, my bed.

The second, The dryathlon is over. I cracked and had half a glass of wine....ok three quarters of a glass, It was a hard day!

At least I am being proactive on the driving front. I can't wait for my next lesson and am studying for my theory test already. Whoop road trip soon (ok in like a year when I eventually pass.) I have progressed from the last disaster lesson I had where I screamed constantly and refused to go over 20mph, I didn't get beeped at once and someone even thanked me....or was it just 2 fingers I saw?

Learnt today: Jackson Pollock was an American painter Who was well known for his unique style of drip painting.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Friday, 3 January 2014

"Mummy those tights don't go with this dress."

Scarlett informed me this morning when she chose a red dress and I tried to put navy tights on her. How unfashionable of me!

I was going through my Malta diary and found a conversation me and Scarlett had

Me: "Oh, I forgot my toothpaste! "
Scarlett: "Oh no, what you gona do?!"
Me: "Well you've got yours, can I use some of that?"
Scarlett: "No it's my own one."

She proceeded to brush her teeth while humming, I brushed my teeth with water, the water from my eyes   :'(

I'm so glad she stands up for herself. There is a new book out 'Raise the child you have got, not the one you want' by Nancy Rose. I agree to a point but when she says 'A parent needs to be a leader....' there is only one leader in our house, she may be small but she's no mouse.

Got my first lesson in an automatic car tomorrow! New years ressie 1 done (actually can't remember if it was on my original list, it is now. It maybe the only one I stick to. The diet starts Monday....)

Oh and first Friday no drinking in I can't remember how long. #dryathlondaythree. Though I can hear the wine calling, so far I have resisted.

New thing learnt today...
My surname (Frew) is a habitation surname created from the place name Fords of Frew.

Well there you go!

Thursday, 2 January 2014

"My legs are broken!"

"I'm legs don't work......moan moan moan." So for an easy life I carry her.

I can't seem to get Scarlett to walk anywhere. Even from the car to the house is effort, I feel like jumping for joy when she does that 5 second walk.

I shouldn't complain, I have biceps to rival Popey's and have kept some weight off from carrying her around since she was 2 (no the diet has not gone too well today before you wounder.)

I have bought buggies for her doll's, we have used the signpost trick (run to that bin, run to that sign. She got bored after 2 minutes.) I have bought her roller skates. I'm at a loss, I end up carrying her every time.

Carrying her is easier though rather than listening to the moaning and I am one for a symple life. But enough is enough, she's going to school this year and I'm not carrying her there. So I Googled how to make a 4 year old walk (insultingly, the first search it popped up with when I typed how to, to eat less. -thanks Google.)

Well turns out not many people have this problem as they just put them back in a buggy, but there is no way I am doing that. So I was going to go on the netmums chat to ask on there, but I can't remember my blooming password.

Ahh I'm too tired for this malarkey! Ok the diet is starting tomorrow and I will continue my mission to make Scarlett walk further than 1 meter.

Oh new thing I learnt today...Dreamt is the only English word that ends in mt....I'm not going through the dictionary to verify that.

I'm so tired I feel ill so....night night.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Help! Thief!

There is a theif on the loose in my house and they have eaten all of the chocolate!  Oh actully I've found it, I seem to have gained a chin over the festive period.....

So first day of January and so that means resolutions time.....

★ Be less fat and exercise every day
★ Go on a detox
★ Complete dryathlon in January
★ Do thing that really challenge me (all of the above especially the first will be challenging.)
★ Learn something new every day
★ Go to Prague
★ Start driving again (ahhhhh!)
★ Blog everyday
★ Stop giving into Scarlett so easy (I will fail straight away on that, anything for an easy life.)

I've got plans for this year but as I have a habit of saying and not doing, I will say after I have done.

All of the above I will start tomorrow as no one actually starts their resolutions on the 1st. Today is for consuming your body weight in food for the enevitiable "diet starts tomorrow!"

Mmmmm pizza time.....