Monday, 24 June 2013

Candy Crash

                                                                    Candy Crash

How annoying, i have had to set up a new profile because i forgot my password for the old one and it all got too complicated (explained later on) anyway on to my actual post for the day....

Candy crash
Sorry for abandoning you for so long but I have a major problem, I think I am becoming allergic to chocolate and sugar! Every time I have some my head goes all fuzzy and I feel kind of sick, I get a weird head rush and have to have a drink. It first happened when I ate a packet of biscuits for lunch and now whenever I have a bar of chocolate or some biscuits I feel like I have a headache coming on. I feel I have no option but to give sugar up, I will look into it after I have eaten all the biscuits in the tin in the kitchen.
I Put up sign in the kitchen saying ‘coffee break daily 9-5’  in the kitchen is but I only had one nail in the wall and don’t have another one, for some reason it needs two, it’s only a small sign so now its wonky, which I guess is quite apt. Also I don’t actually really like coffee but I couldn’t find one that said green tea, maybe I should invent that along with my new cake.
What does bicarbonate of soda, 2 eggs, icing sugar, plain flour, water, golden syrup and butter make? A gooey mess, I didn’t have all of the ingredients for a cake so used what I had in the cupboards. It came out the same as it went it but from a cold mess to a hot mess, oh well at least it kept me and Scarlett busy for half an hour, 5 minutes to chuck it all in a bowl and 25minutes cleaning up the mess we had managed to make.
Not as messy as when she was ill at the weekend though, Scarlett just started projectile vomiting all over me, there was no warning it just came out. Bless her she went to the toilet and carried on, it was so cute and made me think I will probably be in this position in about 20 years when she has had too much to drink.
Just put my novel link to Blackmail and Betrayal on my Facebook page and feel quite sick! But I have now got 4 fans and over 50 people have read one of my stories which is incredible! I am trying to blog but can’t get onto it on the computer.
I’m only trying to get my Gmail password and I am interrogated asking what other products I use and the date I use them how ridiculous! (I can’t remember when I last logged onto Ann Summers and I couldn’t possibly tell them what products I use)  Then try to log into other email and it asks me what the name of my favourite uncle is when I get it wrong 3 times (I only have 2 uncles) it locks me out for 12 hours. Honestly! So annoyed so now I am going to have to set up another email with yet another password, it’s ridiculous. I do everything through apps on my phone so when I get to a computer and it asks me for user names and passwords I'm stuck. I need a tablet! After I have paid my gas, water, electric, rent, phone and food bills which will leave me with about £1.00 a month so by the time I can afford one something new will have come out.
Right now I have 13 word documents open and six websites so before I make my millionth email address up, I’m going to get my weird cake thing pour half a box of icing sugar into the half full butter tub and eat it with a nice cup of green tea. Ahh bliss!
See you tomorrow, oh yea before I forget, I have come off the dating website, I have fallen in love with my main character in my novel and am concentrating on making him as real as possible, may even try to sketch him tomorrow. My next diet is the 8 hour diet which I will start in a couple of weeks, even I can do a day of eating for 8 hours then nothing after until the next 8 hours, not really sure how it works, will have to look into it. Lastly I have discovered that my try something new, learn something new and read every day is not working so I am going to try something new every week. Tomorrow I am going to a meditation class. I also have an idea for what I want to do next week, which involves stalking some people in a cafe but I will get to that later.
An old picture but it shows how i am feeling right now! Blah.

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